The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!

I have in-house the New Coda Technologies S5.5 amplifier for review for Stereo Times website. It will be awhile before I write the review. However, I'm so impressed by the performance of this petite amplifier, it only weights 45 pounds, that I wanted to give a heads up to you GON members if you are in the market for a balanced pure class A amplifier, delivers 50 watts @ 8 Ohms, and can drop 100 Amperes of current on a peak!

The world class build quality of Coda amplifiers is on display with the S5.5, along with the most beautiful purity of tonality, precise sound-staging, complete liquidity offered by pure class A design, and what might be the best top end regarding details, decays, and a natural shimmering without brightness or any edge at all.

The S5.5 uses extremely wide bandwidth output transistors instead of the usual TO3 devices used in most transistor designs. I own the Coda #16, which is great, but the midrange/high end is taken to another level of musical enjoyment with the S5.5. The S5.5 has a sense of speed/aliveness that is exciting to listen to that you experience in live music. The amp is dynamic as hell, has driven with ease any speaker I have tried it with, hence my nickname of the "Petite Beast". Remember, 50 watts pure class A, can drop 100 amperes of current and only weights 45 pounds.

Teajay (Terry London)


@yyzsantabarbara I had the LA4. It was an excellent preamp. Sorry I sold it. The HPA4 is the same in line stage function, as I'm sure you know.

Just got my Coda S5.5...havent taken it out yet..will do this  weekend..


The manual online the speaker terminals seems to be opposite..the left channel terminals are on the right and same for the right channel..

Do I just ignore it? Put the left speaker cables to the left amp terminals and so on?



@sim_audio_nerd Yes just ignore it.  Put left speaker cables of left side when looking at the amp.  I asked Doug about this and he said this is the way some older amps used to be labeled.  Not sure why they did it that way only for the S5.5 but they did. 

Friday May 3, marked 7 weeks and waiting. Ordered March 15, when did you that have them order? @sim_audio_nerd ?


After hearing my S5.5, and loving it; a friend of mine liked the thought of bridging a couple for his Harbeths. He spoke with Doug at CODA (as did I) who basically told him the same as yyzsantabarbara, bridging the S5.5s is not a good idea.

There is I believe a new System 150/250 coming soon, or is it out already? I'm wondering if it's really the big brother to the S5.5, anyone have any info?


Congratulations, please do give us some feedback when you can; would love to hear your experience. Mine has been a revelation, hopefully the same in your system

I have only 20 hours on the amp..

I want to play it for 50 hours at least before I share my impressions..


There is I believe a new System 150/250 coming soon, or is it out already? I'm wondering if it's really the big brother to the S5.5, anyone have any info?

The System 150 that is supposed to be released to Destination HiFi this month is the next iteration of the old System 150.  There is also an old System 250 that likely gets the upgrade treatment.

I do not think the S5.5 and the System 150 have any connection. More likely the System 150 and the #16 are the closet to each other.

BTW - I solved my #16 being a bit too warm for my speakers by getting a neutral DAC. 



Hey Guys,

I just submitted my review on the S5.5 to my editor at Stereo Times. I'll let you all know when it goes live on the website.

For yyzsantabarbara, I asked Doug Dale to explain the difference in the S5.5 with the other Coda amps and here's some of what he shared, "The S5.5 uses different transistors then the other Coda amplifiers. This pair of transistors are very similar to those that were used in the System amp architecture but are produced in a way that precludes them being in our other amplifiers."  

There is more information contained in the review. However, the S5.5 could be called a "baby brother" to the prior generation of the System 150 amplifier. The S5.5, not the #16 is closer to the System 150.

Teajay (Terry London)


Here is my impression of the Coda S5.5 amp:

System is:

Quboz->Innuos Pulse streamer->Holo May KTE DAC->Supratek Signature Grange preamp->Coda S5.5->Silversmith Fidelium speaker cable->Coincident Super Victory III speakers (92.5dB/8 ohm load)

To keep things simple, I will leave out all the glory details of my turntable/arm/cart, other cables, tweaks, room treatments, power conditioner etc...

Comparison between Pass XA30.8 & Coda S5.5 - I simply changed the Coda amp for the comparison, keeping everything the same:

1. Speed - Coda is the winner, hands down.

2. Highs - Coda is the winner, by a good margin. More airy and open than Pass.

3. Midrange - Coda edges out Pass.

4. Bass - Coda is equal to Pass (The Coda has been playing around 40 hours or so and prior to getting the Coda, I had to change the rectifier tubes in my preamp. I bought the cheapest rectifier tubes I could find). Maybe with further run-in and changing the rectifier tube of better quality, Coda bass would be better?

5. Micro Detail Retrieval - Coda is winner. I am hearing micro details I haven heard before from my well known tracks. Decay is better with Coda.

6. Other minor details - Coda is half of Pass amp in weight and runs cooler than Pass. I like this :)

7. Build Quality - Pass nudges out Coda, but again it is a matter of personal likes.

Overall, extremely happy with the S5.5. Overall musical fluidity, smoothness, micro detail retrieval, speed, listening enjoyment has increased by a significant margin.

I wanted to thank @johnah5 for starting this thread. Terry, your insights on how the S5.5 would differ from Pass XA30.8 is SPOT ON!!! :)

I look forward to reading your "official" review.

Thanks to everyone else who has helped in this thread to make my decision buying the Coda amp.

P.S= The synergy between the S5.5 and the Supratek Grange preamp is like a match made in heaven!!!



@sim_audio_nerd as I have a Pass XA30.8 your thoughts and comparisons are really helpful.  Thanks for taking the time to post!

@laginz soundstage is wider and there is increased front to back depth, but depending on the recording of course.

In my case, I was hoping the soundstage would go beyond the left and right speakers. It was always between the speakers. Unfortunately, Coda did not make the SS go beyond the speakers. But I can’t blame the amp. It’s probably my room which is odd shaped...and I would have to figure it out eventually..

Just wanted to add that I am in Canada and if anyone is interested in any of the Coda products here in Canada, they can contact Al Kaglik at HiFi Art in Winnipeg. He has been great to work with as my Coda dealer and has a great knowledge of Coda products representing them for many years. 


Thank you for the review, and yes your findings are roughly the same as mine.....both with Buchardt Audio S400 MKIIs and Clayton Shaw Caladan speakers. I do agree that a better dedicated listening room would improve soundstage depth and width, as my current space is not ideal. I too am really surprised how cool the amp runs, I thought it would be much hotter.

I'm now driving it with an Aric Audio Motherlode XL preamp.....this combo is ridiculously good, as I'm sure the SupraTek is. Glad you're enjoying it....and yes, thank you Teajay for bringing the amp to our attention....I never would have know or considered the S5.5 otherwise, as their other amps are just not in my budget

I am waiting for my s5.5 too. About 8 weeks out now. It will be replacing my AGD Tempo amp - I hope. Backert Labs Rhythm line stage and Caladan speakers. This will be interesting because my system is sounding great now. BTW, the Caladans take a VERY long time to break in. I also have Fyne F1-8 speakers that I might hook up to see how they respond to the new amp. Patience. 

I drive my Fyne F703 speakers with the S5.5. The sound quality is outstanding.

I decided to sell my black S5.5 for a silver. I am yet another one that was told two weeks and now passing two months.

Anyone ordering this amp after Terry's review comes out will be in for a very long wait.

I was very fortunate when I ordered mine (3/12), was told about a month but since I ordered the black one it shipped within 2 weeks.  Doug said he had quite a few silver orders and was waiting to get the silver chasis back in stock so mine moved up on the list as he had the black chasis in stock.  This was back in mid March. 

While waiting is no fun, I can assure you it will be worth the wait.  My system has never sounded so good!

@sim_audio_nerd would you have any comments on how Sim Audio Moon amps compare to the S5.5?  I assume you were running them at some point. 

@irave I was running Moon 390 pre with the 330A amp few years back.

In my opinion, there is no comparison between the Moon 330A and the S5.5. The S5.5 is in a different league.

I haven't heard the Moon new "North" line though but again they are very expensive


How is the gain between pre and amp, does the pre and power amp make any noise when turning on or off ?

Does the sound ever get bright ? And does male voices have gravitas, off course more depending on speakers. 


@gryphongryph The Supratek is a high gain pre. Inspite of that, both the preamp and the Coda is quiet as a mouse. No noise when music is not playing and components are turned on. I went close and put my ears against the tweeter and there is dead silence. No "clicking" noise when pre or amp is turned on, but of course you can hear the tubes engaging when the tube pre is turned on.

The sound is not at all bright and no sibilance with female vocals.

Hi @johnah5 Terry

Thanks for sharing your reviews here with this community. I for one find your reviews honest and educational. I bought my SPL S800 after reading your review, without auditioning it and I have been very happy with it. I then bought the SPL Elector as the preamp to go with the S800 and the pairing is very satisfying. However, the urge to upgrade has got hold of me and I am thinking of upgrading to the SPL S1200, which you also reviewed to be a great amplifier or this CODA 5.5 which you also seem to like a lot. If you had yo choose one between the two which would you pick purely on sonic quality alone. In terms of my preference of sound signature, I obviously like the S800 but i am looking for more speed/tighter bass/ even better dynamics/aliveness/punch. Will i get more of all that from SPL S1200 or Coda 5.5? Sorry, my speakers are Legacy Signature SE (92db / 4 ohm). Many thanks !

Hey charan,

First, thanks for your kind words regarding my reviews. With out copping out, both are great amplifiers with slight differences. The SPL S1200 has an overall smidgen of warmth (velvety) while the S5.5 is more neutral and has what I describe as a (silky) overall presentation. Both have great top ends. However, the shimmer/details of the Coda S5.5’s high frequencies is still something very special compared to any solid state amp I have tried. If you have speakers that can get a bit bright/forward sounding the S5.5 might not be a great match-up. Both are great at producing large sound-stages. Each is very musical and the antithesis of being analytical. Regarding overall speed, dynamics, bass control, and a sense of aliveness both amps are reference level. If you love your SPL S800 you would really dig the S1200, keeps the mid-range magic and adds on to it. (If you read my review on the S1200 it gives the details of these wonderful additions.) If you want a slightly different "flavor" the Coda S5.5 would provide that in your system. By the way the S5.5 matches great with the SPL Elector preamp.

I love to use tube analogies to describe the sonic differences between pieces of equipment. For my ears the S1200 is slightly towards the warmth of a great 300B or E-34 tube, while the S5.5 is slightly towards a great 2A3 or 211 tube. These are exaggerations, but give a taste of the differences that people can relate to if they have heard the different tube "flavors". So, it really does come down to personal taste and system synergy.

Teajay (Terry London)

Hi @johnah5  Terry

Thanks for your quick and helpful response. From everything I have read about both those amps, I was kinda expecting something along the lines of what you said i.e that they are both very good, more similar than different and it will boil down to preferred flavour and system match. Once again, thank you.

@tmac1700 faster more dynamic and much more resolution yet less sibilance more refined more open/airy.

Rare combination of sonic virtues.

Despite the lower wattage vs the #8 it has zero problems driving any of my speakers including some B&W 804 D4s, mind you my room is smallish and I don’t very often blast AC/DC.

Pairs well with tube preamps and is quiet too as others here have mentioned. 

I think for SS under $15K it’s the best I’ve encountered at least in my system, lol sometimes in hifi there does exist excellent value for money, and in this case, CODA just might have a true Unicorn 🦄

@tmac1700 The System 150 is composed of 2 parts. One regulates voltage (I think) and looks like the 07x preamp. The other section looks like the CODA #16. You would need to use a preamp or DAC with volume control into one of the 2 pieces. I think it is the smaller unit System 150 unit that a preamp would be connected to.

This model is not new, they are updating the old model. The description of the general layout of the old model should be the same for the new model.



I know waiting around for new gear is no fun. I waited 3 months for my Clayton Shaw Caladans, and almost that for my Aric Audio Motherlode XL preamp. But I personally would rather wait on a unit that was in such demand that people are clamoring for the product, because they are that stellar.

The Caladans, Aric Audio, and CODAs all fall in that category. Even more amazing that IMO they represent amazing value for money as well.

I was lucky enough to get my order for the S5.5 placed in February just after Teajay posted his initial impressions......when the lead time was only two weeks. I am sure that every second of your wait will be worth it for the CODA, it is truly a solid state revelation


Some of these amps didn’t last in my system very long (the NAD and Kinki monos only 3-4 months, ie I just could not get some of the amps to sound right in my system) some were/are integrateds, and this list is in no particular order:

NAD M22 V2

Parasound JC5

Bryston 4B3 & 14B3

CODA CSiB & #8 V1 & S5.5

Kinki Studios EX-B7

Gryphon Diablo 300

Mcintosh MA9000


I still have the Gryphon and of course the S5.5, the Gryphon replaced the McIntosh in my main system, but honestly with some music I like the S5.5 more than the Gryphon, I have the S5.5 paired with a tube preamp and the synergy of the stack is really fantastic with the Mofi Sourcepoint 10s in my second system. As I mentioned too, the S5.5 has no problem driving B&W 804 D4s which are a really difficult load.

@vthokie83 Yes I get it, I waited 18 weeks for my Legacy Focus XD’s. It’s just that Doug told my dealer 2-3 weeks when he ordered it and we just passed 8 weeks. which was unexpected and no firm ship date as of 2 weeks ago. I guess the hold up is the Anodizing vender for faceplates and heat sinks. He was promised them 4 weeks ago.

@kairosman How did the Bryston amps compare against the CODA gear you owned? I have owned the CSiB and the #8 V1. I have owned older Bryton but not the cubed lineup.


Bryston 4B3 & 14B3 

CODA CSiB & #8 V1 & S5.5

@yyzsantabarbara those Bryston amps were clear, neutral, dynamic and resolving, but the tonal characteristics of acoustic instruments were never "right" to my ears in my system, for whatever reason. A little "grey".

The NAD was "grey" as well, the Kinki monos were thin, not meaty enough for my tastes.

The BAT was the best of the lot, except for the S5.5 and Gryphon, I had it for years and really regret selling it.

@aolmrd1241 NP and just as a kinda related aside, I just heard the new Diablo 333 at a dealer in LA and, WHOA, what an amp. My 300 is amazing but Gryphon have outdone themselves with the 333 (I heard it as part of an all-Gryphon system).

They had the system at 100 db during my favorite AC/DC track "It’s A Long Way to the Top..." and there was ZERO hardness/harshness, and that recording is a crap recording. Massive sound with absolute control and clarity.

I predict it's going to cannibalize sales of the Essence stack, just my opinion of course, but the 333 is all the amp anyone would ever need unless you were Putin and an audiophile and only a total oligarch system would do when you have your cronies over for your weekly "whose next on the chopping block" parties.

FWIW for those waiting for their Coda S 5.5 amp. I talked to Doug yesterday, they have been waiting on anodizing to finish their faceplates and heat syncs. That was behind at least 4 weeks. They received a shipment last Friday and are working on my amp this week, maybe yours too? He said they will be shipping mine late this week or early next week. I also asked him about that power the amp makes into 4 ohms @ watts/Ch and he told me about 40. It’s not 50/100/200 (8/4/2) Anyway it’s nice to know I will be getting my amp soon to drive my Legacy Audio Focus XD’s I got last August. I sold my VAC Renaissance 70/70 Signature amp over a month ago.

Wow…40w per channel into 4 ohms sounds low. 50/100/200 is what is being advertised on the dealer web sites. Something somewhere seems amiss!

Has anyone here driven a pair of Maggie’s with the S5.5? I am concerned about too much of a good thing (detail) and not enough flesh. 

My LRS+ would likely not sound great with the S5.5. I spoke to Doug at CODA about using the S5.5 with the Yamaha NS5000 or the harder to drive Magnepan LRS+ and after my comment that powerful amps sounded the best on these 2 speakers, he said the S5.5 may not be the best choice for either speaker.  

For example, I used a Benchmark AHB2 with the LRS+. It worked well enough in my small room. However, it was not as dynamic or powerful in the bass as the more powerful amps I used (not enough flesh).

I had the CODA #16 on the LRS+ and it was the best amp I have used on it. The 500W Sanders Magtech was a close second with a warmish Schitt Yggi+ LIM DAC. The CODA #8 would also be good with the LRS+. I never paired them together because I owned the #8 before the LRS+.

@yyzsantabarbara As you know I have the #8 with the LRS+ and they sound amazing. Funny story, when I was at AXPONA this year, I noticed one of the rooms had the #8 and #16 amps with some electrostatic speakers. The #8 they were using had GREEN front panel meters. I've never seen that before and mine has blue meters. The dealer told me McIntosh called Coda and asked them if they would stop using blue meters and evidently, they complied. I have a unicorn amp now. 

@yyzsantabarbara  Thanks! But watts versus current? I thought current was needed for these hard to drive speakers. 

I also asked him about that power the amp makes into 4 ohms @ watts/Ch and he told me about 40. It’s not 50/100/200 (8/4/2) 

This just can't be the case given how the 5.5 is built. Can anyone set the record straight?

I find it hard to believe that McIntosh can dictate to Coda or any other company what color meters they can use...