The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!

I have in-house the New Coda Technologies S5.5 amplifier for review for Stereo Times website. It will be awhile before I write the review. However, I'm so impressed by the performance of this petite amplifier, it only weights 45 pounds, that I wanted to give a heads up to you GON members if you are in the market for a balanced pure class A amplifier, delivers 50 watts @ 8 Ohms, and can drop 100 Amperes of current on a peak!

The world class build quality of Coda amplifiers is on display with the S5.5, along with the most beautiful purity of tonality, precise sound-staging, complete liquidity offered by pure class A design, and what might be the best top end regarding details, decays, and a natural shimmering without brightness or any edge at all.

The S5.5 uses extremely wide bandwidth output transistors instead of the usual TO3 devices used in most transistor designs. I own the Coda #16, which is great, but the midrange/high end is taken to another level of musical enjoyment with the S5.5. The S5.5 has a sense of speed/aliveness that is exciting to listen to that you experience in live music. The amp is dynamic as hell, has driven with ease any speaker I have tried it with, hence my nickname of the "Petite Beast". Remember, 50 watts pure class A, can drop 100 amperes of current and only weights 45 pounds.

Teajay (Terry London)


Showing 26 responses by sim_audio_nerd

Hmm..I have Pass XA30.8 with Supratek preamp and thinking about this..maybe it would be lateral move? When was the S5.5 released? Is it fairly new?

@johnah5 thank again for your comments. I am strongly considering and spoke to a dealer. 

If it's somewhat close to SET sounding, I want to try the S5.5 from my XA30.8s.

@johnah5 placed an order for Silver unit. Are Coda amps generally sensitive to power cords, interconnects, isolation footers?

It will be paired with Supratek Grange Signature preamp.

Getting excited now to get it..want to extract the most from my first Coda amp! 😄

@vthokie83 thanks so much for your impressions.

I guess the Caledons + Coda and soon Aric Audio preamp would be a knock out combination.

I should be getting my Coda S5.5 amp soon. It will be paired with Supratek Signature Grange preamp.

I will post my impressions when I get the amp in a few weeks..

@vthokie83 that sounds like it going to be killer combo wise!

I’ll be getting my Coda S5.5 next week.

It will be: source-->Supratek Signature Grange preamp/phono-->Coda S5.5-->Coincident Super Victory IIIs.

@gryphongryph totally will do. I have a hunch the Supratek+Coda would be great match but I hope my hunch is true!

Just got my Coda S5.5...havent taken it out yet..will do this  weekend..


The manual online the speaker terminals seems to be opposite..the left channel terminals are on the right and same for the right channel..

Do I just ignore it? Put the left speaker cables to the left amp terminals and so on?



I have only 20 hours on the amp..

I want to play it for 50 hours at least before I share my impressions..


Here is my impression of the Coda S5.5 amp:

System is:

Quboz->Innuos Pulse streamer->Holo May KTE DAC->Supratek Signature Grange preamp->Coda S5.5->Silversmith Fidelium speaker cable->Coincident Super Victory III speakers (92.5dB/8 ohm load)

To keep things simple, I will leave out all the glory details of my turntable/arm/cart, other cables, tweaks, room treatments, power conditioner etc...

Comparison between Pass XA30.8 & Coda S5.5 - I simply changed the Coda amp for the comparison, keeping everything the same:

1. Speed - Coda is the winner, hands down.

2. Highs - Coda is the winner, by a good margin. More airy and open than Pass.

3. Midrange - Coda edges out Pass.

4. Bass - Coda is equal to Pass (The Coda has been playing around 40 hours or so and prior to getting the Coda, I had to change the rectifier tubes in my preamp. I bought the cheapest rectifier tubes I could find). Maybe with further run-in and changing the rectifier tube of better quality, Coda bass would be better?

5. Micro Detail Retrieval - Coda is winner. I am hearing micro details I haven heard before from my well known tracks. Decay is better with Coda.

6. Other minor details - Coda is half of Pass amp in weight and runs cooler than Pass. I like this :)

7. Build Quality - Pass nudges out Coda, but again it is a matter of personal likes.

Overall, extremely happy with the S5.5. Overall musical fluidity, smoothness, micro detail retrieval, speed, listening enjoyment has increased by a significant margin.

I wanted to thank @johnah5 for starting this thread. Terry, your insights on how the S5.5 would differ from Pass XA30.8 is SPOT ON!!! :)

I look forward to reading your "official" review.

Thanks to everyone else who has helped in this thread to make my decision buying the Coda amp.

P.S= The synergy between the S5.5 and the Supratek Grange preamp is like a match made in heaven!!!



@laginz soundstage is wider and there is increased front to back depth, but depending on the recording of course.

In my case, I was hoping the soundstage would go beyond the left and right speakers. It was always between the speakers. Unfortunately, Coda did not make the SS go beyond the speakers. But I can’t blame the amp. It’s probably my room which is odd shaped...and I would have to figure it out eventually..

Just wanted to add that I am in Canada and if anyone is interested in any of the Coda products here in Canada, they can contact Al Kaglik at HiFi Art in Winnipeg. He has been great to work with as my Coda dealer and has a great knowledge of Coda products representing them for many years. 

@irave I was running Moon 390 pre with the 330A amp few years back.

In my opinion, there is no comparison between the Moon 330A and the S5.5. The S5.5 is in a different league.

I haven't heard the Moon new "North" line though but again they are very expensive

@gryphongryph The Supratek is a high gain pre. Inspite of that, both the preamp and the Coda is quiet as a mouse. No noise when music is not playing and components are turned on. I went close and put my ears against the tweeter and there is dead silence. No "clicking" noise when pre or amp is turned on, but of course you can hear the tubes engaging when the tube pre is turned on.

The sound is not at all bright and no sibilance with female vocals.

I had the First Watt J2 and the power reduced in 4 ohm. Loved that amp though!!

@aolmrd1241 I think they can. How many brands/amps do you know who have the same blue VU meters? I think McIntosh has a trademark on that..not sure what the legal term is..

Sorry, the correct word is copyright and not "trademark", my bad..

From Rose Audio- "We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Since Macintosh has a copyright on the blue Vu-meter, we have removed the corresponding Vu-meter."



@grk it's very confusing. Just put the speaker cables like you would normally put...

Also the interconnects..I did what the manual said..soon I realized listening to tracks I know the channels were reversed. I swapped them like I did for the speaker cables and was back..

Not sure why Coda has it like that in the manual..very confusing 

I've had the S5.5 amp for about 6 months.

Usually, around the 6 months mark I get bored of any new gear in my system and I look around.

I love this amp!!! No way it's going anywhere anytime soon. 

Supratek pre and Coda S5.5 is just magical!

@doni Pass XA25 runs very hot. I had the XA30.8 and it run hotter than Coda S5.5.

I had the First Watt J2 and it ran hotter than XA30.8 in my setup (FW J2 is amazing with the right speaker).

Coda done some special things with the heat sinks. It runs fairly cool for a Class A amp and it's not that heavy!

Intrigued by the new Spatial Audio Raven preamp. I am sure it's great. @charliee I agree on the finishes..great if they can offer more. Also, the volume control knob..maybe make it a bit more pleasing, aesthetics point of view..just my opinion.


@charliee not sure but Aliexpress? Someone told me about a metal remote for my Supratek Preamp. Love the preamp but the stock remote is like what you find in a dollar store which is a shame. I might get a $30 remote from Aliexpress