The Worst Speaker you have ever heard.

This should be thought provoking. What is the worst speaker, or the most over-rated, over-priced, over-hyped speaker you have ever heard. Have you ever had speakers that you now wished you had kept?
Once I came across a cartoon in which cop was questioning an old fat lady seated on a chair "Lady we have tweeters that can make you talk" I bet the speakers in question was a 901 from Bose!

Second place goes to Wilson CUB, sheer waste of money!
Martin Logan Sequel II's are a great speaker, but placement and room size are critical, if done wrong they sound BAD.

Just like a Turntable, set up wrong you will never know how good it really is.

Martin Logon speakers are very good value for the money, but they are not plug in and play.
Avantgarde. I've heard them several different times, and I don't know what all the fuss is about. Looks like something out of the movie "Barbarella" and sound like a big honky megaphone! Supposedly, amp matching is critical, but after hearing them on at least 4 different occasions, I couldn't wait to leave the room each time! The Classic Audio Reproductions (horns) driven by an Atma-sphere S-30 (30 wpc) totally blew away the Avantgarde for much less "moolah". Come to think of it, ANY other horns that I've heard sounded way more musical than the Avantgarde!
Though they really shouldn't be mentioned on AudioGon
my vote would be pointed at BOSE as the most over hyped
over rated speaker of all.

Wow!!!! that felt great saying that. Thanks Jec, for the
Anyone claiming to be concerned about the welfare of American workers who wears a $1000 three piece suit and thinks CEOs deserve their inflated salaries!!
At least Al can pronounce the word "nuclear"..."

We had a laugh about that in Org Chemistry class...nerds.

With a frequency response like the Rocky Mountains, the worst speaker of all time are Bose 501s. Direct/reflecting can't help either, which reminds me again of GW - Focus, GW, focus!
In addition to the df-661 there were/was the LD2,LD3, and possibly an LD1. I've heard the LD2--mixed emotions about'em. Cabinets like bricks though-you're right. There's better stuff today.
Zaikesman, the speaker was the Velodyne DF-661. It got panned by John Atkinson in a Stereophile review in 1994, but got praise for low distortion and accuracy by Peter Aczel in The Audio Critic. I think it is still being sold as a home theater speaker, based on eBay ads, and I think the manufacturer is RBH(?).
Bose 901s. They sound comes from the back of the speakers. They speakers sound like treble. They have no bass. There horrible.
it has to be bill clinton because there is no truth to reality as in a bad speaker. al gore and hilary are close seconds!!!!!!!!
How 'bout the Yamaha 'Earspeaker' from the '70's? No, not a set of headphones, but a box speaker, very thin as I recall, and the diaphragm or whatever that made the sound (?) was the shape of the outside of a human ear. And who said the Japanese don't have a sense of humor?
Years ago at a show some exhibitor brought speakers that were horn loaded, with actual horns! Like from a tuba or something. Amazingly dreadful.
Agreed on the Watt/puppy (version 6 was what I heard). boomy overdone bass, bright highs. Nice imaging, but I couldnt' live with them. not at 1/4 the price.

Great take Rosstaman, LMAO;>) I actually owned Boze 501s way back in the early 70's, and at the time thought they were cool-- the advertizing did the trick. Their "direct reflecting" design sucked big time for bass. A few years later, a pair of "still not high end" JBLs buried the Bozos. Cheers. Craig
Wilson Puppies 5 they would be asking to much at half of their list price. WITT's much worse though.
At least Al can pronounce the word "nuclear"...(Hey Peter,is it Olympics time again already? Seriously though, Shrub is a highly, umm, entertaining speaker - wouldn't trade him for a real president unless the going got tough...oops... ;^)

The worst $$K speaker I've ever personally encountered from a 'major' manufacturer came from Velodyne, of all companies. When I was selling audio retail about 10 years back, they introduced a small monitor - which was their first (and I believe last!) attempt at this market - with very dense cabinetry, beautifully-made, and metal-diaphragmed drivers in a D'Appolito configuration, which supposedly incorporated some kind of 'revolutionary' technology that time (or at least myself) has forgotten. I don't recall the model name, but these babies were given a big promotional push, with a rep coming out to the stores to demo them and give background for salespeople, with literature, display cards, etc. I seem to remember them selling for around $3.5K, a lot at the time for their size (sorry if any of my 'factual' recollections are off-base). Anyway, these things were just the biggest stinkers - the most closed-in, uptight, totally dead-sounding music killers - any other speakers in the shop did better, regardless of price. Needless to say, none were sold, and I think after about a year they quietly disappeared from the market - certainly from our store (though their subs stayed). This speaker, whatever it was, isn't even listed on Velodyne's website under their model history. Anybody know more 'bout this fiasco, or remember the model name/number?...
Yeah but if is wasn't for big ol' Al, we would not be having this thread, remember hhe invented the internet!

Go GW and the USA!!!
Wilson X-1 series I. The longest most boring one hour listening session ever. No cabinet resonances--can't complain there. But nothing really spectacular ever stood out. Soundstaging and imaging were only mediocre--my little Thiels did a better job on the Q sound material (as did the avalons). Not even worth $10K. "most over-rated, over-priced, over-hyped speaker"

Klipsch Epic series II. $100 in dynamat smoothed out and deepened the bass nicely, and the lower midrage opened up a bit. But the high frequencies still scraped your eardrums (classical sounded horrible). I've never like anything by klipsch. The units maybe worth hearing (that I haven't) are the old school line: klipschorn, chorus, forte, etc. But for the most part they suck.
Without doubt, Martin Logan Sequel II. Too much bass, and you have to fix your ears in a one foot space, I think they're pretty furniture.
The Legacy Speaker line has to be the most outrageously
bad sounding group of speakers made. The possible exception is the Whisper which is still a disappointment without a
Haven't heard the latest incarnation, however the Watt/Puppies I've heard in the version 3 and version 5
with various electronics. The sound could charitably be described as mediocre, and for the price, laughable.
High end was sizzling, with a pronounced midbass boom
and poor lower register extension. A pair of Magnepan
3-series completely outclassed the Wilsons.