Want to setup basic home audio system

As the title states, I am looking for advice on the main components required to get a basic home audio system going for under 1k. When I do get to save more money, I am open to add more into the system. For now, what are the basic components of a home audio system that I mainly need to focus on right now? I am not looking to get a home theater setup. ONNLY LOOKING TO GET HOME AUDIO SYSTEM FOR MUSIC

Showing 2 responses by northman

This may be the single most positive thread I've read on this forum since I became addicted to it ten months ago! 
Fun to think about. My guess is that I'm not alone out here in having haunted stereo stores since I was a teenager. It's free to look and listen and you can get a good sense of what's reasonable to expect at that budget. Putting together your own system with used equipment online is a great way to enjoy this "hobby," and a great way to save money, but you really have to know what you're doing, both in terms of the gear and the risks of online purchases. It looks like you have a few options for Seattle stores that sell some nice stuff. A good hi-end store should be able to put together a well integrated beginner system, and if they know what they're doing they'll treat you well ... and you'll end up back there, upgrading and upgrading!