What's wrong with my almost new speakers?

I purchased a pair of new speakers less than 2 yrs ago. They sounded just fine to begin with, but within 1 year they became "irratating" after a short listen. I have purchased new speakers since then from Focal and Harbeth, and both of these pairs sound wonderful. What's wrong with the speakers from 2 yrs ago? Bad crossovers? Bad drivers?
We do not listen to music at loud levels.
What speakers are they?
What amps are you using to drive them?

Awfully tough to give you advice without knowing any of the specifics!
Have you been keeping the cabinet and the drivers clean?
When was the last time you cleaned both ends of the cable terminations
and the speaker posts? When was the last time you snugly tightened
the screws of the speaker cabinet?

Have you made any changes recently to the room in which you
use the speakers? New carpet or carpet removal, different furniture
and furniture placement, different wall and lighting fixtures? Do you have other unused speakers in the same room?
Pretty sure they've gone bad. Did you keep them refrigerated? Look underneath and check the expiration date.
Sounds like there infected. I would dispose of them as quickly as possible. Keep them far away from your current speakers, it could be contagious!!!
I purchased a pair of new speakers less than 2 yrs ago. They sounded just fine to begin with, but within 1 year they became "irratating" after a short listen. What's wrong with the speakers from 2 yrs ago? Bad crossovers? Bad drivers?


This is rare, but I have seen this phenomena happen before. No, it's not bad crossovers, or bad drivers. Sadly speakers generally go bad when they are exposed to bad music. I'm sorry....there is nothing we can do at this point.
I have spent considerable time researching this problem, using all the resources at my disposal. The problem is the speakers you purchased 2 years ago sounded like S#&*# when you bought them unbeknownst to you……at the time.

Now sell them on audiogon and tell the goners how good they sound, bass to die for, huge sound stage, perfect tonal quality….and they must certainly be in "mint" condition.

Good luck and God speed.
It pays NOT to specify the name of the component you're having trouble with.

I asked for help/advice about a Sony 5400ES player that was truncating the first half-second of music at startup.
When I went to sell, someone made a firm offer then reneged when he found my post.
"Oh! You've had a problem with this player!"
The "problem" was explained in the owner's manual.
It happens when you use the HDMI connection to send music to a DAC or HT receiver (something in the HDMI "handshaking" protocol).

So, due to the BOZO factor, I don't include the component name anymore.

It pays NOT to specify the name of the component you're having trouble with.

I asked for help/advice about a Sony 5400ES player that was truncating the first half-second of music at startup.
When I went to sell, someone made a firm offer then reneged when he found my post.

So, due to the BOZO factor, I don't include the component name anymore.

So, which is worse? Getting useful information about your problem, or bunch of wise-ass comments.
After getting the new speakers, you finally realized that the first pair of speakers weren't really that good to begin with.
"03-01-14: Timrhu

It pays NOT to specify the name of the component you're having trouble with.

I asked for help/advice about a Sony 5400ES player that was truncating the first half-second of music at startup.
When I went to sell, someone made a firm offer then reneged when he found my post.

So, due to the BOZO factor, I don't include the component name anymore.

So, which is worse? Getting useful information about your problem, or bunch of wise-ass comments."

I think that one was a special case. At no time was there ever a problem with the player. Its those damn owners manuals.
Another reason someone might be reluctant to specify the product in question is that, regardless of the eventual outcome, it can create a negative impression for the manufacturer. It's fair to ask the OP's question without specifying the brand. Not ideal, but not worthy of all the sarcasm you guys have heaped on him.
this is funny!, where is the op?, alot of you gave your opinions only to be for nothing!
Seriously Drubin?

The sarcasm has nothing to do with the brand being mentioned or not. The
question is ridiculously vague and unanswerable.
It is a vague question. Answering vaguely, sometimes we are attracted to a piece of equipment because it does one thing so well that it immediately grabs our attention. Over time, we discover that the one strength masks shortcomings that, in the long run, prove to be annoying and ultimately make us want to stop listening. I doubt that the problem is in the crossovers and the drivers, unless their design was flawed to begin with.
I wouldn't rule out issues pertaining to the quality of the OP's electrons. I maintain robust reserves of quality electrons just in case ....
"03-01-14: Drubin
Another reason someone might be reluctant to specify the product in question is that, regardless of the eventual outcome, it can create a negative impression for the manufacturer. It's fair to ask the OP's question without specifying the brand. Not ideal, but not worthy of all the sarcasm you guys have heaped on him."

Its not about that. The OP asked us for help. Knowing what the entire system is can go a long way in terms of finding a solution. Customer problems are business risks for any company. Its like having your car break down and not telling the mechanic what kind of car you have.
I don't want to make a big deal about this. I get that it's vague and hope the OP will circle back and provide some more detail, if he's survived the beating y'all have given him. Re: the car trouble comparison, I could ask what would cause my car to lose power and you could suggest some things without having to know what kind of car it is. That's all I was trying to suggest.
"03-01-14: Drubin
I don't want to make a big deal about this. I get that it's vague and hope the OP will circle back and provide some more detail, if he's survived the beating y'all have given him. Re: the car trouble comparison, I could ask what would cause my car to lose power and you could suggest some things without having to know what kind of car it is. That's all I was trying to suggest."

I really don't see how anyone here is giving the OP a beating. But in all fairness, I don't see how anyone is giving him any useful info either. Your car example about losing power is very good. I may suggest your power loss may be due to the valve body in your transmission going bad. But you may have an manual transmission and not an automatic. I could also say that maybe the problem is in the ignition system. Wouldn't apply if you have a diesel. Maybe the wastegate is not functioning properly. Unless you have a turbo, there is no wastegate. I can keep going on all day, but you get the idea,

"What's wrong with the speakers from 2 yrs ago? Bad crossovers? Bad drivers?"

How on earth is someone supposed to figure something like that out if you don't even know what kind of crossover and drivers you are talking about?
I agree completely with all of those whose responses have been prompted by the uninformative nature of the original post. Nevertheless, I'll describe two possible explanations that occur to me, although neither of them stands much chance of being correct considering that a zillion or so other explanations could also be hypothesized.

Theory 1: Many Focal and Harbeth speakers have considerably higher impedances in much of the treble region compared to much of the bass region. Perhaps the unnamed speakers have a flatter impedance curve. Perhaps you are still using the Rega Elicit solid state integrated amplifier you mentioned in a post 4 years ago that you were using. Or perhaps you are using some other solid state amplifier. Everything else being equal that would result in the treble region being more emphasized by the unnamed speaker than by the others, perhaps resulting in the presentation being more "irritating" (not "irratating") with many recordings. Perhaps the fact that the speakers were not broken in early in that one year period somehow compensated for that.

I know, there are a lot of "perhaps" in that theory, but given the lack of information that is inevitable.

Theory 2: The mounting screws on some of the drivers have worked loose over time, and the resulting vibrations are what is responsible. Be careful not to overtighten them, however.

-- Al
This is ridiculous. The OP asked a simple question with admittedly too little information to provide an informed answer. Fine, ask for additional clarification but trying to show your witty side at the OP's expense is out of bounds. I note that Mc240 has been a member for a while and may be used to seeing this sort of behavior but a new member would not and would most likely be put off by this sort of behavior (and probably not return). I've seen any number of threads berating and/or bemoaning this same type of behavior among the brick and mortar establishments - how's this any different? Do you guys WANT to increase participation in this hobby or not?

Hopefully the OP will return with more information and we'll be able to help them. I can think of several possible explanations. For example, nobody's mentioned changes to the listening room. But then most have been too busy trying to be cute.
A couple of years ago when I had hair, I used to part it in the middle and let it fall to each side. Now, most of it has fallen out, especially in the middle. I keep what's left trimmed to about 1/64 of inch. I want to look the same as I used to. So, can you guys help and tell where I should part it now?

03-01-14: Audiolabyrinth
this is funny!, where is the op?, alot of you gave your opinions only to be for nothing!
Check the OP's threads history. He's a drive-by poster. He never returns to a thread he started.
What a waste of time this thread. The poster doesn't even state the speakers in question at the outset but everyone comes stunning like first grade soccer.
"03-02-14: Mt10425
A couple of years ago when I had hair, I used to part it in the middle and let it fall to each side. Now, most of it has fallen out, especially in the middle. I keep what's left trimmed to about 1/64 of inch. I want to look the same as I used to. So, can you guys help and tell where I should part it now?
Mt10425 (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

Who cares. Let your hair grow down to your a** and take the money you would have spent on getting it cut and buy cables.

"03-03-14: Stevecham
What a waste of time this thread. The poster doesn't even state the speakers in question at the outset but everyone comes stunning like first grade soccer."

Good point. We were just too busy arguing amongst ourselves to realize what was going on.
You guys have been seriously punked by a troll. Seven posts in 12 years. And now he posts a query only to disappear into the smoke. Poof! He's gone....

03-04-14: Shakeydeal
You guys have been seriously punked by a troll. Seven posts in 12 years. And now he posts a query only to disappear into the smoke. Poof! He's gone....

gasp.....you mean that Keyser Soze posts here???
Hey give this guy a break…..he is selling those almost new speakers on avon…..don't interrupt this process or demean it….
"Hey give this guy a break…..he is selling those almost new speakers on avon…..don't interrupt this process or demean it…."

Another post that is barely coherent.....

I thought Avon was where you go to buy perfume, hand lotion and cheap costume jewelry?


03-04-14: Sounds_real_audio
Hey give this guy a break…..he is selling those almost new speakers on A-gon…..don't interrupt this process or demean it….

So sorry guys. The Avon lady just knocked on the door, my wife was not here so I felt I had to purchase some lotion just on the off chance she would ever come back….anyway don't want to get into the details but the letter A ( A from Avon ) was on my mind….I am.so very vorry it will vever happen vagain
OMG, best thread on here in months! LMAO!
and depending on where you live, you can just go outside and FMAO
OMG, best thread on here in months! LMAO!
Perhaps ever since this one, a little more than a year ago. Arguably the best vague question thread ever.

-- Al :-)