Want to setup basic home audio system

As the title states, I am looking for advice on the main components required to get a basic home audio system going for under 1k. When I do get to save more money, I am open to add more into the system. For now, what are the basic components of a home audio system that I mainly need to focus on right now? I am not looking to get a home theater setup. ONNLY LOOKING TO GET HOME AUDIO SYSTEM FOR MUSIC
Oh boy.... I’ll give this a try.
1st get speakers that you have heard and like a lot. The Monitor are very good choice, if you like them. But buy something you really love....
2nd get a Bluetooth adapter, I have used and like this one, there are other choices for this, like any recommendation that I may give. 
3rd would be an integrated amp, again many choices same as the speakers.
4th if you get powered speakers you can skip #3Note: some powered speakers and integrated amps have Bluetooth built in.
thus no need for adapter,.
there are choices out there that will satisfy your listening desires, you don’t need to go super expensive to get great sound. Only you will determine where it ends, it could be at the beginning.
Hope this helps. Happy shopping.
I literally just did this in the past month with a good friend of mine who bought his first house. Starting from scratch and similar budget. Here is what we came up with.

Yamaha A-S301 integrated - $350 new
Monitor Audio Bronze 2 speakers - $400 new
SVS SB1000 sub - $250 used
Echo Dot as a source -$29

A few cables and speaker stands from Amazon for around $100 and a few donated items (sub cable, speaker cables from my bone yard) and he is under $1200 all in.

It sounds surprisingly good for less than I have in my MC cartridge. He uses the echo dot to stream Amazon music and spotify. The yamaha also has digital inputs so we have his smart TV hooked up as well. He is pleased as can be.

Good luck figuring your system out.
You’re awesome for checking out CL Seattle to find good deals. I’ll be honest I probably just pass them by when I check out CL or offermeup since I don’t know much of speakers or amps. You got me checking out those Klipsch quartets specs. It helps that it’s easy to drive speakers. Thanks for all your help!

I was on the fence about whether I want to just go that route since I find cheap used gear all over the internet. I’m not too sure if I need all those other channels though.

That’s also a great route but I have no knowledge or education on soldering. Also, do they do that for all speakers? Seems like you can save hundreds on a pair.

I certainly learned a lot from reading your replies! For now, I need to be looking at high efficiency speakers and an amp compatible. It also helps that some of these gear have a good resell value when I want to start swapping things out or adding gears into my collection. Thanks again!

I spent all morning looking up those amps and they still go for 4-500 each. How low are we talking? Would you take shipping charge?

WOW! You weren’t joking at all. It also helps that this is the first forum ever that have people offering real help and opinions without judging or making me feel unwanted. You definitely helped start this on my thread. Thanks for that!!

There is indeed so many choices. Everyone has been helpful and informative that I learned more just on this thread than reading a bunch of articles on the internet. Thanks again for offering your 2 cents and your recommendations! I really like those ascend speakers a lot!!
That audiophilia channel on YT recommends the Klipsch speakers you mentioned. I am hoping I can demo them at Best Buy or another local audio shop. 
At this point, I cannot go over 1.5k and would like to stay within that price range. Give or take 100 for accessories. Otherwise I wouldn’t hear the end of it from my wife. 
im curious if there’s auto shows out here in Washington. Also, the speakers you mentioned has their hq out here in Washington!

I’ve decided that I will be focusing on speakers first and then an amp or bt adaptor second. Thanks!

Yes, I have personally owned the ascends and can state quite confidently that they are a true bargain at their used price.
To  get a bamboo cabinet, a custom SEAS driver and a Raal ribbon tweeter for their used price is quite a deal.

If you already have a laptop or mobile phone you have your streamer. Add an IFi zen blue for$169 and you are up and streaming in hi res.
If it were me; I would try and find a set of ADS L710 speakers in nice shape and pair them with a modern integrated amp with built in dac. Maybe a Yamaha or Cambridge or something similar. Find a nice cheap tuner if you listen to radio and it will sound great. I have the ADS speakers in a bedroom system with a Vincent amp and an old Pioneer tuner. It sounds great.
Now if your going to build a cabinet.....I might have a few transducers,,
Cheap, but not uh, "free".
um....yeah....Transduction drivers....."All of them".
Mag-planar mainly but some cone type as well.. Whatcha building Carpathian?
"Nails", Carpathian,.....Lots and lotsa big shiny nails.
 And quit sniffing that glue!
 (Didn't you at least have an, "Erector Set" or something as a kid)?
I could send you cabinets, "Flatboxed".
BIG, GIANT, flat-boxes
Besides, my "Di-Pole", designs do not use "Enclosures". Just tall and very wide baffles. It's the bass registers where things get complicated. And Very, very heavy! Currently working on a subwoofer system which is a "triangular vertical column". A sub on each of the three sides, "Per stack unit", to "0-sum" the movement of the transducers. So three "technically", vertical lines of sub's.  "stacks" of three subwoofers in each, "Compartmented unit". A-"Sub-Line source array", "Laser-Accelerator measured, Servo-controlled", creating three, "Cylindrical", waves. One each, launched from the three sides of the column. so you'll only need, "One-Subwoofer"! Regardless of the rooms size!
Just sayin...
Show off...
I tied my shoes all by myself today. 
Well, they're Velcro, but still....
 (Didn't you at least have an, "Erector Set" or something as a kid)?
I suspect he got to that point a little later in life. Most did.
@thecarpathian, ovinewar:  I’m with you — don’t spend more than you need to.  My thinking is that one could go cheap trying to stay within the lower amounts and end up dissatisfied.  So, specifics (and I’m a newbie, so pardon my limitations).

Using the music room site noted above, I found:

NAD C375BEE integrated amp, 150 watts per channel x2, upgradable, with shipping $755

Golden Ear Triton Seven floor standing speakers, with shipping $1069
                                        - Or -

KEF Q550 floor standing speakers, with shipping $1130

Either combo comes in over $1500 and under $2000 and would provide quality equipment with plenty of volume (not sure about these speakers’ efficiency, but 150 watts should be plenty) and quality sound.  Streaming via laptop or whatever.  What equipment would you suggest?
@diripio, I purchased the B&W’s brand new, a few years ago. Never had any issues what-so-ever. For what they are, they sound great. You could probably step that up to the 603 within your budget. I didn’t get them as the 602’s were originally satellites for a 5.1 system. 
So, I guess the, "OP" is the recipient of my, "Good Deed" for the week.
I'll throw some nice cabling, "IMHO" in as well.
 Uh oh, I didn't just legally adopt this fellow did I?
Those "Golden Ear, Triton's" mentioned above are a nice speaker.
 Does anyone know if the "Post Office", still has those nifty,
(If it fit's? It Ships)"!! Flat-rate boxes just sitting there for free?
 I am sure I can jam each of these in a couple of those.
And with a wrap of "Saran" maybe to keep the dust out before dropping them in?
None of that "wimpy" bubble wrap or foam-"peanut like", strata, for Me! 
After all, they placed all of those dusty, oxidized and soft/puffy capacitor filled electronics inside that metal case to protect it all right?
And is that $50 worth of , "Postal Insurance" still free with any tracked parcel as well?
Did I say that gear was mint? 
I meant, "It Smells", like mint. "Someone spilled something one X-mas I think.......
Anyway, "It smells" kinda like mint....and....something else......Hmmm.
 Of course, after the dog had all those puppies on top of it.......
And, "Then the rains came".....
Thanks everyone for your opinions and recommendations! I learned more in the past few days than a month of reading about different types of speakers and amps. 

Man I am extremely grateful for coming across someone like you online! You make this passion/hobby way more enjoyable and exciting! Good karma will be swiftly delivered to your front door.
In regards to your request, I believe USPS mails out free shipping boxes in packs of 10 or 25 if you request them online. Otherwise, I know that the post office does have individual ones on the shelf by customer service. 

Thank you everyone for helping out this amateur!
@diripio....If that 'hard drive' is in your 'puter/laptop, there's a plethora of freeware of an audio bent....

My fave is  https://sourceforge.net/p/equalizerapo/wiki/Documentation/

...with...  https://sourceforge.net/projects/peace-equalizer-apo-extension/?source=typ_redirect   which makes APO a bit more 'user friendly', and allows to wring the best out of a speaker pair. *S*

And, after your feet get a bit more nimble....and a good calibrated microphone...

The only requirement is running Windows, the faster the better.

Enjoy your Journey....J

@jollygreenaudiophile2:   I hear ya, but as that site is deemed credible and the charges for shipping are $150-250, I would hope that the gear is packed sufficiently, if not in original boxes.  Best not to assume and I think that would be something to verify.
Diripio, I may have missed it, have we been given the room size? Room size, distance from speakers, loudness levels desired, all in addition to speaker demands contribute to power needs. Could you please provide us a little more guidance regarding the environmental aspects. 

Given none of the room variables are extreme, any 50-100wpc, 4ohm capable amplification will drive speakers having a true 86dB sensitivity rating and a reasonable flat 8 ohm impedance plot. There are many speakers that fit your budget and these constraints. 

I am curious as to what you are using now. 
I'll definitely look into that! It seems almost similar to setting up a home theater with the mic calibration.

Room size: 11ft x 12ft
Does 70-80dB makes sense? Maybe a bit louder than a vacuum cleaner going off.
Distance from speakers: 8 ft
Currently, I am using my logitech computer speaker system along with a marshall tube combo amp for my guitar. I will say the logitech did its best to hold up but the guitar amp overpowers those mini speakers. 
Although it may sound like I'm going in the reverse order, I have made a deal with jollygreenaudiophile2 to get the Nak amps off his hands. As for speakers, I am still doing my research on some of the used gear found on the web. 

The speakers listed below were listed from a local audio shop. Didn't have the opportunity to check out the store due to work meetings but plan to go tomorrow to demo these speakers. What do you think of them?
MartinLogan Montage Floorstanding Speakers USED
NHT Absolute Tower Floorstanding Speakers USED
B&W 707 S2 Bookshelf Speakers Gloss Black
Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand Bookshelf
I think you made a terrific decision on the gear.
Order, shmorder! When you are offered a great deal, jump on it.
I cannot give my opinion as I am not familiar with the sound of the speakers you have listed.
I ask that you not discount the Ascend Acoustic Sierra 2.
They can even be upgraded to the Sierra 2ex with a new style SEAS woofer from Ascend. Reported to be very, very good for the upgrade cost.

Nice score on the Nakamichi’s!
And kudos to Mr. Jolly for helping a fellow music lover get started....
One of the few great decisions I've made all year was to sign up with this forum. Never have I thought in a million years so many people would help me out and, not once, had anyone replied back negatively or in a rude manner. What an awesome community this is! I feel like this should forum should become an annual in-person event in like say, Vegas?
Regarding the Ascends, I will keep that in mind in the event I see someone selling it near my area. I did see sierra 1's with cbm-170s for sale on offermeup few months back. It must be that good if alot of forums online are talking about it!

I agree that Mr. Jolly is one cool person with some serious gear! 
Unfortunately, not all threads are as smooth and positive as this one.
They can become quite contentious and nasty. A lot of personality clashes.
Still, the majority are quite informative with guys who really know their stuff.
Also, A lot of guys who THINK they know their stuff.
I am neither. My audio knowledge is quite limited. 
Take your time finding speakers. Check power handling and sensitivity.
Make sure it is compatible with your amp.
And enjoy.

This may be the single most positive thread I've read on this forum since I became addicted to it ten months ago! 
  +1 panzrwagn
Regarding using Blu-tac for mounting stand mounts. That was my former go to for putting stand mount speakers on stands, brilliant stuff and helps stop ringing.
@diripio...Similar, yes. But in this case, more focused on 'distilling' uniform response from the speakers in your space.

The fact that it's nearly square can create 'issues'.  You don't note the ceiling height; assuming it's the 'typ. 8' h.' makes it easy to 'overdrive' the space.
You might as well sit inside the woofer's enclosure....I'm not surprised the Marshall 'rules the room', even at low levels...
They do that.... ;)
Better to concentrate on uniform response at lower levels; you'll be surprised at the details that easily get 'blown away' and missed.

Some room treatment ought to be in your future.  Refer to the forums and the websites that deal with that, and listen carefully to the room as you proceed.
Some here will claim that the space is half the equation.
In a small room...they're right, but best approached with patience.

You will have to listen like you've never attempted before.
Don't stress over it....this is supposed to be fun, after all.  ;)

Have @ it, J
I see a lot of people selling kef q50’s and q80’s near me. Sadly, no q550’s though. I have seen the ls50’s recommended a lot on reddit. Maybe I should call one of the listing just to hear kef speakers. 
panzrwagn & rixthetrick:
wont forget to pick up some blue-tac! Good call!

The details are what I want! I believe someone posted on this thread a website that sells room treatment panels. That is definitely something I will look into when I get the chance! You don’t suppose they sell the mic used??

Diripio, congrats on the NAK purchase. let us know what you think of the speakers you demo.

Re panels, you can easily make your own. Check out ATS Acoustics online.They make them and sell supplies for DIY.  I purchased the Roxul Rockboard and burlap fabric from them  (might find the roxul and fabric locally) and made frames from 1x3" pine.  

Placing panels behind speakers, at reflection points on right and left wall, and behind listening position works well for me. My room is 12.5' by 14.5'. May need bass traps in a couple corners as well.  
The amount and nature of room treatment is, like speakers, a matter of room interaction and personal preference. 
I can throw in a "mic", It's basic but will work for room correction.
"Just do not attempt a new, world class recording of say, (Blackbird)!"
 Yeah, like "Mesch" say's- Make your own panels. Which isn't only much more affordable but also easier to get that really high, "WAF" score. This by matching them to your decorum!
 With "At times", the "WAF" being the most important factor of all!
Unless you really do like sleeping on that couch!

In case anyone didn't notice- That post about the shipping was of course a joke. I ship "always", as if it is mine. Going to me. Similar to the way McIntosh learned me up about it long ago..... The plywood bolted to the footer. threads. With "Nothing" touching the component on any of the six sides! The plywood braced to the box sides with closed cell foam in the corners of both the inner and outer boxes. Utilizing the appropriate wear grade and crush-strength rated plies of cardboard and paper shipping tape as well.
 Expensive? Yes!
But it is;
And USPS? Never again.....
 UPS marked with stickers- "Live Bull Semen". "Handle with care". And a 1-800 number, over which it say's, "In case this parcel is found to be leaking, and/or exhibiting an odd odor. Please Call 1-800-XXX-XXXX. DOT Hazmat #XX-XXXXX".

Works for me.
This thread obviously tapped into the enthusiasm that we all feel for the music and the gear.  We look forward to hearing about others’ systems almost as much as we enjoy our own.  I know I look forward to hearing how diripio’s listening space comes together and his enjoyment of it.  Keep us posted!
Check out Denon receivers.  You get pretty good bang for the buck.
Wharfedale  has some nice speakers you might want to check out.
Older Klispch speakers Can be found for a good price.  Look at Ref 3 MKll towers @$200.
You might want to explore USB cables to connect your computer to the receiver.. It’s amazing the difference it can make.

Let us know what you bought and why.

All the best.

Check out Denon receivers.  You get pretty good bang for the buck.
Wharfedale  has some nice speakers you might want to check out.
Older Klispch speakers Can be found for a good price.  Look at Ref 3 MKll towers @$200.
You might want to explore USB cables to connect your computer to the receiver.. It’s amazing the difference it can make.

Let us know what you bought and why.

All the best.

With no hesitation
any NAD amp which can run as Pre as well try a 7130 if possible.
Amp Carver M200t
Advent 1 speakers or Boston A200s
Arcam rBlink btooth
Tube buffer pre amp on amazon by Suca audio

Might be a little over 1k.

Denon PMA-600NE
Built in DAC for your computer streaming
ELAC Debut 2.0 B5.2 speakers

that leaves @300.00 for cables / stand / etc.

All brand new & available on Amazon w / 30 day return

I agree with going used. Also, you don't have to do it all at one time. Get a nice used integrated and speakers to start. You already have streaming capability. Look on sites already mentioned or ask around for reputable used equipment in your area. I have a local guy who refurbishes equipment and sells at very reasonable prices. I am sure someone is in your area.
  If you go for the used market you are limited to the reviews of opinions from many but are not able to actually audition how they sound for yourself. That's where going to an audio dealer that may have the components you have interest in and will fit into your budget comes in. Audition amp and speaker combinations and decide what sounds best to you. If the dealer may also have the sources you prefer audition them as well.may also have the sources you prefer audition them as well.

I recommend the used market for speakers, but only if you shop locally.  That gives you a chance to listen to them and decide if they are right for your ears.  i used Craigslist, and auditioned at least 20 different speakers before I found the ones that "spoke" to me; if the seller won't let you audition, just thank them and move on.  Also, pick a selection of 3-5 musical pieces that you are very familiar with, that are well recorded, and that, as a group, give you a fairly broad spectrum of musical frequencies, dynamic range, acoustic vs electronic, and vocal vs acoustic.  Take those pieces with you to every audition (I recommend on CD), and always play the same ones.  If the seller has a high quality streaming account, you can always look up the songs on that, but if he or she doesn't, you won't be stuck listening to whatever they want to put on.  Finally, there will be times when you are listening to a good pair of speakers but they don't sound their best -- it could be a bad fit with the electronics, or poor room treatment, or whatever; don't sweat it -- just accept that that SYSTEM wasn't what you were looking for in terms of sound quality. If you do enough auditions, you will eventually find a few that sound great, and you can choose one of those pairs of speakers knowing that, if you do a decent job of matching electronics and room treatments, you WILL like the sound.  Enjoy the hunt!

I am almost exactly with @panzrwagn, you'll be hard pressed to do a lot better than NAD C338.  At this budget integrated do-it-all amp makes sense, and it does not get much more do-it-all than C338.  Bluetooth, streamer, extra input(s), and when (and if) you are ready to add turntable it already has a built-in phono stage for MM cartridge.  May be able to do better than $700 if used or refurb.  Great bargains can be had out there, if you are willing to do your research and take your time (there is a refurb on Ebay right now for $519 - saves you almost two Benjamins toward other gear - not bad, if you ask me).  But back to where we were..

Since C338 does it all, you'll just need speakers.  Here you'll need to take your time and go do some listening.  Establish the character of sound that you are looking for, and that is going to be very brand/type specific.  Assuming $1500 budget, that leaves you about $700 for speakers (save $100 for decent speaker cables and a power cable, they will make a difference).  I have bought and sold more HI-FI gear than I care to remember, but "in-house" sound/voicing is going to be somewhat common across the product line with most brands, I would look at Monitor, PSB, ELAC (heard them at RMAF couple of years ago, amazing for the money - the floorstanders, Debuts 5.2).
Get some Zu Libtec speaker cables off Ebay, should be able to win the auction for $50-$60, I doubt you'll be able to do much better for the money.
Most importantly - learn, enjoy the journey, don't forget to let the equipment break in, and, most importantly - it's not about the gear or it's price, it's about synergy of the components and music.  Yes, Gryphon room at RMAF sounded insanely good, almost unbelieaveably good.  But where is the challenge in that?  All you need is about $250,000 and BAM! - great system at your disposal. :-)  As Car and Driver once put it "...it's a lot harder to design a great $25,000 car than a great $250,000 car...
Happy listening!

Get a USB adaptor for you iphone and feed it Tidal or Qobuz or buy a streamer like 
https://www.bluesound.com/products-archive/vault-2/ or a used one for less and you are set. 

Then upgrade the speakers in a year.
Since you're on your phone and computer a lot if you're in the Apple world you really can't beat stereo Homepods for only about $400 total if you get them on sale. They are portable too! They sound beyond great and probably get way more for your buck than a lot of other more bulky/cumbersome setups.
I'm a little late jumping in, but I will second the recommendation to look at Monitor Audio speakers.  The Bronze are nice at their price point.  

Marantz, Cambridge and NAD all make nice integrateds that will be in your budget if you buy used.  I would stay away from tube at this price point.  Likely won't get the power you need to fill your room.  

You don't need fancy cables, but don't go too cheap.  They matter.  There are some very reasonably priced cables available from Audioquest or Morrow Audio.  Morrow even has a trade up allowance if you want to upgrade in the future.
You have a LOT of great options for that budget and have gotten some good advice here.

I’ve had a lot of speakers and amps over the past 6 or so years, mostly moderately priced used gear. I’m always looking, for resale, and the ones I like stay around for a while.

Speakers make the most difference in the sound quality. Listening to the smaller systems in an office a bit smaller than your space. Favorite bookshelf that come to mind:

B&W 601 S2, Quad 22L, Tannoy Sensys, KEF Q1, Monitor Silver 5i (older small floorstanders), Elac B6.2, and currently Klipsch RB-5 which will likely stay permanently. All are in the $200-350 price range.

NAD and Yamaha and some Denon are favorite amps. I have a Yamaha streamer now with my main system. Looking for a Bluesound to replace it. You can also get vintage like a Pioneer SX-750 or low wattage Marantz. I'd stay with newer for speakers though.

I wouldn’t spend a quarter of my budget on cables. I did get the Canare mentioned above for my B&W Matrix 804 because they recommend bi-wiring. I think there is a slight improvement, but certainly not dramatic m(y listening area and positioning aren’t ideal.)