What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...

Showing 11 responses by oblgny

"junkyard dogs guarding shotgun shacks,
Red door on a green Cadillac..."

If that don't paint a pitcher for ya I dunno what will!

"If you were a pill I'd take a handful at my will and knock you back with something sweet and strong..."

The Replacements
"Tom do this
Tom do that
Tom DON'T do that..."

Can't Wait To Get Off Work - Tom Waits
"...I used to be a boy my heart was young and supple then,
But now I'm old it's stoney cold and I could use a friend..."
Life In The Air Age - Be Bop Deluxe
"...they got rats on the west side,  bedbugs uptown...what a mess..."
"Shattered" - The Rolling Stones

And indeed it was!
As the most recent admittance to the "middle-aged-white-males-having-heart-attacks" club I again offer a Pete Townsend lyric...

Wait...too close for comfort!

Rock on A'gon members!
"...You yelled hey! When the stove blew up,
Upset? Why, yes
The footprints on your ceiling they're almost gone..."

"Trouble" - Little Feat
"...and you know that you're over the hill
when your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill...".  Little Feat - "Old Folks Boogie"

"...if you were a pill I'd take a handful at my will and knock you back with something sweet and strong...". The Replacements -  "Valentine"

..."they got rats on the west side, bed bugs uptown...". The Rolling Stones - "Shattered" 

...she was sharp as a razor, soft as a prayer..."
Tom Waits - "Bad Liver And A Broken Heart"

Just a few of the gems revisited during the weekend.

Next weekend?  Alice's Restaurant and The Last Waltz on infinite rotation for a day. 
Following day is Christmas tree hunting with a healthy dose of Vince Guaraldi's now timeless soundtrack in the background.  

Enjoy Thanksgiving, folks!