I look at the new speakers.  They look cheaper and they are not as musical.  It’s like they are trying to be what they are not. What the hell happened?
@eagle3333. Yes  I actually showed with them last year at capital Audiofest in DC. Their dac us stunning. It’s been my best source outside of my Soulutions 540 which retails at 6x the price. They made great gear. Hans Loomin has shot off to his own company LOOMIN LABS and is developing an amplifier which I have heard and it is stunning!
Calvinj - interesting thread because I was wondering how modern SF might sound with my Gryphon gear. My note to you, though, is are you aware that Resonessence has gone? I have their stunning Mirus Pro DAC, too. 
@michaelgreenaudio things have changed in Audio.  I was not trying disparage any brand but serblin hand made cabinets are not being done anymore but in a few select speakers.  There was time put into what he did.  Care and craftsmanship. Now it’s build to a price point and marketing. After the Amati Futura for me I think it all changed so do a lot of others.  I hope the best for the company but they have changed. As far as other companies. I put together a system with no major named companies that competes with the big boys to my ears. KR audio amps, Gato speakers, Resonessence digital and I’m very happy. 

"What the hell happened?"

HEA is not the same (no where near) as the audiophile products of the 70's-80's-90's. Now with a little care and knowledge one can easily beat up the expensive way over built audio products being peddled by the same ole revolving door that took your money the first several times around.

We see listeners dumping their massive components for a much better sounding inexpensive reality.

@calvinj The original designs from Franco are certainly some of the best speakers that SF has made. I am certainly NOT disputing that fact. I personally enjoy his GH model even though I could have gone and acquired any of the newer models or even some of the far more expensive competitors. IMHO, Franco hit one out of the park when he designed the GH and to a lesser extent the Extrema and the Strad.
Nonetheless, i do feel that the new line ,particularly the new Aida, the Fenice and the recently released EA3 are excellent speakers. Unfortunately, I also think that SF did somewhat lose their way with the versions of the Guarneri that followed the GH. Not that surprising to me, because to improve on near perfection is a very difficult task...and one that is easily failed.IMHO.
might be partly down to SF liking to use relatively small mids across quite a broad frequency range. 

Not putting bad info out. A lot of us just prefer the way they used to sound. They have went more detailed and transparent.  The older models just sound more musical and like real instruments.  I also liked the hand crafted build quality of the old speakers. Most people do that I know. 
@daveyf, I didnt critique the sound of any particular SF product. Have a great day.
Sonus Faber is a company that produces a fairly large range of speakers. They give you the choice of going from an entry level product...all the way up to SOTA. The new Aida 2’s will compete with most any speaker out there..
So, for those who are happy to naysay this company, I think they really are disseminating poor information. SF released an excellent speaker a few months back...the new Electa Amator 3! If you can find one, go and have a listen...I’m sure you will be as impressed as i was.

@willmacc Go and take a listen to the new EA3’s and then get back to us...and yes, this beautiful speaker does employ wood, leather, marble etc.LOL.
Sonus Faber kind of became a caricature. Wood, leather, marble, metal etc, lets see how many different materials we can combine. The image is a bit stuck in the past and not really high design anymore. Altho the more accessible range has a much cleaner look, reminiscent of Tidal Audio.

Calvinj, the Sim Audio evolution stuff is absolutely incredible very warm sounding and three dimensional. I have the p-8 W8 and I have not found anything way more expensive that sounds much better than this. Their amps and preamps are world-class also very expensive. The 850p is now 40,000. As good as it is that's way overpriced, when it first came out it was 25,000 and it was only 10% better than the p8. I think they make some of the best stuff out there but they've gone stupid with the pricing.

The larger the company the more likely it is that people in management and sales will come up with price points in a new line of speakers that they want the new product to hit.  Then the designers/engineers make that happen.

In a small company, where the designer is also the CEO or has equal footing, things will be very different.

Sonus Faber today is a classic example of the first sort of company.  The sales and PR people put out as much verbiage as possible in order to camouflage those basis facts.

Great information harris4crna.  I love these kind of stories.  His passion and designs were legendary and his love for music is unquestioned. I will have a second system with his speaker in some way. 
speakers are not designed by ‘bean counters’

nor do speaker designers manage the company’s books 

good grief 
Venere S was on my list of two when buying speakers. Sound was fine, but speakers did feel the way I worried they would when it comes to craftmanship. They were advertised as "Made in Italy", unlike the rest of the Venere line. I walked away, but I did give them a serious consideration. I did not compare them to "Made in China" models but these were disappointing enough.

From what it seems to me, previous success of the company with the same name was due to the reign of one man who was in charge and who knew what and how he wanted to be done. It had nothing to do with the production location. Quite the opposite, many would say.
Is snell the Italian way of saying snail? I thought that it was a typo, but then you repeated it.
Thanks for all of the FS info. It sounds like you're very fortunate to own those speakers. 
Twoleftears requested I give an impression of the FS Ktemas. Truly, the Franco Serblin website explains the history of the design of the speakers, so I will refrain in giving a background and post the link: http://www.francoserblin.it/home.php?lang=e
To summarize, Franco had the passion to develop art using music in the construction of speakers. Originally he believed in capturing the sound of beautiful instruments and trying to convey concierto sound to as close to original as mechanically as possible. He believed in having the ability to provide a large sound stage and depth so it immersed the listener in feeling like they were listening to a live performance. So, his original speaker design, the Snell, separated the mid/tweet from the bass. in doing so, it provided a large sound stage. Obviously a difficult task indeed.

Through out the 80s, 90s and until he sold SF in the 2000s he strove to make beautiful aesthetic instruments in the design of speakers. His speaker design was simplistic, but well tuned using the best designed speakers called Scan-Speak from a Danish company. The internal wiring developed by his son-in-law Y-ter and the cross-overs and wood construction built in Italy. FS perfected it.

Fast forward, SF sold to a large enterprise (Sumiko) as spoke of early in the thread. The engineers steered away from the simplistic design and focused on complexity. As you will see the new design is much different the old. Just take a look at the Almadi design in comparison to the original design of the Strads. Yes, SF continues to make the legacy speaker design such as the Stradivaris and Guarnis, but if you ask anyone who have listened to these speakers designed and built during the FS era to the present day era will say they don’t sound the same. Today, some would say they sound more mechanical, clean and perfect where the old sound warm and airy. At the tail-end of the FS era at Sonus Faber he stated that he felt pressured to design speakers for mass market and transition in making his speakers more complex. I believe I read his last speakers he designed, the Elipsas were not to his liking. I can imagine you can do a search and read more on this.

Ok, now let me focus on Franco’s work status post selling SF. He decided to return to his original design of the "Snell" and develop the Ktemas. He used his ability as an artist to design a beautiful cabinet, purchase Scan-Speak speakers, use his son-in-laws own speaker wire design and construct the crossovers internally in Italy. As a result, the Ktemas were born or many would say, the "Snell" revived. Two Scan-Speak mid drivers, tweeters and two rear firing woofers. Please take the time to read 6moons review in 2011 on the Ktemas. I have found this review to be one of the best in giving history and impression of the Franco Serblin. http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/francoserblin/1.html

Franco died in March of 2013. His son-in-law took over the company and continues today to build and distribute the three FS designed speakers, Ktemas, Accordos and the Ligneas. Both the Ktemas and Accordos were build prior to demise of FS, but Massimiliano built the Ligneas after his death, but stuck with the FS original design.

Personally, I had the fortunate opportunity to purchase production number 75 of the Ktema FS model. I purchased these speakers in San Bendento Italy from Audio Plus. These speakers were delivered to this store directly from FS’s son-in-law. I purchased these shortly before Franco’s death. Matter of fact, they were delivered to me in May of 2013. I remember this because I remember reaching out and asking the community if there was a need to be worried about purchasing these speakers and finding replacement parts if needed at a later date. I guess I was worried about the company folding. Today, I will say, these speakers were the best purchase. I have not had one issue. I love the old Franco Serblin sound of being warm, spacious and vocal focused. Anyone who have heard the Strads will contest to this sound. They love Class A amps and powerful tubes setups. I run Accuphase Class A and they are a match in heaven. I truly believe he reached his mark in formulating the "Snell" sound with these speakers.

Again, long live Franco.

P.S. Production #1 of the Ktemas continue to reside in Tokyo Japan. I ran into them while living there.

Sonus Faber can’t follow a good amplifier,like d’agostino, esoteric,cor..Because he isn’t fast enough. I’ve heard them 3 months ago: terrible. A fast song like Equinox 5 and Zoolookologie (Jean-Michel Jarre) was a disaster. It was a “ mishmash” of Instruments  that flowed together. Also “Set me free (Chris Rea) was bad. The best you can do is: Match it,before buying, because that’s very important. Ask,to have it in your room for a couple days (weeks) before buying it.
Twoleftears, I own a pair of FS Ktemas. I purchased them while living in Italy. These speakers will be buried with me. I have had them for 5 years now. 

I used to own Cremona Ms s/p Franco leaving the company and they sucked.  SF after FS is garbage. I have history with both pre and post FS SF. I can honestly say with out a doubt SF is only a fraction what they once were. Now, SF is not a bad speaker now. They are just different and can’t be compared to the old. 

I have heard Accordos and Ligneas on many occasions with multiple different combinations of electronics. More than happy to comment more if desired. 
Ggc thanks for the info. Great back story.  If I’m paying good money. I want the serblin way 
I ended up special ordering a pair of SF Amati Tradition Homage speakers.  It boiled down to those are the Wilson Alexia 1's.  Side by side I enjoyed the sound of the SF more than the Wilsons.  The look, fit and finish are world class.  The sound is very musical.  It does not blast you like say Magico or the Wilson.  It took me 4months to get them built in Italy.  I am extremely happy.  Prior to these I had the Wilson Audio Duette 2 speakers.  I would agree that the lower end SF's may not be as good but their higher end speakers are awesome.  
@ggc Thank you very much for filling in perfect detail the complex backstory that I was briefly alluding to in previous posts.

BTW, does anyone own a Ktêma or an Accordo?
Good Day, for those who care....

When Serblin was with SF they were a family owned company. They were sourcing parts from Denmark, Switzerland and Germany. They were using highly skilled Italian craftsmen to design & produce their products. 

At a certain point they  partnered with an Italian VC Quadrivio Capital SGR. Back in those days one of Quadrivio's biggest holdings was a frozen food line. This coincided with when SF parted ways with Serblin. He went on to produce speakers under his own company. 

Quadrivio used SF to back door their way to gain control of Fine Sounds. Through Fine Sounds Quadtivio bought controlling interests in several companies through a consolidated debt structure with in the luxury high end audio market. 

This new structure included consolidating costs on every level as well as key leadership positions.  Some of those companies were/are Sumiko, Audio Research, Rel, McIntosh, Wadia and of course Sonus Faber. 

Quadrivio sold Fine Sounds Group to LBO Yarpa. LBO then backed McIntosh in a management by out of Fine Sounds which  is now called McIntosh Group. Fine Sound still remains on the board.

All one needs to do is to look at these brands before and after all this happened. Everything became homogenized. Rel got out and is its own company again. But Wadia is gone. Will Sonus Faber suffer the same fate only time will tell. 
On their website if I counted correctly they have nine categories of speakers. The Reference, The Homage, The Olympica, The Sonetto, The Venera, The Chamleon, The Principia, and not  to leave them out, drum roll here,  The Special Edition. I did;t count the total number of speakers, sure it must be up there. 

If you were designing speakers in a line that large would you start at the bottom and make an inexpensive little speaker and then continue to make them better and better till you arrived at the Reference or would you start at the top making it with passion, utilizing all the resources at your disposal and the work your way down, making each one a little cheaper and sounding a little worse? Sort of the road to hell. 

Look this is a really big companie and many of those speakers are designed by bean counters and not be retired violin makers. 
Well I really liked the old SF models I heard; Cremona M and an older Ellipsa but I have to say, I really love the look and sound of the two newer models I’ve heard; Olympica iii and the amazing Amati. I think SF are in good hands. For those bitching about the Venere line, why judge a company by its entry level offerings? They don’t represent the company’s full abilities at all, and really, how could they? I think the best real world speaker they make may just be the new Serafino. Haven’t listened to these but they are gorgeous and if they sound somewhere between Olympica iii and Amati, they should be a winner!
Hey markmendenhall I loved Sonus faber. I almost sprung for the Amati futura and was going to have to wait to by an amp and a source months down the line to just afford them. I think they are the most beautiful and musical speakers in the game. It’s a hard act to follow up plus honestly venture capitalist bought the brand. They have no earthly idea how unique a position that the company held in history and the industry. I’m not dissing your speakers I’m just sad because everywhere I turn I see corners be cut and prices going up!
something I think we may forget or ignore is how dependent a quality listening experience is based on the medium and recording itself 

during the same listening session I can go from awe to indifference to surprised to amazed to disappointed and the only thing that changes is: cd, vinyl, tuner - did the system change? no, only the medium

so there’s that to consider when evaluating components 
@1kw that’s great. When I do a second system it will be from Sonus faber golden age. I might get some Cremona m or some toys I have owned toy bookshelves before and I loved them 
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As far as irresponsible reporting.  I am a fan of the older Sonus faber designs. I don’t like the new ones personal preference. I like the older wood work. Before the olympica came out I thought that the were the most beautiful speakers in the world. The Olympicas don’t look bad but I’m not a fan of the new designs. I don’t like the shiny tweeter or the wood work. The woodwork on the new ones are nice just not to the level of the serblin designs. But anyway. Just not a fan of the newer stuff but I love the pre - olympica designs. 
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After he left Sonus Faber, Serblin designed and had manufactured at least two models that are not SF.

There are various events that are not all simultaneous, I don't know the exact chronology: FS leaves SF, SF is bought out by larger company, FS passes, and perhaps larger company bought by even larger one.

Anyway, Serblin's last designs obviously owe a lot to his vintage Fabers.  Sadly, there must be very few in circulation.


I know I’m getting sucked in by a guy who writes like a 7 year old.  For that reason alone I’m a fool.  There comes a time though when nonsense requires confrontation.  As a SF Olympica iii owner, I know first hand just how monumentally off base cj is re: the quality of the more modern SF products.  The upper end products are produced by hand in Italy.  The materials incorporated in the build and design of the Olympica are world class and uncompromisingly beautiful. Fit and finish is perfect.  I’ve read the side walls of the speakers are a walnut laminate over mdf, no surprise there: wood laminates are structurally superior to solid wood.  Laminated wood products are used extensively in furniture, building materials, and flooring (as examples) due to structural stability and as substrates to accept a variety of finish veneers.  Compared to older SF models, do the more recent iterations sound different?  Geez, I would hope so!  Different design teams, different ownership, maybe even a different targeted customer base.  If my Oly iii’s sounded any warmer or richer I’d probably sell them. They are a great blend of old and new imho.  If I want a more ‘traditional’ sounding SF, I’ll buy a pair!  It’s not as though they aren’t available.  

I’ve spent too much time reading about speakers lately; to learn, fantasy shop, maybe even to change speakers.  I enjoy reading pro and owner reviews, it’s entertaining!  I can afford to purchase just about anything I read about, though six figure speakers need not apply - I just feel it would be an example of irresponsible and conspicuous consumption in my part to even consider speakers in that price range.  

I’ve auditioned speakers in shops, I’ve talked with shop owners whose opinions I respect. I’ve talked with manufacturers and distributors. I’ve owned probably a dozen different manufacturers over the last 40 years. Why haven’t I dumped these new fangled, poorly constructed, non SF sounding speakers?  Well: great blend of warmth and detail, gorgeous to look at, huge soundstage, perfect size, not too heavy but very substantial, fantastic fit and finish, extremely easy to just sit and and listen get lost in the music. And that’s just a beginning. 

This thread is a perfect example of irresponsible reporting and a reason I don’t post often.  There’s an incredible amount of immature, agenda driven, nonsense based posting that it just degrades the whole point of the forums.  
Sonus Faber is not the same company anymore.  I have 3 pairs of speakers from the "Golden Age" of the company that still sound fantastic: 
Guarneri Memento's
My 5.2 system is SF and Rel.  Bought all the SF the same year to get identical drivers in each cabinet.  Integrates well.  It was hearing a SF concertino mini monitor that brought me back to this hobby.
I am fortunate enough to have a pair of The Amati Tradition. This model is assembled in Italy.  The fit and finish are prefect and the sound is absolutely amazing.
Joey you are right.  It’s veneer. I hate to say this but when I looked at the Olympica and I was sad to see how they made it. I walked up and touched it and was puzzled. The cabinetry of a Sonus faber was special. Also the warm rich sound was the signature. It’s seems little by little they have started to go farther away from that. I heard the Lillium and I wasn’t impressed like I used to be by the sound of a Sonus faber. The sound would seduce you and you could listen for hours. It was also the most beautiful wood work I had seen in my life.  Not anymore. Watching what they have done makes me sad.
Yep when the Master Franco passed and the company sold
to a Vulture Capitalist Org it was only time before it was race to the bottom.
The current crop lost the plot--sad.

Yep when the Master Franco passed and the company sold
to a Vulture Capitalist Org it was only time before it was race to the bottom.
The current crop lost the plot--sad.

I am a SF fan.  But I hear ya.

i have the Olympica 3 and I don’t believe the build is the same as the Cremona.

for example, correct me if I’m wrong, the Cremona was made with wood slats making up the cabinet but the Olympica 3 is msg w veneer.

can someone confirm or deny?
Hope the sound better than the Aida I that speaker didn’t do it for me. The new stuff sounds like they are trying to do everyone else instead of just doing themselves!
@mental no family squabble. They are trolls I’m human. Lol. Seriously though the corporate takeovers really hurt brands. They spend no money on R&D and build quality suffers greatly. Brands lose their way. 
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