Tim deParavicini has passed away

I learned today that  Tim deParavicini has passed away from Cancer.  Another one of the great Audio Designers is now gone.  Rest In Peace Tim.
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Many moons ago I owned Luxman gear that he designed. He was an outstanding engineer!
I always wanted to own a EAR gear and came so close to picking up 834p recently. 
R.I.P. Tim. 
RIP Tim. I have an early example of the infamous Michaelson & Austin TVA1 designed by Tim and I've had the pleasure of chatting to him about it. 
Very sad news, loss of a great mind. Thoughts are with his family and friends.
I regret never owning some of his lovely gear. Here’s a 2007 profile:
I first learned of him when I started listening to recordings by Water Lilly, including Ry Cooder's "A Meeting by the River." They used EAR gear, iirc. Exquisite recordings.
Very sad to learn of his passing. Having had a few rare opportunities to spend time with him at various audio shows, he was a gentle soul who utterly failed to take himself too seriously. A true creative genius who will be missed. Rest In Peace!
Another one of our greats is gone.
I had a pair of his 509's and they were excellent.

2020, the year that continues to give.

wow! very sad news. R.I.P. Tim. he touched many aspects of our high fidelity lives when you consider all his modifications to the recording and mastering gear.

i owned a dPv modified Technics RS-1700 RTR deck for a number of years. fine sounding unit and it had an EQ Tim created.

i once talked to Tim at an audio show for 2 hours about him modifying my Studer A-820. i felt like i was talking to an audio God.

one of a kind.

he will be missed.
Very sad news, I knew he was sick. His designs make beautiful music, I owned an EAR power amp.
I wonder what will become of EAR Yoshino. Tim supplied gear for many recording studios in the UK.

Little known fact; he helped Bob Carver design the first tube amp which led to the creation of the Crimson 350 monoblocks.
RIP Tim.

Wow, a real legend. Had one of his amps. Another friend, horrible system, but the one thing he did that made it sound really good for a while was a Tim deParavicini pre amp. Whatever mad skills it takes to make gear sound good, he had it in spades. He will be missed. RIP.