Two questions to make you mad.

#1 Why is it that the worlds most sophisticated and accurate machine the (ASML) TWINSCAN NXE:3600D doesn’t use special AC or signal cables to make 3nm semiconductors. Audiophiles need special cables for accuracy?

#2 Why is it that you can always tell when a piano is playing live, or even an electric guitar is playing live 2 houses away directly into an amp through walls and windows?

In the 1960s Electro Voice announced that their speakers could reproduce exactly accurate sounds, many believed them.

We are fooling ourselves, our hobby is full of lies and we can’t even face facts.


Thanks for your note, I had a feeling you'd have some interesting thoughts. I think A I will change everything in sound one of the interesting things that will change soon will be the meaningless ideas that we pay so much for today that will be totally missing from future systems. A I won't understand fluff or aesthetics or marketing hype. A I may finally give the end user a standard for acoustics then after that we can modify the sound to suit our taste. A I will need quantum computers to really change things but that is just around the corner as well.

....this and those questions made me So Mad I could almost fall aslee.....

@donavabdear , you ought to bore your guitar buddy about the Deads' "Wall of Sound", and what it consisted of....

Not that it'll change his blind or rock his whirl'd, but at least he can be intelligently clueless about the things he can play with....😏

Btw, a monied dilettante has cretined a reduced version of the WoS.....appeared to be 'bout 10' tall x 20 odd ft. wide.....😍

Just in time for the holidays

Of course the reason I mentioned the ASML machine that sells for 300M$ that makes 3nm chips is because it is the most accurate machine mankind has ever made (not including the LHC), The LHC uses super conductive cables so they are in a different class. The ASML machine uses cables that many of us would not accept for our audio playback systems on the grounds that the fancy cables we buy are more accurate than regular cables without 10 kinds of shrink-wrap and cool little wooden emblems on them. If the ASML machine doesn't need fancy cables then why do we? Audio works at very slow and very long wavelengths, cables are easy at our wavelengths. If your stereo costs 300M$ would you demand 80k$/Meter cables you would probably say yes but you would have no reason other than people saying it sounds better. The limit of engineering now is 3nm accuracy and that machine doesn't include 80k$ cables. The ASML machine is literally the definition of accuracy and somehow we demand more accurate signal cables than it does, one of the groups is wrong the audiophiles or the semiconductor industry. 




I’d love to hear your view on where AI (Artificial Intelligence) will lead recording and playback in music and movies.


I think A.I. will take the cake...😁

Commercially for money reason A. I. will be used to create music and process it...

We have a soul... But we will bargain it for money...

It is all already written in any S.F. litterature...😁

I am not a luddite by the way but A.I. will be under criminal corporation control for a while as it is already ... After that it will become A. C. or artificial consciousness...Here it will be more like a "Blade Runner" movie ...

The difference between neural network mathematic or A. I. and the new mathematic of A. C. is that it is self learning in the real world as a human or animal body do it is not a language model ... This new mathematics is already written in an astounding book by an Indian not so well known genius because it superseed ALL any other models paradigm of the brain on neuron basis ... There is the same quantitative complexities in one neuron inside with his grid of microtubules as the overall  sum  of all neuron network of all the brain... ...

One of the best book i read in the last decades or more....It change everything... Totally new concepts nowhere else to be read... Better than any thriller but hard science... It is like "fractal geometry" the book that had changed our geometric intuition ...I read it in his first edition in french in 1976... here is a book that change our intuition about everything or almost... And this scientist has proven 15 years ago the quantum properties in microtubules...He just discovered how to read them few months ago...

1) The quantifiable issues associated with wiring and cabling have been accounted for in the design of the Twinscan machine have been accounted for in the design.

2) The dynamics of a live instrument, in acoustical, volume, frequency, and temporal domains are only at best approximated in playback. This does not mean the results are unpleasant, on the contrary, they can be extraordinary. Just not live.

1) The quantifiable issues associated with wiring and cabling have been accounted for in the design of the Twinscan machine have been accounted for in the design.

2) The dynamics of a live instrument, in acoustical, volume, frequency, and temporal domains are only at best approximated in playback. This does not mean the results are unpleasant, on the contrary, they can be extraordinary. Just not live.


I’d love to hear your view on where AI (Artificial Intelligence) will lead recording and playback in music and movies.

I’ve had a fun and way to long argument with a friend of mine that works in a vintage guitar store in LA, he knows practically every guitar player and their set up tout there. I would always tell him why do you sell all these beautiful guitars and then have them run through a Vox, Martin, or some other amp with full range speakers why don’t you get a high quality audiophile amp and a Hifi speaker to bring fidelity to the outrageously expensive guitar you sold them, he always says because that’s not rock n roll. 

I honestly don’t know why you can tell a live guitar a mile away playing through any old amp. I have a Steinway and Sons Spirio/r piano that plays back exactly the way the original player played it, this is the only Hifi playback I have ever heard in 40 years of recording.

Thankfully my Pella windows rarely allow the neighborhood players to be heard from inside the house. 

The main lie by omission in audio is that we ( the industry and consumers) for OUR convenience forgot to say even to ourselves that the acoustic and psycho-acoustic knowledge value exceed the gear pricing....

Then going after cables or pointing to the difference between live event versus recording one , is missing the main point ...And this mislead people putting them in two groups : subjectivist and objectivist, the two groups focussing on the gear / measuring tools components instead of the psycho-acoustic event which need to be controlled ...

Anyway all these old quarrels  in audio will soon disapear in a psycho-acoustic revolution  which is already here...



Those are direct instruments , in guitars or amps I have used better capacitors, wiring and tubes and better cabling connectors to enhance the fidelity of the Amps , guitar and this to for sure applies to loudspeakers the Xover is a very important component , these speakers extra voice fine as a direct monitor 

but not even close to a full range Loudspeaker ,it has its place in a specific area .

Reading this is like following a wild pig trail, except it’s in a video game and the scenes occasionally repeat. 



Audiophiles, subjectivists as objectivists  suffer from only one disease : psycho-acoustic basics knowledge ignorance and then gear and/or tools  fetichism... The gear fetichism of the subjectivists  cannot be explained if we do not point to their acoustic and psycho-acoustic ignorance... This ignorance is a well shared ignorance in general anyway among objectivist  as well as among  subjectivist audiophiles...

This why there exist so much threads as this one attacking one group or the other...Ignorance...

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"We need good cable because they make a difference" @jpan 

There are two types of cables, good ones and bad ones. It is extremely easy to make good ones from cable and parts you can get online. Adding a fancy casing and jacking the price only make a difference in your head.


Is absolutely right. Audiophiles suffer from two distinct diseases, the Mark Levinson disease and the Dan D'Agostino disease. In Mark Levinson the price is increased to make it sound better. In the Dan D'Agostino disease if it looks better it sounds better. Affliction with either causes severe economic and psychosocial disruption. These people are extremely easy to take advantage of so you see companies like Synergistic Research that exist purely to take advantage of this population when in reality their products are garbage, totally non functional. 

Good questions. And I’m hardly even fuming… ;-)

1. We need good cables because they make a difference. Anyone that is skeptical of this should try and small number of different cables and see which they prefer. Viola, you’ll know there’s difference whether you can explain it empirically or not. So pick the ones that sound best to you.

2. I don’t expect my 2 channel system to play as if it were live music because that’s just not possible. It is not live. It will never be. Although it may sound very, very good and provide a lot of enjoyment to the listeners. A painting of pipe is not a pipe.


Why wolf chases rabbit?

Because wolf is hungry and wants to eat. That's why.


i concur with this short answer...

Anyway mine would have been too long and boring to read ... 😊

#1 The Twinscan is just a really fancy printer and reproducing sound is a   
      completely different matter.

#2 It's because our ears can distinguish it. It's why I ultimately trust my ears and not
      just measurements.

#3 Much ado about nothing.

All the best,

#1 The Twinscan is just a really fancy printer and reproducing sound is a   
      completely different matter.

#2 It's because our ears can distinguish it. It's why I ultimately trust my ears and not
      just measurements.

#3 Much ado about nothing.

All the best,

Many people attending church claim that God is not really present "in the house" - that it's just a facsimile... but a reasonably good one.

We are fooling ourselves, our hobby is full of lies and we can’t even face facts.

Um, maybe this is you but it's not me.

I have a stereo machine that plays music.

I  like it.

Issues which make me mad involve actual injustices -- not these. 

Our hobby is full of lies, yep marketing and measurements lie. Reproductions of anything are not nearly as good as the original, this is epically true of sound.