What song have you played the most?

Not heard on the radio, but you mechanically involved with the selection. 
Poco- Rose of Cimarron

(My wife says I ruin songs.)
Maybe You’re the Reason by The Japanese House.  Best quality recording I have ever heard.  Great demo song for your sound system.
David Bowie's version of "Wild is the Wind" from an absolutely great live set from an early 2000's Japan show (I believe)... can play it 100 times in a row and never tire of it.
Pink Floyd's "Time" from Dark Side of the Moon
I find it a good why to test a system, components, and cables. Let's me know in seconds whether everything is as it should be, If I am lucky I enjoy the music, otherwise I fix it.
I tend to get stuck in a loop.  I'll do fine for a while and then some song will take me somewhere and I will listen to it until I burn it out.  My current obsession is Maria Bethânia - Dindi.  I don't understand a word but the emotional attachment is palatable. 
Halloween by Ryan Adams. Rather oddly it's almost 31st October!
This one has often been on repeat for many, many hours.


The only other one I can think of Dylan's Fourth Time Around.


Both are oddly hypnotic. 

Moonage Daydream, David Bowie.  Or is it Revelge, by Gustav Mahler, sung by Hans Rehfuss?
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If I go back over the years, I would guess it would be the greatest Rock & Roll song ever written and recorded.  The anger and violence till drips from the song.  Powerful lyrics that still ring true 50+ years later.  A searing guitar solo that barely consists on more than one note.  Vocals ending in that great falsetto.  Yup, that would be the one song for sure.    
We also watched Gunsmoke every Saturday night and Have Gun Will Travel.

They were all reruns as I was born in the mid 50's.

6 months into the pandemic I watched the entire "The Office" series from the first to last episode (in order).

I was much better than I ever imagined.

Tried the same with "Friends", but gave up after 2 episodes.

Just as I am.

I’ve heard it 10,000 times if I have heard it once, AND If I’m lucky I’ll hear it 10,000 more times..

Like my Grandmother use to say "If the Good Lord don’t come or the creek don’t rise".. RIP 1889-1988 (99 year old).

Then she went to heaven.

theme song to the TV series Cheyenne

That's going back quite a bit. I watched the show as a kid and stream it  quite regularly now  on Philo. I hadn't seen it in years til recently.
The Beatles, “Revolution #9”...

Backwards of course.

May be a tie with my first 45 rpm single that was the theme song to the TV series Cheyenne (it was the only record I owned for 6-7 years, so it got played a LOT). 


If I only get to pick one, Strawbs-Witchwood. I've always been completely absorbed in British folk rock, play something from this genre nearly every listening session.
’Me And My Woman’ from Flashes From The Archives of Oblivion by Roy Harper. (Harvest 1974)

Live performance of the greatest song ever written.
