Vandersteen Treo CT

do you have an opinion on the and do you own them or have you listened to them?

Showing 2 responses by hifiman5

No.  The Quatro's set up is more complex because of the built-in powered subwoofers requiring the equalizer controls to be set according to the bass response in the space the Quatro's occupy.

Listening to my Treo CTs with two 2wq subwoofers right now.  Music sounds like music through them.  No electronic artifacts to ruin the illusion of live music that is often present with good recordings.  I've been listening through RV's speakers for the last 30 or so years.  I am so sold on the Vandersteen sound or lack thereof that I ordered mine from John Rutan at Audio Connection never having even heard them!  I pretty much knew what sound to expect from Vandersteen at the Treo CT price point.  They're actually better than I was imagining.