Vandersteen Treo CT

do you have an opinion on the and do you own them or have you listened to them?

Showing 6 responses by ekimg

I am thinking seriously of getting a pair of Treo CTs but am concerned they will perform adequately with my current integrated amp. I have a Line Magnetic 518ia SET rated at 22wpc. Any thoughts if this amp will drive the Treo CTs?  I currently have PSB T2’s and there is plenty power for those...rarely if ever past 11 o’clock in volume. I appreciate any and all comments. 
Thanks all.  Johnny R’s comment is promising regarding the Quicksilver. Would love to stop by audioconnection but live in southern Calif. so will have to check out another dealer. I’m not averse to upgrading my amp at some point but prefer not to right away. In reading some of the posts on the Quattro they seem to need quite a detailed set up procedure. Is the set up for the Treos as “complex”? 
Tomic601... when are you going to get the Treo CTs delivered to your Carlsbad place? I live in San Diego only a few miles away. Would love to stop by for a listen. I could even bring my LM 518 over for you to hear :)
Jim (tomic601)...sounds good. My email is if you want to contact me when your available to get together. 


p.s. you could always store the Treo CTs at my house while you finish your remodel :)
Jim (tomic601)...sounds good. My email is if you want to contact me when your available to get together.


p.s. you could always store the Treo CTs at my house while you finish your remodel :)
Hey Jim (tomic601) Line Magnetic 518 awaits meeting up with your Treo CTs when ready.