Tube virgin looking for tube amp under $3k

I’ve never owned any tube amps or preamps and since I’ve got 95dB efficient speakers I thought why the heck not? And wow! What a rabbit hole I’ve gone down In the last week or so and my head is really spinning. For just about every amp or amp/preamp combo there’s someone who loves it and someone who says don’t bother. And then the more I dig, the more brands I find.

I’ve read about these products recently:

— Erhard Audio integrated amp 
—The various iterations of the ST-70 (Van Alstein, Bob Latino, Will Vincent, etc.)
—Music Reference RM10
—Cary (out of budget except used)
—Raven (at max budget for integrated)
—Dennis Had (hard to buy/find)
—Quicksilver Mid mono (need preamp)
—Decware (too long a wait for me at the moment but maybe one day)
—Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum III (at max budget and do I really need 100WPC with my speakers in a small room?)

And probably a few others I’ve forgotten about already. 

I have to say that the Bob Latino ST-70 speaks to me for the price of entry (about $1400) and the fact that I could get away without a preamp and only use a passive input selector. That said, would an ST-70 be the best choice or only the cheapest? 

Any ideas for a tube newb who doesn’t have a stockpile of tubes to roll in and out of an amp?

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+1 on PrimaLuna.  Should find a used integrated integrated in your budget. 
If you can stretch to $4,500 take a look at the Octave v40se. Incredible build quality and they have an upgrade path by adding the black box or super black box. 
Raven at your budget ....
or for value a Black Ice audio  F22 at 1/2 your budget.  Throw in a fx glass tube wifi dac, some vintage 50’s-60’s tubes and you have a nice low maintenance initial set up that performs way above its price point.
Elekit TU-8600 assembled with all the trimmings. Hit up vkmusic net. You will not be disappointed. 
I will be selling my Cary Audio CAD 300B Signature tube amp in the coming weeks. It’s has new JJ 300B tubes and JJ rectifier tubes. It was recently checked out throughly. PM me if this interests you.
Don’t overlook Rogue Audio. I’ve got the Cronus Mag III and love it. If it matters to you, Rogue is manufactured right here in the USA.
+1 yogiboy, russ49

I heard the Quicksilver Integrated easily drive Dynaudio Evoke 10s and 20's, much lower sensitivity than 95db. It's a great value.
Talk to James at Raven, he will make sure you know everything you want to know. I’m still waiting on mine, but I’m so far I’m a happy customer. 
Maybe an easier way to dip into the tube world would be with a hybrid integrated with a tube input stage but solid state amplification.  This way you get a good dose of the “tube magic” but with less maintenance and cost, and you can still play around with tube rolling if that’s your thing.  With your speakers and room something like the Unison Research Unico Primo at $2395 new might be a great option, and you can read reviews to see if its sound characteristics are what you’re after.  The importers, Fidelis, offers a trial period but I think charge a healthy restocking fee if you end up returning it, which I’d think unlikely if it delivers the sound you’re looking for.  Best of luck. 
I own a Raven Blackhawk and it is a great amp.

I also own Pathos Acoustics equipment and it is excellent too.

I have owned McIntosh and Simaudio gear but the Raven and Pathos gear is more to my liking. 

Decware is out there
with your 95db speakers Deware will kill
i  use mine 4 wpc Mini torii with Ref 3a de Capo i  at 92db
The problem with adding a budget like 3k AND wanting pre and amps, gonna get pretty tight pretty quick..For SUPER sound. 
VTL, Luxman, and Mcintosh. Mac, though.. you'll look long and hard to get happy with 3k in your pocket..

Gear like Ravin, Atmasphere, certain Carys,  mercy if you could spring for that.. you would be WAY ahead.. Your starting close to the top for quality.. 20 year gear...

 Bob Latino ST-70, Good gear, old gear.. you have to do a few things to stop them from going through valves..Not expensive, BUT there will be maintenance.. SQ? El34s, Where is the bass? I'm telling you.. 6L6 or KT88 valves.. unless your gonna go SS for the bass portion on your speakers.. Fruit for thought..

@ larshepping
Some of those other amps on your list besides the Quicksilver will need a preamp or a passive input selector. If 20 watts is enough power Quicksilver makes a nice integrated amp for 2 grand.
Integrated Amplifier – Quicksilver Audio
Thanks for the suggestions so far. Is there more I can read about Raven somewhere?

I saw the Atmasphere in the classifieds. That’s $4k without tubes and it ships from Indonesia of all places.

DeKay: speakers are Omegas. Single driver. Room is modest: 10x15 with a 10 foot ceiling.
What speakers are you using and what is the size of the listening room?

There is an Atmasphere S-30 for sale here. It seems to be fully decked out and seller is asking $4K. You might be able to get a few bucks off.
Though a bit more than your budget, I can only say it would be my first choice.
Stretch for the Raven. It will be worth it. Forget tube rolling, you won't need it. Drool bucket, maybe, for when you hear how good it sounds. Decware is the only other one on your list I would even consider, and you ruled it out anyway, so Raven. One and done.