The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!

I have in-house the New Coda Technologies S5.5 amplifier for review for Stereo Times website. It will be awhile before I write the review. However, I'm so impressed by the performance of this petite amplifier, it only weights 45 pounds, that I wanted to give a heads up to you GON members if you are in the market for a balanced pure class A amplifier, delivers 50 watts @ 8 Ohms, and can drop 100 Amperes of current on a peak!

The world class build quality of Coda amplifiers is on display with the S5.5, along with the most beautiful purity of tonality, precise sound-staging, complete liquidity offered by pure class A design, and what might be the best top end regarding details, decays, and a natural shimmering without brightness or any edge at all.

The S5.5 uses extremely wide bandwidth output transistors instead of the usual TO3 devices used in most transistor designs. I own the Coda #16, which is great, but the midrange/high end is taken to another level of musical enjoyment with the S5.5. The S5.5 has a sense of speed/aliveness that is exciting to listen to that you experience in live music. The amp is dynamic as hell, has driven with ease any speaker I have tried it with, hence my nickname of the "Petite Beast". Remember, 50 watts pure class A, can drop 100 amperes of current and only weights 45 pounds.

Teajay (Terry London)


@markmuse Although the S5.5 is listed as one of many "instant ship" items from Destination, on Monday 6/24 I got this confirmation from James: "there is (not "we have"') a silver S5.5 unit that is scheduled to ship next Tuesday (meaning 7/2)." At this point I can't tell whether it is coming direct from factory, or is a floor demo being spruced up, or just what. No response to inquiry thus far, although in fairness James is a very busy guy, constantly doing setup for big names in the music biz. So, best guess as of today: somewhere around 2 weeks.  

Post removed 

Hey Everybody,

Just received three more Emails from Gon members who have bought the S5.5 in the last month or so who are enthralled with its performance, and appreciated the information on this thread and the Stereo Times review that lead to their purchase. So far I have not talked one listener that had even one negative comment on this amplifier.


Well mine is for sale. It is a good amp, but for my ears the AGD Tempo and AtmaSphere D mono amps have a more transparent, dimensional, and liquid midrange with better control over the low frequencies and better rendering of textures. The S5.5 gets the nod in the high frequencies. This driving CS Caladans, Fyne F1-8s, KEF Reference 1, and Maggie LRS+. Not a negative comment, but given the glowing reports I was a bit disappointed. My 2¢, my 2 ears, and my 2 remaining brain cells.

We all have different systems, different preferences and there are a lot of choices so nothing is for everybody. Enjoy!

Has anyone addressed the 2 blue headlights beaming at you when this thing is on? 

Totally agree, they are very, very bright. I just bought a pack of Black LED Light Dimming Stickers for less than five dollars and they work really well and don't really detract from the aesthetics of the 5.5. The pack comes with many sizes and shapes, so it's easy to find ones that fit nicely. Hope that helps.

I had taped a couple of guitar picks on the amp to cover the blue lights. While that looked pretty nice (ha) I got some of those LED stickers today. Works like a charm. 

Terry is indeed correct. I have the amp and it may be the best 6k  Ive spent on solidstate. For context I had the 16 and I - in my room with my ears - feel like the S5.5 bests it in every way. Imaging rythym nuance and dynamic expression are out of this world. The only amp Ive personally owned that I feel was “better” by a slight margin was the luxman M10x. But only slightly and that’s a $20k amp. Bravo CODA. Instant classic.

My S5.5 finally shipped should be here the 23rd. Thread has been quiet hope the hype is still there.

I have been holding out purchasing electronics for my recently acquired Focal Sopra 3's.   

Have read a lot about the Coda value for the $.  Am wondering if anyone has matched either of the more budget versions of Coda with Focal Sopra 3's.

I"m considering the following:

Coda S5.5 with a matched Coda preamp,  or CSIB

Hegel 590 600

Gryphon 120

Maybe I’m naive, but this is the first time I’ve heard that the major mags require you to do paid advertising to get reviewed. Other than one manufacturer apparently suggesting this, is their other evidence confirming this is the case?  It sounds like a pretty serious charge to be making or repeating without such evidencr. To be clear, I hold no brief for the major mags, but would  just like to know if what is suggested in this thread is correct.

My S5.5 finally arrived. It's been playing for about 20 minutes. Nothing to say at the moment. 


55 posts


Just got my Coda S5.5...havent taken it out yet..will do this  weekend..


The manual online the speaker terminals seems to be opposite..the left channel terminals are on the right and same for the right channel..

Do I just ignore it? Put the left speaker cables to the left amp terminals and so on?


30 posts


@sim_audio_nerd Yes just ignore it.  Put left speaker cables of left side when looking at the amp.  I asked Doug about this and he said this is the way some older amps used to be labeled.  Not sure why they did it that way only for the S5.5 but they did. 


I called Doug today and he told me the same thing, but this can't be correct. The only way this would be right would be if you also switch the left and right input cables. If you use a test track it will show left channel on right and right channel on left.

@teajay  do you have any insight into the S20 model other than it being an A/B design? Trying not to heat up my small listening space in pure class A. Thanks

@evank Yes you will also need to switch input cables as well.  I just ignore what it says on the back and put the left speaker cable and input cable on the left side and the right ones one the right side when looking at the amp from the front.  When I asked Doug about this he said it was fine. 

I also have an S5.5 and it doesn't matter which way you do it, but know that tracks that have specific right and left channel content will be reversed. Knowing that and then hearing it myself... I just couldn't do it. Those songs just don't sound correct any more, but I'm pretty OCD with that kind stuff. 

I’ve experienced a lift sound quality by replacing factory fuses.

There is a 12 amp fuse for main power supply, in the back of the S5.5. Four other fuses are on top of the circuit boards inside the amp. Replacing all five fuses would be prohibitively expensive. I’m wondering if anyone has replaced just the back fuse and experienced a bump up in sonics? Hopefully the four internal board fuses have less effect on sound.

@5560 I did replace the main fuses, there are actually 2 12 Amp fuses in the back, not one.  I did notice a nice improvement in the sound.  I really like the Acme Audio Labs fuses, they sound great and are much cheaper than the SR fuses I used to use.  I actually think they sound better than the SR Orange fuses.  They sell for $29 each and the company has great customer service, would highly recommend trying a couple and see what you think.