What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
She pours the milk into the cats saucer, I'm John Wayne as I'm walking towards her, she'd like to dance but not this minute, she's the fish I'd like to fillet. Squeeze 
"Reaching fir the sky, churning up the ground."
Bad Company - Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy

I believe I already offered this one, but it bears repeating, especially as my bother-in-law has just been diagnosed with stage four liver cancer, with six months to live.

From the hillbilly genius Hank Williams:

"No matter how I struggle and strive

I'll never get out of this wor...urld alive"

Have truer worlds ever been spoken?!

"...I showed up late one night with a neon light for a visa..."

The Who, You better you bet.
This Foolish Game - oh it's still the same
The notes go flying off in the air
And don't you believe it's true
Music is all for you
It's really all we've got to share
Cause rocking and a-rollin'
It's only howlin' at the moon😎

                KANSAS "Magnum Opus"
"Remember to kick it over.  No one will guide you.  Armagideon time" -- The Clash, Armagideon Time (although it is a cover)

"F*** it all and f***ing no regrets" - Metallica, Damage Inc.

"Given a choice between you and me, you pick you, and I'll pick me.  I'll never forget what you said when you left.  Every man for himself."  Articles of Faith, Every Man for Himself.

"Her eyes are a deeper blue;  she likes her hair that color too.  She can even wear a dress, but that doesn't mean she'll ever confess...She's mommy's little monster."  Social Distortion, Mommy's Little Monster
Being a huge Blues fan, this is from Albert Collins, "Too Many Dirty Dishes"...

I cleaned your dirty dishes, How much more am I supposed to take? When I left I had fruit loops for breakfast, Now, there's a bone from a T-bone steak, y'all, And there's too many dirty dishes, Baby in the sink for just us two, Well, you got me wonderin', You got me wonderin' baby, Who's makin' dirty dishes with you? 
Lightning Crashes
A new mother cries
The placenta falls to the floor
The angel opens her eyes
Confusion sets in before the doctor can even close the door


Speak to me in many voices
Make them all sound like one
Let me see your secret Mysteries             Reveal to me the unknown tongue😋

Albert Bouchard ( Blue Oyster Cult)
''...And these children
that you spit on
as they try to change their worlds 
are immune to your consultations. 
They're quite aware
of what they're going through..."

--------------------------DAVID BOWIE
If you choose not to decide, you stiil have made a choice.

RUSH, Freewill

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.

Pink Floyd, Wish you were here

You start pounding on her door and you say, "Open up the door B+×÷h. This is Wooba Gooba with the green teeth.  

Peter Wolf, The J. Geils Band. 

martykl, Awesome lyrics!
There is a multitude to choose from with Peter Green!
"Black Magic Woman", tThe Green Manalishi and on and on...
Whiskey woman don't you know that you are driving me insane.
The liquor you give stems your will to live and gets right to my brain...
Judas Priest
"Victim of Changes"
From " Sad Wings of Destiny"

A fine choice, but - I say - if you're going with Peter Green, you pretty much have to go for a sexual lyric like Long Grey Mare ("she won't let me ride her any more") or Rattlesnake Shake:

"Ain't but one thing a good man can do....the rattlesnake shake.....jerk away the blues.  Now jerk it."
Asked my mama for 15 cents, to see the elephant jump the fence.
It jumped so high it touched the sky, didn't come back till 4th of July😎
Aerosmith's first album(1973)
Written by Rufus Thomas
Can't help about the shape I'm in, I can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin.
Don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to😎
It was a normal date with my girlfriend Sue
Blond hair, blue eyes and five foot two
The night was cold, the stars were bright
From over her shoulder came a great light

We parked the car down by three mile point
The top was down we were really going
I heard her cry, the reactor flaired
She grew and grew I freaked and stared

Attack of the fifty foot woman
Our love was at an end 
All she did to get her kicks was step on all the men. 

"The Tubes, The completion backward principal, "Attack of the fifty foot woman ".

Been on a PRINCE kick;
too many excellent lyrics from the Purple One. I must say visit "Dirty Mind".
His early albums were very sexually "charged".

As the most recent admittance to the "middle-aged-white-males-having-heart-attacks" club I again offer a Pete Townsend lyric...

Wait...too close for comfort!

Rock on A'gon members!
I was lying in a burned out basement
With the full moon in my eyes.
I was hoping for replacement
When the sun burst thru the sky.
There was a band playing in my head
And I felt like getting high.
I was thinking about what a
Friend had said
I was hoping it was a lie.
reminds me of Jimmy Webb. Not one wasted word, maximum impact!

If you listen to this song, you just witnessed greatness.
Father John Misty. Listen to his words in the timely song.. "Bored In The USA".

Wow! I could not agree more!

"My Only Guarantee"

Keep it coming
I've got your back
Do not fear
When I'm on deck
A bigger lie I've never told
A bigger story yet to unfold
My only guarantee: i will f_ck you up

Another day
Of pure energy
What wears most
Is the constancy
A bigger job I've never had
A bigger burden I could not drag
My only guarantee: I will f_ck you up

Strange how things
Come about
Will I ever know
How things turn out
A bigger wish I've never known
A bigger question I'm trying to hone
My only guarantee: I will f_ck you up

from here. 


In 2008, I asked Margo Timmins of Cowboy Junkies about "My Only Guarantee," and here's what she said:

Your last album, At the End of Paths Taken, closed with "My Only Guarantee," a song about parenting. Is that a personal song for you? Do you not play that one live?

Well, it was in our repertoire to play live. We didn't pick it up, though; it sort of stayed dormant. But not for any reason, only because we have so many songs. You know, yeah it's personal in that we all have kids. Do you have kids?

No, I don't.

Well, it's an adventure. I think anybody with kids who is honest about being a parent would connect with that song. You spend so much time trying to make the right decision for your children, whether you should go organic or not, or they should go to this school or that school, or take dance or not take dance, sleep in your bed, not sleep in your bed... (Laughs)

And, I think that, really, in the end, and I think that we—this generation of parents—are even worse about making these decisions; we're just so worried about our children's psyche all the time. I think in the end, no matter how hard you try, you're going to f_ck up your children, because...you just are. Certainly you are more so if you abuse them, but even if you're just trying your hardest, in the end... I'm now in my mid-40s —I don't know anyone who is not normal, I mean, we're all mental! (Laughs)

That song is almost "Do your best," but they're going to be screwed up—not by you, by the world—because you can't make all the right decisions. I mean, you put them in piano, maybe they would have been Jimi Hendrix if you'd have given them a guitar. So, who knows, and I think just give yourself permission to realize you're doing your best, but it's going to be f_cked up.

Well I woke up this morning
In a, In a cloud of despair
I ran my hand across my head
And pulled out a pile of worried hair
I went to my physician
Who was buried in his thoughts
He said, "Son, you've been reading too much Elephant Talk"

He said, "The thing about depression is,
well, you just can't let it get you down.
You have to see the world for what it is:
a circus full of freaks and clowns
and you'll never please everybody,
it's a well established fact."
He said, "I recommend a fifth of Jack and a bottle of Prozac"

What can you give a man
Who has everything?
Can you give him back his edge?
Can you make him want to sing?
No, you can only take from him,
and there's nothing he can do.
I've got the "driving me to drink and eat a bottle of Prozac" blues.

Well, I woke up this morning and I shaved off my head.
By the time I realized what I had done, I was already dead
I went to see the gatekeeper who was standing by Heaven's door
He said, "I hope you brought a good supply of... you know"
(Oh, don't worry)

Prozac Blues by King Crimson
"Tutti Frutti, good booty. If it don't fit, don't force it. You can grease it, make it easy"
Johnny Paycheck's rendering of "Take This Job and Shove It" may have already been cited.  Not so sure if it's my favorite lyric...it's his delivery of the lyric, which provokes a smile from me.
"Gotta hurry on back to my hotel room where I got me a date with Botticelli's niece, she promised she'd be right there with me when I paint my masterpiece."  

Are you referring to Joe Tex's

"You've Got What it Takes (To Take What I've Got)?"

That song was my first dance with my wife.  Obviously a special lyric for me.
I live my life with lyrics from Sting. They're the closest to Shape Of My Heart!

Some would say I was a lost man in a lost world
You could say I lost my faith in the people on TV
You could say I'd lost my belief in our politicians
They all seemed like game show hosts to me

If I ever lose my faith in you
There'd be nothing left for me to do
Your mention of the "southern man don't need him around anyhow" reminds me that "your Cadillac has got a wheel in the ditch and a wheel on the track" is a great line. 

One of my all-time favorites is the last part of "Positively 4th Street,"  a classic put-down:

Yes, I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
You'd know what a drag it is
To see you

Lots of good ones already. I have trouble picking one. I love song lyrics. Here's some for me that for some reason jumped right to memory:

"The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more."

"I feel the earth move under my feet, I see the sky tumbling down."

"At last, my love has come along."

"Now there's girls melting on the beach
And they're so fine but so out of reach
Cause I'm stuck in traffic, down here on 53rd Street"

"The first time ever I saw your face"

"They're just a bunch of clowns, don't let 'em grind ya' down."

"'You shook me all night long."

"Lord, what have I ever done, to deserve even one, of the pleasures I've known."

"See him wasted on the sidewalk, in his jacket and his jeans, wearing his misfortune like a smile."

"A southern man don't need him around anyhow."

"Hey teacher! I got my pencil, give me something to write on, man!"

"School's out forever."

"Two inches of water and a lonely ditch, was a grave for Ira Hayes."
B. Dylan : "Idiot winds, I’m surprised we can even feed ourselves". Who else would include himself in such a condemnation?
"...they got rats on the west side,  bedbugs uptown...what a mess..."
"Shattered" - The Rolling Stones

And indeed it was!
Post removed 
Sheesh can not limit this to one and I tend to think of it more in verses.

Jet Airliner

Touchin' down in New England town
Feel the heat comin' down
I've got to keep on keepin' on
You know the big wheel keeps on spinnin' around
And I'm goin' with some hesitation
You know that I can surely see
That I don't want to get caught up in any of that
Funky shit goin' down in the city

Motorcycle Drive-by

I don't believe you, you're so serene
Careening through the universe
Your axis on a tilt, you're guiltless and free
I hope you take a piece of me with you
And there's things I'd like to do
That you don't believe in
I would like to build something
But you never see it happen
And there's this burning
Like there's always been
I've never been so alone
And I've, I've never been so alive