Which Amp to complete my system?

Need amp recommendations to complete my system.
Front end is PSA BHK + PSA DirectStream w/ net-bridge.  Speakers are Klipsch La Scala II.  Love horn speakers but want to ensure the amp is not additionally bright.

Showing 3 responses by tinear123

Thanks for the recommendations.  I'm really happy with my PS Audio BHK Signature Pre so integrated amps are off my radar.  Yes, I agree tubes are the way to go but have not found the right combination for the La Scala's.  I tried my Sonic Frontiers Power-2 from my other system but just not the right balance for this system & room dynamics.

Anyone have experience with of a good tube amp match to the La Scala?
Thanks all for the recommendations.  
@ thehorn and @ setriodes
I have taken special note of the Coiencident Dragon as an interesting option as I have the Coincident Frankenstein-II and live the amp but just not enough to bring the La Scala's alive.
@ smer319
I'll have to see if anyone in my area has a AR-R75SE to give a try.

Thanks all...  Keep the "tube" recommendations coming.  I tried my Coiencident Frankie-II again and the impedance match just does not let the Frankie breath.  It's the best amp I have ever heard but on other speakers.  I'm set on my PSA front end so I am not looking at any integrated amps but the Still does sound interesting none the less.  It's been a few years since I have been active in the marketplace but am targeting to stay below ~$4k used.