Thoughts about the "Cheapaudioman" on YouTube

This gentleman has stirred up some controversy in the audio world over on YouTube. I personally, find him very interesting.  What are your thoughts?


Showing 1 response by langelo68

i've watched many of his reviews. some are definitely interesting... in the sense he's consuming lots of audio equipment...daily! but when he goes over and over and over again about the music examples he uses to determine if an amp, speakers or a dac is good...well... it's pretty lame! sorry, don't want to sound snob, but you have to include music that is less compressed and has way more dynamic range than 80's and 90's rock and pop! no jazz (except his perpetual use of miles davis 'so what'; which i'm sure he couldn't care less what's about) or classical music. you have to include and KNOW these genres in order to give a more substantial evaluation. it think sean of zero fidelity is way more reliable and tarun (british audiophile) is by far the most interesting and thorough reviewer. i would definitely trust most of tarun's reviews.