Mention the most unique song that you have ever listened to.CHOPSTICKS the happy song https://youtu.be/ojNl-xJF_2w
Quite a few that made me stop and think over the years.

'Desolation Row' by Dylan. Just drowning in images.

'The End' by the Doors. Will he go there? Yes he will.

'Sister Ray' by the Velvets. Wtf?

'Her Majesty' by the Beatles. Where did that come from?

'My Mummy's Dead' by the John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band. Oh dear!

Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London. So damn catchy too.
More seriously, anything by Laurie Anderson is 'out there'.
Theodora is Dozing - from the Bulgarian State Women's Choir - a really unusual tune that is just indescribably beautiful. I think David Byrne did a cover version since this was one on one of those classic Folkways World music records. All of those were just the greatest way to travel the world through a record player. 
I think "strange" is a better descriptor than unique, but, I kind of find Klaus Nomi covers to be interesting,  Take a look at this version of "Just One Look":

Count me as another who was struck by the strangeness of the Napoleon XIV song, "They're Coming To Take Me Away" in 1966. It was immediately one of my 45 rpm purchases and I played it a lot. So much in fact that my Mom told me, "One more time, and they'll be coming to take YOU away". She wasn't laughing, either.
Steve Z
The music on Yo  Yo Ma's DVD/ CD of his international band with a gypsyish dancing lady playing a Middle Eastern accordian type instrument, and with lots of esoteric percussion.  The name of the album eludes me.
Revolution 9, The Beatles

Valley Girl,  Moon Unit Zappa

As to most "unique" that I actually listen to fairly often. . .

Danko/Manuel,  Drive By Truckers/ Jason Isbell

MacArthur Park, covered by many, Four Tops probably my favorite version

Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding, Elton John

Highwayman, the Highwaymen

Two Jimmy Webb compositions on here.  He had a lot of stuff one could fairly call unique.

Nowhere Man The Beatles Yesterday and Today 1966

Babies on Fire Brian Eno Here Come the Warm Jets 1973

The Great Pretender Brian Eno Taking Tiger Mountain 1974

O Superman Laurie Anderson 1981

I don't know if it is the most unique, but, I nominate Hasil Adkins' "We Got a Date."  This is a self-recorded rockabillly/punk song that came out before mainstream punk became popular.

As has been previously mentioned, They're Coming To Take Me Away by Napoleon XIV. I was just a child when this came out, I recall the total strangeness being both intriguing and scary. This song was  totally in my mind when as a child I and best friend rode our bikes perhaps 20 miles one way onto the grounds of a state forensic psychiatric hospital. Very strange and scary experience.

For entire album, Clear Light's Clear Light, one pretty crazy psychedelic album from an era of crazy psychedelia. West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band also has some pretty crazy tracks. They also have an unusual story in that they were largely financed by an older wealthy abusive wanna be hippie who insisted on being part of the band.
Alice’s Restaurant  by Arlo Guthrie

Anything by the Last Poets

Train Time by Cream

Album Lee Michaels, lot of music for two guys

Song title Horizontal Hold by This Heat. The Made Available John Peele is the best. Some creative individual made an unofficial music video that syncs VERY well, https://youtu.be/yGILNOnVWK8

Second choice is a song titled Super Are from the Boredoms.

It's probably a minority of people who would refer to either track as music; more like an assault. I’m a weirdo.
Surprised to see how many of these tunes I have in my collection.
Given the recent events the tune I would add is :
'Trouble Everyday' zappa and da mothers.  
Over 50 years and not much has changed. 
Must have been the 8th grade. 1966 I think. We had a little school newspaper and the question of the day was.."Whats your favorite song"? As the grade school cub reporter went through the halls asking that question of a chosen few he told us a lot of folks were picking this song. So, I along with the rest said it was our favorite song even though we had never heard it.That decision promptly got the chosen few in the principles office when the paper came out.

The song was...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-filQKFZ1ww
A bunch of these are just music i listen to haha!  Does that make me unique?

Whats become of the baby  -Grateful Dead
(2) Grateful Dead - What's Become of the Baby - Bing video
A little less musical was to be on Aoxomoxa but was cut below

Barbed Wire Whipping Party - Grateful Dead
Barbed Wire Whipping Party - YouTube

DAGA-Jorma Kaukonen 
Jorma Kaukonen recites a poem "Da-Ga Da-Ga" HOT TUNA POETRY Jefferson Airplane (M. A. Numminen) - YouTube

There are so many unusual songs by They Might Be Giants:
Particle Man
Birdhouse In Your Soul 
Boss of Me (the theme song to "Malcolm in the Middle")
+1 for Friends of Mr. Cairo, Jon and Vangelis. I love the ending when the audio dies and the film flops off the reel.
Tori Amos, Icicle.
Klaatu, Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft

Timothy - The Buoys. Although there may have been other songs about cannibalism, I don't believe any other one made it to the top 20 on Billboard as did Timothy. Trivia note: It was written by Rupert Holmes, famous for Escape (The Piña Colada Song) and he played piano on Timothy.
Honorable mention: Can't believe no one mentioned Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. Very unique in its day and made it into the top 10 twice in two different decades.
Aja by Steely Dan
Almost everything in non conventional but it melds together beautifully! Many time changes and melody changes is confusing and still so intriguing! I have it on LP Mobile Fidelity so it sounds incredible on my system!
Every song on Van Dyke Parks' debut album Song Cycle will sound odd to most listeners, none more so than "The All Golden." You think Syd Barrett sounds unusual?!

After you listen to Song Cycle, go back and listen to Smile. You will then hear how much VDP influenced Brian Wilson musically in 1966 and 7. Smile was really a collaboration between the two, too good to be reduced to a mere Beach Boys album. Mike Love could barely deal with Brian's musical wisdom; Van Dyke's was just too much for him.

"tomorrow" [from "Annie"] played and sung by  Major "mule" Holley and "slam" stewart, on string basses. the unique part is that major holley was a human contrabass and could and did sing in unison with the strings of his string bass, all the way down to low E. it is a weird effect, he demonstrated it to frank sinatra and it made frank grin broadly at the novelty of it. 
Cats in the cradle for sure.  Honorable mention would be blinded by the Light. Imho.  Cheers Dick H. 
Very unique Vangelis Papathanassiou’s 1972 take on Revelations in the Bible Title “00”, Aphrodite’s Child 
not as unique as Chopsticks 
Modern Music by BeBop Deluxe. It's a short suite that takes you away and brings you back
Letter by Yosi Horikawa.. great sound experimentations, with exquisite recordings. Jefferson Airplane would be on this list too. And of course Zappa, J Tull.. 
2 Tracks from YAZ  - Upstairs at Eric’s Album
* I Before E Except After C 
* In My Room”
skywatchr, I'm pretty sure Pictures of Lily by The Who was about wanking also. As for unusual songs, many of the Who’s early singles/songs would qualify. Magic Bus, I’m a Boy, Maryann with the Shaky Hand, Tattoo, Happy Jack etc.