Vandersteen Treo CT

do you have an opinion on the and do you own them or have you listened to them?

Showing 4 responses by ctsooner

Jim, great TT set up.  Where did you find a used Basis 1400?  ;)
Great thread. I really LOVED my Treo's.  CT or no CT, that's just a great speaker value in high end to me.  I think the Quatro is the sweet spot in the lineup though and it was an easy upgrade for me to want to make.

I loved working with Bruce in teh 80's when I was stationed out in SD.  He would never remember me, but I still have a Stax portable amp I got from him (with Lambda's) and the original invoice, lol.  I'd love to get down there some day to go listen.  

Fun thread.  glad I found it.
DAD GUM DUDE, lol.  I would love to come out and go down with you.  That's where I met Richard the first time. It was 83 or so I think.  Fell I love with the 2's but needed to wait until I got out of the Navy and move into a home.  I did that about 8 years later, but when I went to the dealer in RI to purchase them with my ex, he turned me onto PRoac as that was HIS favorite speaker.  He just didnt' set them up correctly and gave a half ass demo.  

It's too bad as the Proac's were awesome, but a bit bright to say the least.  I never warmed up to them, but kept them for years as I got out of upgrading audio for about 15 years or so.  I would go audition constantly and hang out with my audio friends who owned stores, but it wasn't until I auditioned the Treo's at Rutan's that I had to make new choices.
Guys, Jim is one of those great guys in audio.  Liked by all as he's earned his respect.  Proud to call him friend.  

Oh, he also has a great ear ;)....
Rich, I'm jealous man...very .......someday.....!!!!!
I had the non CT and they were AWESOME>.  Absolutely a great speaker value!