At Sumo..... Jim first, Rich May Second, Jason third....
The new Schiit Aegir Amplifier now shipping
Looks like mono configuration will not work with rca-XLR cables. Requires a true balanced connection. 20 watts a little low (for me anyway) for SE connection. I'm looking forward to reviews on this one
48 responses Add your response
Just realized that link of the Sumo Nine is no good, try this. Cheers George |
Wasn’t Sumo James Bongiorno??, I loved the sound of the Sumo 9 Class-A, a very innovative circuit multiple rails and floated too, too bad he use an opamp for the input, could have been a cracker amp. file:///C:/Users/georg/Downloads/hfe_sumo_the_nine_plus_schematic.pdf Cheers George |
" Mike's a very smart guy ". Reading about both the Vidar and the Aegir, I would say Jason Stoddard is a smart guy as well. In fact, not taking anything away from either of them, Mike seems to be the digital guy, Jason seems to be the amplifier guy, with both overlapping to the other. BTW, Georgehifi has been a huge advocate towards Schiit gear here. Enjoy ! MrD. |
George always supports manufacturers who devote their resources in product development and consumer marketing with the consumer’s pocketbook in mind (as in savings to the consumer). This in no way means I don’t support the other end also, eg: as I recommend to "glitz queens" that can afford them, Gryphon Antileon amps if they have the speakers that need them eg: Wilson Alexia ect ect. nothing Schiit makes can drive these successfully. itsjustme +1 yeah, with you there, a "new word" to wow the wow’able. Cheers George |
My two cents. I have not looked at the Aegir in any detail, but i recall when it was announced they spoke of a Vidar with lower power and class-A - and the usual snarky (clever!) lines "more money, less power, schiit engineering". Gotta love that. Now, whether it worked initially for them or not, i did this very thing 20+ years ago, when i took our 200 wpc high bias AB amp - same chassis, same circuit topology, same power supply designs - the whole 9 yards. And changed it as follows: -- "mostly" class A (thermal reality limited being 100%, but this is simply a bias setting) -- higher current-- lower rails (note the transformer cores were identical, just the winding count changed) -- threw some expensive parts in where i always wanted them anyway -- raised the price to cover the expensive parts Superb results with no surprises. Became a bit of a cult amp, and I use the prototypes to this day. So, whether Schiit did this or not, the playbook works just fine. And i didn't even come up with a new confusing name for a complementary push-pull design running class A with no crossover distortion :-) What a load of marketing confusion. Why can't we just say what things are and do? Mike's a very smart guy. I still have a Theta DSPro laying about and it's still quite good against modern units. I love my Modi3 (in bedroom system) and when its working my EITR is excellent. QC on both left much to be desired - both were initially defective. Not clear why...overall parts quality, soldering, etc. seems first rate, most of the corners cut are aesthetic and in the area of support/service. G |
@snapsc, nice share of the above link. @kalali, I attended AXPONA Friday morning and heard their (Schiit) Aegir in an audio system. I discerned nothing offensive about the SQ, which is the best I can discern when I have no prior experience with ANY of the other components in the setup. (That’s the primary handicap of industry or consumer audio shows in general: reference context is a black hole.) But encouraging one to become educated about a designer’s product by reading the entirety of a relatively short write-up (15 min for most) before pontificating about their confirmation bias in a post is not an evil thing to do. George is usually open minded about most technical discussions. And maybe he read the entire write-up on the head-fi site by now. And I agree with the last point made by the OP: George always supports manufacturers who devote their resources in product development and consumer marketing with the consumer’s pocketbook in mind (as in savings to the consumer). |
here are a few early impressions and temp reading posted on SBAF |
I keep forgetting that George does not like Schiit Audio...and that he thinks he knows EVERYTHING! Huh?? George, from what I've read in the past, always has praised Schiit's components for the price level. In fact, George recommended trying the SYS passive pre between my Preamp and amp to control tube hiss (My amp is higher than norm output gain, my speakers 101 db efficient). |
I keep forgetting that George does not like Schiit Audio. You need to get a life and see the forest through the trees, and go see who’s Schiit’s strongest advocate is on Audiogon, you will get a big shock sunshine. But then you’ve done 107 post and 99% do do with a single Tekton speaker thread so you have no idea of what else goes on. |
@porscheracer, +1, for understatement: “Guess what, the original idea didn’t work out...” And from my count reading the Jason’s head-fi chapter, the next 15-ish iterations of the “original idea” didn’t work out either. 04-12-2019 7:09pm @George wrote: “ I said probably lower rails and higher bias..” Well, you got that wrong.. Besides, you forgot about transconductance droop, for which no class A/AB design accommodates or eliminates. Yep, nothing new here at all. |
I’m not bagging this amp celander, there is a great place for it in the market, using efficient speakers. But let’s not make it the holly grail, it’s not! Nothing new there celander, it’s what’s been the norm on most good class-A complementary output stage push pull amps. This "continuity" is just a new word used to make it sound like it’s something new and innovative. Cheers George The transformer used is significantly different too.Of course the transformer will be different, the Aegir has to have far lower rails than the Vidar, my 10 year old knows that!!! |
@georgehifi Except you left off the header text before the text you provided: "Aegir the First: The Original Idea" Guess what, the original idea didn't work out. Also, the output stage is not the same basic circuit topology as Vidar. The transformer used is significantly different too. Vidar does 1 watt at Class A.... But hey, it all looks the same so it mostly is, right? |
It’s helpful to read beyond the first paragraph in most, if not all, of Jason’s writings. As much as he is a talented EE geek, he’s a very talented writer having a very substantial background in that arena. Besides, it would be a far shorter chapter had he given the punchline in the first few paragraphs. And I think that reading the entirety of his writing there will correct your misapprehensions about what Schiit’s Continuity actually entails. |
celander As I thought the same "basic circuit topology" Here’s what I envisioned when Marv suggested doing a low-power, “Class A” amp in the Vidar chassis: "Continuity" output stage, is a "word" used which to me indicates the pnp/npn outputs don’t totally switch off (Class-A), so there’s no cross over distortion, like what happens in a Class-A/B amp when it enters Class-B. You could say that about the Vidar also up to 5watts, that it’s also a "continuity" output stage up to 5 watts with no crossover distortion, then goes Class-B. The reference to the Lyr is that it stays in "Class-A" like it does, which is the norm for any phono or headphone amp. But the circuit topology Marv suggested is Vidar. Cheers George |
@celander It appears @georgehifi would rather be right than try to understand how Aegir is not like Vidar and is more like the Lyr 3. No, not in size or components uses...but in design. The Head-Fi post you link to describes it well. By the way, I really like the sound I get from the Lyr 3 and people I know that have access to Aegir really like it for the price point. |
Just because Aegir looks like Vidar does not mean it is like Vidar. Look very closely at the components and the pcb layout, if your any kind of tech you will see what I mean, and if you know different, please put a link up that proves me wrong. As I’d love for it to have totally different topology?? Cheers George celander Works for me, here they are again. Vidar Aegir If you still can’t see it here it is using image hosting. Cheers George |
This is Schiit co-founder Jason’s take on the Aegir’s design history: |
George, Just because Aegir looks like Vidar does not mean it is like Vidar. Any Class A-like design that fits in the same box as a Class AB design is going to have lower power and higher bias. There are no surprises there. Just like there are no surprises in that there are transformers, capacitors, resistors, and heatsinks used in both designs. The "whole different design" I am talking about is the high-bias Continuity design aspect. Vidar is nothing like that. Vidar is a classic Class AB amp. Aegir has an unique output stage and has a lower bias that a 20 watt Class A would have. |
porscheracer Sorry, I don’t think so, it is very close to the Vidar, I'd put money on it now seeing both viewing them, as I said probably lower rails and higher bias.. Vidar : Aegir: Cheers George |
I've been reading "on the schitter" thinks that's what it's called, look for it on Schits web sight under "about". the links close to the bottom. they really don't seem to hide much about themselves. I'm impressed and some good laughs. I've been eyeing these as well and when I get home from deployment I'll be looking closer. Much closer Glen |
mtbriderCan you post the link? What is AC? |
Here is my room hit list for Friday morning at AXPONA 2019: 16-Aster: Shelter Dan |
You get what you pay for my friendsAnd with Schiit it’s all on the inside, as your not paying 8 x more for a glitzy CNC'd chassis with Cadillac like shine, that does absolutely nothing for the sound. Cheers George |
It is very interesting reading, on the Schiit site, about this amplifier. The FAQ section is full of information, and you also have links to writings of Jason Stoddard and Mike Moffat, the 2 head honchos over there, who btw, have been around for quite a while. The owners manuals are available to read as well. The Schiit is the real deal. P.S. The fellow I spoke with is Grover, not Gordon. |
Bet this is the Vidar with lower rail volts and higher Class-A bias, maybe that why there's no internal shots of it, like the Vidar has??? Not that it's bad, as there are plenty of speakers that would rather have the Aegir's 20 of Class-A and no B over that. Than the Vidar's 1-5watts of Class-A and 90w of B. Quad ESL57's come to mind. Cheers George |