What's the story with Borresen speakers ?

Browsing Borresen website I see only 2 speaker lines : O & Z.

What happened with the X & the last year introduced C series ?


  No surprise.They change their product line as fast or faster than most manufactures.The Z line going or gone,the X line could be going out as Ive seen several of the X3 and X6 on secondary market cheap from dealers as demo stock which is always a good sign things are changing.Will be interesting to see what they offer at Axpona this year.

I have a pair of x3s for sale listed. I am first owner and have origibal receipt showing couple months old. Mint.

f208frank...just curious why you are selling just owning them for a couple months?

By all accounts they make some great speakers, but I hope they don’t fall into incremental/habitual upgraditis (a la Denafrips and Hifiman as two examples) as it tends to piss existing customers off and causes potential new buyers to just buy used models as the benefits of the newer models just aren’t worth paying up for.

I don't think it was Borresen's intent ever to be a "more affordable" brand. 

The X series was probably a more temporary offering to get their sound in the hands of more individuals and get them talking (get the hype up)....because there's not much of a sonic difference between the X's and the higher models I've heard if you equalize the electronics.

The higher models sounded better because they had their flagship electronics tied to it, no real miracle of the speaker.

Thought I read somewhere that Borrensens don't hold their value in the resale market.

Most of the audio stuff don’t hold their values.I own x1 I bought them $5900 1 yr old.

Too many changes in speaker lines for me to consider Borrensens. Just my own thoughts YMMV.

rsf507..I totally agree,but on the used market they can be a decent to good buy....X3 are trading right at or  under 6k,I think the discussions of the issues with that speaker has not help them holding value on the secondary market . Im guessing 12 months from now under 5k used . Im sure the X series will be in the rear view mirror at Boressen by then..... $5900 on the X1 speakers,maybe maybe not a good buy..im guessing you would be hard pressed to get over 4k for them if that..

Most audio gear does not hold value very well at all. Maybe if you sell quickly while a component is still in the "flavor of the month" status, you might do okay. Or maybe if the item becomes highly sought after or a rare classic over the years, it might actually increase in value. But for every one of those there are hundreds of other components which now sell for a fraction of their original price.

This is great for people buying 2nd hand, and not so great for those who purchased new. So it's a matter of perspective. 

Because I have the KEF reference 3s, the Focal scala EVOS, and the Clarysis Minuet+s on the way. I just enjoy trying new stuff, my Xs are mint and I do have original receipt showing I paid 10500 from House of Stereo, Florida.

That makes sense ,not financially though...there are lots of audio that hold value ie..I bought a pair of Dynaudio C4s,used them for 7 years and when i sold them they were still in their lineup as current..sold basically for what i paid...McIntosh is another brand, B&W seems to do well,Focal seems to hold value..list goes on and on..Boressen just as with Raidho (when he was there) change way way too often ,what's current today is replaced tomorrow. I lost my ass with Raidho so I would never buy new Boressen, but thats just me.

You should probably sell the Focal and Clarysis instead...and set up the Borresens  with some bass management + subs.

Because I have the KEF reference 3s, the Focal scala EVOS, and the Clarysis Minuet+s on the way. I just enjoy trying new stuff, my Xs are mint and I do have original receipt showing I paid 10500 from House of Stereo, Florida.