Thoughts about the "Cheapaudioman" on YouTube

This gentleman has stirred up some controversy in the audio world over on YouTube. I personally, find him very interesting.  What are your thoughts?


I like his others, my equipment is not in his review price range, but he provides useful device, particuarly for secondary systems...just not my main system.  

His review of the sony ss-cs5 speakers was spot on.  I find that he is more often right than wrong.

I watch a lot of these YouTube "reviewers" and I've been watching his channel for probably over 2 years now. I enjoy his content and he's come a long way. I would say before you completely dismiss him as garbage you should see what he's about and where he's coming from.

I think his attraction to most people is his regular guy approach and good humor. I don't think he ever really set out to be some huge YouTube guy but came up with this Cheapman channel after he bought his first high dollar piece of gear. I believe it was a well reviewed $5k integrated by SimAudio/Moon Audio. It turned out(to his ears) to sound no better or even worse than some cheaper components he had owned. He was pissed, and came up with the idea to find and talk about pieces of gear under that 1k mark or so that provided good performance and value. 

I personally don't feel he pushes any equipment, just gives his opinion on stuff. Once you figure out what type of sound he likes people should take that into account if they are interested in something he likes. For example, I think he likes a lot of treble, some of those speakers he likes are too hot for my taste. He's not a fan of measurements, so all of his opinions are off of his ears and what he likes, you can tell he's really not concerned about how others have rated or reviewed something. He definitely caters to people on a very low budget. Although there is only so much low budget gear that is even half decent so he's ventured out into more expensive products here and there. Since he's become more well know a lot of company's have sent him higher quality gear, although I don't think Buchardt were very happy with his assessment of them. He didn't drool all over them like some other reviewers lol.

I think he has a place in the audiophile landscape. As others in this chat have alluded to is that there are some great sounding pieces of gear for what I consider cheap prices. It has not always been like this. Its a good time to get into hifi if someone is young or doesn't have the big funds due to whatever in life. In the cheaper priced market is where one can really get ripped off and come across a lot of junk..and if you are new to this hobby or a first time buyer you don't even know what you are looking for. For this fact I think someone like Cheap Audio Man can really help. Just my opinion anyway. 

There are so many people trying to get a foothold on a large enough audience on YouTube for income from ads, and partnerships and just asking all the time for money like Randy.  Helpful? He looks more like someone who just sees what's available on Amazon and doesn't spend much time outside that searching for what he assumes, thinks are the best deals.   He has an audience so obviously, people do connect with him.  And I guess respect him for that.

His review of the sony ss-cs5 speakers was spot on.

I bought those and very quickly returned. They were very bright and thin…brittle sounding. They sounded to me like a cheap speaker with two tweeters. I paid $88 but felt they were worth $50 as they weren’t nearly as good as my sons Dayton Audio speakers.

This is like asking is MQA good or not.

Re. @curtdr and @pedroeb comments... anyone who thinks Mr. Amir isn't  "... irrelevant opinionated egotistical jackass garbage." (and there's no need for this kind of commentary in the audiophile world imo), is self exposing. Amir is entitled to his pontificating and if you like him, great. 

1. Randy has a lane. While I fast forward his intros (annoying music and intro fodder) and only watch a some of his reviews. (I am not a Paetron of his. I am of a couple of others whose reviews fall more inline with my interests.) 

2. I had an application / location where I didn't want to spend a lot of money. Between Randy, Zeos, and others, I learned about Fosi amps and Jamo S 803 speakers. Pretty impressive for background music and I spent less than $350.00 and am very happy with them. Randy discussed the Fosi amps that got me looking. 

3. It's basically still a free country and you can choose what you watch, read, etc. 

4. I've only been nosing around these forums for the past 2 years. The outliers and know-it-all folks can be ignored.

5. Randy occasionally reviews some higher end equipment.

6. Re. YouTube reviewers, I appreciate Hans Beekhuyzen, "Z reviews" (mainly headphone gear), John Darko, Currawong, & Josh Valour to mention a few. All have their lane. 

As Han's always concludes his videos, "and whatever you do, enjoy the music!"

I’ve watched Randy from the beginning of his channel. I enjoy his irreverent and self deprecating sense of humor. IMO calling him a sellout is completely unfair. YouTube is his job now and he has to make an income. His lane in cheap audio and for the most part he sticks with it with the occasional foray into higher priced components. Frankly, whenever he does he gets hammered in his comments for doing so. He has opened the hobby up to thousands who bought what he suggested and are thrilled they did.

He has helped Geshelli Labs immensely, and doesn't get a dime for it. Good equipment at a very reaonable price. IMO. Randy does try to be helpful. If anything he can give you a good laugh at the start of an otherwise boring day!

Cheapaudioman recommended the WiiM Mini Airplay 2.

I have this little streamer connected to my Denafrips Pontus 2 DAC via Toslink cable and the sound quality is amazing.

Compared to my previous set-up with my PC to the Denafrips Iris to the Pontus via I2S I'd say it's about the same, possibly even better.

But I have ordered a PI 2 Design Mercury which I believe should be even better.


i've watched many of his reviews. some are definitely interesting... in the sense he's consuming lots of audio equipment...daily! but when he goes over and over and over again about the music examples he uses to determine if an amp, speakers or a dac is good...well... it's pretty lame! sorry, don't want to sound snob, but you have to include music that is less compressed and has way more dynamic range than 80's and 90's rock and pop! no jazz (except his perpetual use of miles davis 'so what'; which i'm sure he couldn't care less what's about) or classical music. you have to include and KNOW these genres in order to give a more substantial evaluation. it think sean of zero fidelity is way more reliable and tarun (british audiophile) is by far the most interesting and thorough reviewer. i would definitely trust most of tarun's reviews.

@langelo68 I watch Tarun more often than not when his videos come out. I’m not into everything he auditions, but I do like his calm, decaffeinated demeanor, lol. I like Thomas, too. Zero Fidelity reviewed what I consider to be a "Holy Grail" piece for me: The Classe Delta pre/amp. *Oooooh,,,,,,,Daddy likey!*

Randy usually looks like he’s hungover.



IMO calling him a sellout is completely unfair.

I mean he completely changed. What he used to make fun of he has become. Him refusing to pronounce Schiit out of fear of losing a few bucks is too cringey for me.

If he would have started his channel with his current sentiments of monetizing everything and begging for donations, I would not have called him a sellout. 


i like him and i’m really stoked for him because very few normal working stiffs can parlay ’talking about gear online’ into an actual career. like i just want to root for him. it’s really cool what he’s done.

not sure whether i trust his judgment as much as some others because i don’t get how he can review so much equipment so quickly. the turnaround time was just insane awhile back - the guy is listening to 3, 5, 7 new pieces a week and drawing these quick conclusions...all i know is i couldn’t do that myself. i’m also more interested in equipment that he doesn’t cover these days (because it’s not cheap), but i like his channel. i'd drink a beer with him 

but i like his channel. i’d drink a beer with him

This I believe is his genius/gift. He has the rare ability to convince people that he is their good friend/drinking buddy. His new wrist watch channel will be popular for the same reason.

Personality he is 10/10. 

Skill as an audio reviewer 3/10 

He created a large enough YouTube following to allow him to quit his day job and play with audio equipment all day.  He is smarter than all of us. 

The problem is it’s obvious he started his channel prior to obtaining any relevant points of reference. His experience with even “mid-fi” gear was limited. He has since gained some experience with higher end components, but it’s too late to adopt new philosophies after amassing that many subscribers. He’s boxed in now, but I doubt he cares, his followers are netting him money. 

@seanheis1 nearly ALL YouTubers ask for money, so they can keep the lights on and buy stuff to review and then either sell at a loss or give away to patreons of their channel. Nothing wrong with it. Even Steve Guttenberg asks for people to become patreons so he can keep doing what he does.

And someone said, "However, if he thinks a $300 loudspeaker sounds better than a $5000 loudspeaker, he’s not facing reality." Uh, I don’t think he’s ever gone THAT far, but he did say he liked one of the Klipsch RP series towers that were much cheaper than the Klipsch Heresy’s at $3200. I think it was the RP-6000Fs.

Then again, a $300 speaker in a well-treated room and dialed in just right CAN sound "better" than a $5000 speaker in a crappy, hastily setup, echoey hotel room at an audio show, so he was probably telling the truth.

He considers the Sony sscs5 speakers reference grade and uses them to evaluate products like Denafrips Ares 2....while using test tracks from Metallica and's quite a show. ;-) 

He created a large enough YouTube following to allow him to quit his day job and play with audio equipment all day.  He is smarter than all of us. 

+1. whatever you think of his opinions or the gear he focuses on, this is really cool

@seanheis1 Randy puts in a bunch of time, and I’m sure wants that time to pay (I don’t hold that against him). I don’t give him money myself, but he’s entertaining to some and nothing wrong for a tip jar IMO.

Can’t say/feel that he’s sold out, but good damn does that man love Emotiva!

@dreas ... Well said!

Randy seems to be improving as he goes along. He readily admits his mistakes. I think he will be invaluable down the road to newbies. This translates to keeping this hobby alive. IMO.

Today his sponsor was Sith Audiophile coffee: While not made from real audiophiles, "It captures what it means to be an audiophile, old and bitter."


He seems to be an influencer getting his footing with his audience. Nice way to make a living.

He does seem to push a lot of Emotive, and cheap junk. His make believe commercials are annoying , and juvenile. It does seem like he is learning a little as he goes . Hey, to each his own. Jog on !


He does seem to push a lot of Emotive,

He is getting a 1099 from Emotiva for 2022 so it's kind of his job to promote them. I think he sincerely likes their products as well, but obviously his channel pushes a few brands very hard. Same with Gishelli Labs.

He's getting on well with Schiit as well, I know Schiit is sending Darko a nice 1099 for last year. Those factory tour videos are paid for.