Vandersteen Treo CT

do you have an opinion on the and do you own them or have you listened to them?
Rich, I'm jealous man...very .......someday.....!!!!!
I had the non CT and they were AWESOME>.  Absolutely a great speaker value!
Well in the ensuing weeks and months Tim, Mike and Richard Vandersteen have all been over for a glass and or dinner and. long listening session......big fun...

biggest suprise is the 22 wpc Line Magnetic is up to the task !!!!!! sweet midrange also....


also there is a set of Treo non CT demo on ssale on thgn right now...most of the magic available at a discount...I have no affiliation...
@ekimg - look at your calendar and see if you can meet up with Tim and I to listen and see IF we can try out your line magnetic..take a look at Virtual system pictures as my equipment is in a narrow built in and we can figure out how to integrate the Line Magnetic- my guess is Line M on floor with a fairly long RCA from Phenomena II to it. Speaker connection at amp end are Bananas, so we may need to do something there

@mr_m sounds good! we got parents healthy enough to move back home - thank you Doctors, nurses, and God
Jim. I can PM you a day or so after I get out there. Your call after that.
Ct. I learned this about Jim just reading a few of his posts. Great guy!       Cheers,
Guys, Jim is one of those great guys in audio.  Liked by all as he's earned his respect.  Proud to call him friend.  

Oh, he also has a great ear ;)....
no worries Tim
in a bit of uncharted territory myself
send me a PM and let’s see
Just stay flexible !!!! Is my new watchword 

So sorry Jim. I didn't read your last post in it's entirety. Sorry to hear about your Father-in-Law. Maybe another time for us. Please excuse my last post.

Hey Jim, I'm going to be in San Diego  between 6/13 to 6/18 to visit my daughter and her husband.  If there's any chance we can get together (and hope  I'm not intruding on your time), I would love to listen to your system(s)! Also would like to get down to Bruce's store and look around. I've bought a few things from him over the last year. I know you don't really know me very well, but I'm just a passionate and friendly audiophile who loves this hobby.
DAD GUM DUDE, lol.  I would love to come out and go down with you.  That's where I met Richard the first time. It was 83 or so I think.  Fell I love with the 2's but needed to wait until I got out of the Navy and move into a home.  I did that about 8 years later, but when I went to the dealer in RI to purchase them with my ex, he turned me onto PRoac as that was HIS favorite speaker.  He just didnt' set them up correctly and gave a half ass demo.  

It's too bad as the Proac's were awesome, but a bit bright to say the least.  I never warmed up to them, but kept them for years as I got out of upgrading audio for about 15 years or so.  I would go audition constantly and hang out with my audio friends who owned stores, but it wasn't until I auditioned the Treo's at Rutan's that I had to make new choices.
the Basis was CT’s
clapped out as it was..ha
they do come up used now and then....killer deck

stop by CT we will go see Bruce together just flipped my spare Revox to him and he has a Jacintha tape we need to hear on the 7’s run off the big VTL’s

Jim, great TT set up.  Where did you find a used Basis 1400?  ;)
Great thread. I really LOVED my Treo's.  CT or no CT, that's just a great speaker value in high end to me.  I think the Quatro is the sweet spot in the lineup though and it was an easy upgrade for me to want to make.

I loved working with Bruce in teh 80's when I was stationed out in SD.  He would never remember me, but I still have a Stax portable amp I got from him (with Lambda's) and the original invoice, lol.  I'd love to get down there some day to go listen.  

Fun thread.  glad I found it.
OK....update, some listening notes and....

contractor finished condo several weeks ago, some furnishings and stereo arrived: Basis 1400 with Rega OEM 300 w upgraded Basis silver wire, Delos MC,  Phenomena II phono, NAIM Atom, Kimber 12 TC in biwire out to Treo CT, Synology NAS

BTW the veneer job is first rate with bookmatching and love the wild Ambrosia Maple..

about 50 hours on it, almost all LP.....

i have to say in LOVE with LP’s again....yes I understand tgere is some cagey and unspecifc digital bits in there...never the less....fantastic sound....

in my situation the 40 wpc NAIM a/b amp is more than adequate.

let me say this they have the wonderful air, clarity and purity that is a hallmark of the 7’s i guess that is saying a lot given my other system is an order of magnitude greater $......

now the bad news for visitors in the near term, we are inhome caring for father in law who is battling we shall see on the invites..we are working to get them back home independent ...bit of road ahead....


Also I see LM have a 48 wpc integrated amp out now...... with big very hot tubes - have to keep nephews away....
Mike.... I have not forgotten you and I will absolutely make good on the promise- Treo are in storage in Hanford birthplace... condo schedule took a one month hit when the bathroom tile was not up to WAF standards.....
i have heard the LM ( at Gig Harbor Audio ) driving an LS3-5a of some sort.... lovely sense of space, harmonica and tone color....I think the NAIM Atom will be hard pressed to match that - the extra special cork / constrained floor damping goes in tommorow, then hardwood floors...
couple of months and you and mr_m can visit and help me tweak what is now... reverberated space....
Hey Jim (tomic601) Line Magnetic 518 awaits meeting up with your Treo CTs when ready.  

I am available anytime from mid June on......
Would love to meet up and see Johnny R again.
I a decision is made, can someonme please message 
At least another month on the condo West coast Treo meets Line Magnetic meetup.....
what remodel happens remotely on schedule ?????

@bigkidz .
I am hitting my busy season now, but from July to Sept., I can meet up.
Hey Tim
ya man !!!!
that is a go to disc for me, the Harry James - King James is awesome 2
i May add a sub later IF my neighbors can be bought off with Cabernet.....
Bruce has a heck of a good store in San Diego. Been there many times since I moved out to Arizona. Wound up buying a Vandy sub and Bluesound Node 2 streamer there. I'm using a pair of Treo CT's along with the one sub. I have it dialed in very nicely with a good seamless transition. I have been using a Rogue Pharaoh hybrid integrated with good results. Put a NOS pair of Mullard 12au7 tubes  in preamp stage and an upgraded power cord. I have the original Direct-to-Disc of Thelma Houston and Pressure Cooker on Sheffield Lab vinyl. It sounds just as you described. Couldn't be happier with my system right now.

found myself in San Diego at Stereo Unlimited yesterday - caught the Treo CT with Rogue Integrated ( upgraded model running KT120 Tubes) and an Atoll CD player playing Thelma - To Know me is to Love me...
Cables by Nordost.

sweet, sublime, musical.......very widely spaced, big image, boxless....
good try Mike.....sounds like Vandersteen is pretty busy and we are collaborating on a wild veneer - Ambrosia they may take a bit to get here - but you never know....

also this is a new listening room for me to tune but hey diving in is the way to get it done

and frankly with all the glowing posters here on Line Magnetic SQ i would love to hear your amp

Jim (tomic601)...sounds good. My email is if you want to contact me when your available to get together.


p.s. you could always store the Treo CTs at my house while you finish your remodel :)
Jim (tomic601)...sounds good. My email is if you want to contact me when your available to get together. 


p.s. you could always store the Treo CTs at my house while you finish your remodel :)

that would be great fun
couple of months as we rip out floors and remodel 2 baths...
please stay in touch
I will call Johnny this week and see what is a good time to have a meetup.
Of course, I'll keep an eye out on the weather.
For me, late morning/early afternoon would be best, as I hate traffic.
Tomic601... when are you going to get the Treo CTs delivered to your Carlsbad place? I live in San Diego only a few miles away. Would love to stop by for a listen. I could even bring my LM 518 over for you to hear :)
Guys, I'm in on this.  Let me know day and time and I'll be there (weather permitting).
Okay guys, how is the middle of the month?
Week of the 15th or the 22nd? I am open.

Hey Johnny, what would be the best time for you?
@bigkidz  and Stereo5

We should 
try to meet up in January. I'm up for it...

With an integrated amp and using Vandersteen's crossovers, you need a processor loop. A standard tape monitor loop will not work. I have a Rogue Pharaoh integrated with processor loop and it works fine with the Vandersteen crossovers. Using Treo Ct's with 2Wq sub. Getting excellent results.
I just went thru both the Treo and and Quattro manuals.
the setup differs only in the setting up of the low frequency equalization/ level set of the built in subwoofer in the Quattro. The Quattro would do better w 22 wpc as they have a built in amp for bass that takes a tremendous load off your main amp HOWEVER!!!!! You must use the Vandersteen hi pass filters between your amp and preamp sections - sometimes impossible with an integrated, sometimes not.
you have at least three fantastic So Cal Vandersteen dealers between San Diego and Santa Monica
from my experience  having bought gear from 2 out of 3 they will all welcome bringing your amp for a demo.
they all display the Treo. two have the 7 so you can hear how close they come.

my Winter place in Carlsbad. Any way I can help you I will

GDNR yes, lucky bastard....

No.  The Quatro's set up is more complex because of the built-in powered subwoofers requiring the equalizer controls to be set according to the bass response in the space the Quatro's occupy.

Thanks all.  Johnny R’s comment is promising regarding the Quicksilver. Would love to stop by audioconnection but live in southern Calif. so will have to check out another dealer. I’m not averse to upgrading my amp at some point but prefer not to right away. In reading some of the posts on the Quattro they seem to need quite a detailed set up procedure. Is the set up for the Treos as “complex”? 
Listening to my Treo CTs with two 2wq subwoofers right now.  Music sounds like music through them.  No electronic artifacts to ruin the illusion of live music that is often present with good recordings.  I've been listening through RV's speakers for the last 30 or so years.  I am so sold on the Vandersteen sound or lack thereof that I ordered mine from John Rutan at Audio Connection never having even heard them!  I pretty much knew what sound to expect from Vandersteen at the Treo CT price point.  They're actually better than I was imagining.
I am planning on dropping by sometime in January (weather permitting), and I would be up to meeting you guys.  I need to purchase a new Cartridge from JohnnyR and have it mounted on the Prime 3D arm.
Let me know if and when any of you want to visit with Johnny R, I would love to meet up with a few of you and I'll buy the pizza.  OK with you JR?

Happy Listening.
(((I have a Line Magnetic 518ia SET rated at 22wpc. Any thoughts if this amp will drive the Treo CTs?)))

 Bring your amp in and try it.
  We run the 22 WPC Quicksilver 4 EL84 per ch Integrated playing the Treos magically with plenty of gas, of course, it's not as dynamic as a 100 wpc amp yet the Treos on the 8-ohm load taps are loads of fun playing Heart Baracuda the guitar riff and overtones were amazing.
 Best JohnnyR
22wpc is probably not enough to get the full effect of the Treo's, in my humble opinion. The Vandersteen website recommends at least 40 wpc.

And Tomic, you are one lucky B*****D!
i have owned various Vandersteen models for 30+ years including currently 7 mk2
IMO they are neutral, musical and boxless sounding..

i have a pair of Treo CT on order for our winter get away is 15 x 32 x 9
i dont listen that loud and intend to use a MAC240 tube amp to drive the Treo

as to Line Magnetic ability to drive them ???? depends a lot on how loud you listen and the room and of course what you listen to.....lug the amp to a friendly dealer and get an idea...
I am thinking seriously of getting a pair of Treo CTs but am concerned they will perform adequately with my current integrated amp. I have a Line Magnetic 518ia SET rated at 22wpc. Any thoughts if this amp will drive the Treo CTs?  I currently have PSB T2’s and there is plenty power for those...rarely if ever past 11 o’clock in volume. I appreciate any and all comments. 
I would have gotten them, if I could afford them.
That being said I bought Ctsooners non CT pair so he could get the Quatro CT's.
I also have a pair of 2wq subs to go with the Treo's
I love what I have.
JohnnyR demoed the Quattro CTs for me, which are identical in the midrange up (putting aside the impact of the built in subs).  I was wowed.  
Thinking about pulling the trigger? :) You can’t go wrong with the Treo CTs.  I own a pair of Treo CTs with Ayre gear and I’m very satisfied with the combo.  Great speakers, natural sounding, airy and detailed.  I know some say the bass is a bit weak with the Treo but honestly for my setup, the bass is fine (also you can add subs later if you want). Sounds amazing especially with live music...they just disappear.  If you’re looking for speakers that puts more emphasis on the highs than these are speakers are not for you.  If you want to hear music as natural as a live venue, than these are absolutely for you.  I listen to a lot of speakers and was considering Harbeth, PMC, Proac and a few others.  All great speakers but they didn’t disappear like the Vandersteens. If you haven’t already go over to AudioConnection and give them a listen.