FYI - I saw a CODA 07x preamp on sale for an amazing price on USAM.
I am listening to the Class A Schitt Mjolnir V3 preamp ($1200, no remote) with my CODA #16. I am using a bight Benchmark DAC3B with this setup. This is a really good combo and I bet sounds as good with the S5.5. Something to consider for a low-cost preamp.
I have the Benchmark LA4 and Mjolnir connected to the #16 at the same time since the #16 supports such as setup.
@christianb5s4 The #16 definitely is a great amp. Now that I found some speaker cables that do not mess up the sound, I have no complaints with the #16.
I actually had my #16 up for sale at the same price a month ago but I pulled the ad after the speaker cables were sorted out.
Just looked up your gear. The #16 will play very nicely with that gear. I had a CODA 07x preamp at one time, which is likely similar to your PASS, it was a nice pairing.
I have the #16 and another person and I did some listening with various gear and the #16. We felt that a brighter DAC such as the Benchmark DAC3B cut through the Class A warmth of the #16 nicely.
The #16 is much cleaner sounding on the top end vs the #8 V1, which I also owned. The #16 is the strongest amp for bass that I owned. I would think that the cleaner top end is what this S5.5 would offer vs the #8.
I did a listening test with the #16 vs the Benchmark AHB2 last weekend. The #16 was better on the mid and the highs on every track with my current setup. However, on 1 track, Sympathy for the Devil by the Stones. My musician friend told me that the AHB2 had better articulation of the bass. He said the CODA did not get the bass correct on that track (it got a little confused). However, on everything other track the #16 was great on all areas. The AHB2 also got some microphone placement correct vs the CODA.
He normally HATES the AHB2, but I think he came away surprised at the potential it has. When I get a warmer DAC, PlayBack Designs Dream, we will do another listening session with the 2 amps.
For the longest time, I found the CODA #16 a little lacking on the top end, that was until last week when I replaced my speaker cable with Audience FrontRow. Now I have no issues with the #16. I also use my too hot Benchmark DAC3B with the #16, which seems to work well.
This is a bit of a contrarian view, but there are tons of other posts saying different things than I am about the #16. The S5.5 looks like the baby brother.
CODA Technologies – Destination HiFi
@tucki08 If you want to hear a very smooth, relaxing, and yet detailed Class A amp check out the Krell Duo XD lineup. I liked the KRELL Duo 175XD over my CODA #8 (sold). I like the CODA #16 more than the 175XD (sold). I had the CODA 07x preamp when I had the 175XD and the #8. I use the Holo Serene preamp now.
Next week if I manage to get a job, I am seriously considering trading in my CODA #16 for the KRELL KSA i400. That is 400 watts in Class A and doubling to 1600 at 2 Ohm. I think the Class A stays at 400 as it doubles.
The KRELL XD lineup can be had for similar price as the CODA lineup. Both are great, I think the KRELL is a little smoother sounding. Normally this smoothness is not my preference, but I had the KRELL XD’s I owned sounding great with my other gear.
CODA is not the easiest to sell but people who have heard it are quick to buy. I sold a few CODA items before, CSiB, 07x, and #8. I have the #16 now.
I also have a Sanders Magtech that I really love with my Magnepan LRS+. I was told by Roger Sanders it was first designed for Maggies. The reason I mention it is because I think CODA builds the Sanders amp. I also think the Magtech is a bit better than the #8, not the #16. I bought a 10-year-old used Magtech (refurbished) from Sanders for $4k. I threw out the Magtech shipping box.
BTW - I did some critical listening with the #16 and the Holo Serene preamp this morning with my new replacement powerline streaming (use fibre at the end). The Serene and the #16 sound great together. Highly recommended with CODA amps.
I recently tried 3 different speaker cables with the CODA #16 | Holo Serene preamp | Yamaha NS5000 speaker.
- WyWire Platimun speaker cable
- WyWire Diamond speaker cable
- Audience FrontRow speaker cable
I also tried a Benchmark AHB2 on the same system and tried the same cables as above (except WyWire Diamond) plus the following:
- Benchmark speaker cable.
- Audience AU24 SX (too short for the CODA #16)
All of these cables had issues, fatigue, lack of clarity, except the Audience FrontRow. I was not 100% happy with the #16 previously because the AHB2 was better in some ways, such as clarity. However, after using the FrontRow the #16 really became more detailed and cleaner sounding. Closer to the AHB2 in that regard.
So, in my experience the speaker cables matter a lot for the CODA #16, When I had the CODA #8, I used very short Audience FrontRow cables for a headphone setup and those cables also made a huge improvement.
BTW - CODA No. 16 Amplifier (100w Class A) For Sale - US Audio Mart
I recommend the Holo Serene preamp or the Benchmark LA4 preamp with either the #8 or #16. They replaced the CODA 07x preamp on my office system. The Serene is a bit warmer than the LA4. They really make the amps shine because they do not add to the already great sounding amps.
I am waiting to hear back from my CODA dealer about the S5.5 and running it in mono vs the #16. Anybody have an opinion on that?
Maybe I should call Doug at CODA .
@audioman58 Have you heard the KRELL KSA i400? I have an amazing offer to trade-in my CODA #16 for that amp. I owned the KRELL Duo 175XD and loved it. Moreso, then the CODA #8. I think the #16 has the edge over the 175XD, mainly with power.
Do you have a link to the information on the new KRELL models? A smaller version of the KSA i400 at $13k is in line with what I am considering next for my Livingroom,
- CODA #16 or S5.5 monos
- SimAudio 761 North Collection
I moved my CODA #16 to my office, and it is incredible with the Magnepan LRS+ ($1000). I am keeping it there and need an amp for the Livingroom.
Since some of you asked me on DM about the mono S5.5, here is what Doug at CODA told me today.
It is not the best way to use the amp. A stereo amp bridged to mono suffers sonically and has to work much harder. There is a technical explanation on Audiogon for other stereo amps set to mono. Same logic applies to the CODA S5.5
I am still looking for a slightly brighter amp than my CODA #16 and preferably from CODA. I may be in luck and also unlucky at the same time. There is a new CODA flagship coming out next month. It will be sonically in-between the S5.5 and the #16 (assumption from Doug). It is a 2 chassis amp and I think the name is SYSTEM 150. That is the good part the bad part is the cost; it will be about $28k. Maybe time to get that second job again.
I will definitely have a listen to this amp next month at Destination HiFI in Los Angeles (local to me). My other choices are little bit lower in the want factor than another CODA amp.
BTW - Anyone with a S5.5 using it with the Magnepan LRS+ speaker. I am curious if the S5.5 can drive the $1000 LRS+. If it can then that would be a great "value" system.
I was using a Sanders Magtech for a while on it, and it was great. For a lark, I recently tried the CODA #16 on the LRS+ in my small office. I am amazed how good this sounds. I am so distracted as I try to work. The Magtech was great but the #16 takes it to another level of engagement. I like the Sanders Magtech more than the CODA #8 v1 (which I owned).
If the single stereo S5.5 can drive it and sounds like the #16, then I need to reevaluate because right now the #16 stays with a $1000 speaker. Which is a bit crazy.
It was an interesting discussion. He went really deep into the details of what was happening since the old SYSTEM 100 to the new SYSTEM 150.
Strangely, I had a Deja vu moment as I listened. I recalled a similar discussion with Roger Sanders last year when I spoke to him about buying the Magtech. Doug eventually pivoted to Roger Sanders role in discovering something that led Doug and his team to make different choices for parts in the new amp. I won’t get into details and likely not repeat it properly.
One way to learn more about the new amp is to research the old SYSTEM 100. I read a Stereophile review of the old CODA S5 amp (from 2005) and that mentioned the SYSTEM 100. I had never heard of the old amp.
The new one is like the old one which used a 2 chassis configuration. The top part is the size of the 07x preamp (not a preamp) and the bottom is the size of the #16 (I think). They can be stacked.
There are improved internals in the amp, though Doug said he lamented the loss of an old part (the Sanders connection). The 2 chassis implementation is likely what will make it better than the #16 (some important aspects of voltage benefit). The 2 parts cost $19950 and $8000 each = $28k. Comes only with meters.
I have been listening so loud with my LRS+ and the #16 that I need to be careful. Everything sounds so good on LRS+ using the #16. My friend, a golden ears type, listened to my Livingroom speaker and was raving about it. Even the next day he was texting me about the sound. I have a feeling that the #16 had a lot to do with it. To my not so golden ears, I wanted the #16 to be a little less warm on the Livingroom speaker, thus the interest in the S5.5 and now the SYSTEM 150. For me the #16 on the Livingroom was 95/100 to my golden ears friend it seemed like 99/100.
@christianb5s4 Post some info on it if you go down. I won't be able to go until mid-June.
I am sure that it will be a great amp. Anything that is similar to the #16 is going to be something I will like. Pretty sure I would like the S5.5 and the new one for that reason.
I had the CODA 07x with the #8. It was not my personal favorite. I am not a huge tube fan. Though my headphone amp is an incredible tube amp (RAAL VM-1a). I changed to the Holo Serene and the CODA #16. This combo is perfect for my ears with the Magnepan LRS+.
I have also used the Benchmark LA4 with the #16 and loved it too. It is slightly less warm than the Serene. I like both preamps with the #16, but if I could trade my Serene for a Benchmark HPA4 I would since I would like BALANCE control in my office preamp. I cannot move the Serene to where the LA4 is used (space issues).
Unfortunately, I do not have the shipping box for the Serene.
Both of these preamps do not add much to the sound and are utterly quiet.
@firefly627s I owned the CSiB from 2019 so it is not the best version of it, but it was pretty good. The #8 was better and the #16 is so much better. The Sanders Magtech sounds better to me than the #8 but not the #16. I had the Sanders on the LRS+ for about 6-months and I loved it. My slight dissatisfaction with the #16 on my Yamaha NS5000 made me move the #16 to the LRS+. It is over the top amazing. A perfect match for the brighter LRS+. The Sanders Magtech is really good on the LRS+ but the #16 is so good that I have been constantly stopping my office work and listening.
I use the KEF KC62 sub in my office LRS+ system. It is not essential since the #16 really pumps out some bass in the small room, but the sub does add a nice touch,
If I get the new CODA System 150, which I can when I start a second job in September, I will replace the Sanders. Have 2 CODA amps and be done.
I asked James at Destination HiFi what was up with the listing for the SYTEM 150 already on the web site. Here is the response:
The amp Doug is sending here is the very latest and newest version of the Coda System 150. It’s so new, that Doug is still building it!
There are internal improvements being made.
There are no new specifications to be updated, so there is nothing to update on either the Coda website or Destination HiFi, for the time being.
BTW - The Magna Risers are great for the LRS+. They also come with a wire to plug into the speaker connections. It made a big difference for me.
Vogue is sounding great. Switching over to the new Judas Priest.
I have owned the CODA 07x for a year. I listen near-field and the 07x was way too noisy for me. The Holo Serene is a comparable and totally silent with better clarity but not as tubeby. Someone that wants more warmth may like the 07x more.
I think the Class A Schitt Mjolnir v3 is a better comparable to the 07x. It is quieter and sonically sounds a lot like the 07x. I have both Mojolnir and the Serene connected to the CODA #16 at the same time (RCA + XLR). I may listen to the warmer Mjolnir once in 2 weeks. When I do I love it.
Only problems with the Mjolnir V3 is that it costs $1200 and has no remote.
@ronkent the issue for me was that I could hear hiss from the preamp on quiet musical passages. Once I heard it was always on my mind and I was only listening to the hiss, even on louder passages. Now this hiss level is about the same for a lot of gear, except the 2 preamps I use now, which are totally silent.
I sit about 8 feet away from the speakers so that is rather close.
@hanki Did you check on the temperature of the amp after driving them at say 90db for a few hrs? It would be interesting to see how much effort the amp is putting out to drive your 4 Ohm speaker.
My issue with the 07x was documented here on A’gon a few years ago. I will repeat.
When I first got the 07x I found it a lot noisier than the Benchmark LA4 which I had. The 07x was supposed to an upgrade from that. I used the 07x with the CODA #8. Both were upgrades from the CSiB.
I spoke with Doug about the noise issue, and he initially thought it was my DAC. A Benchmark DAC3B and/or the AufioMagic Tubadour (do no remember). After about a month my dealer asked me to bring it to the Los Angeles store. We put my 07x on top of this 07x and compared. Mine was noisier. We sent my 07x to Doug to diagnose and fix.
Now the dealers 07x was noisier than the Benchmark LA4 I owned. After a few weeks Doug got back to me and said he could not find the issue but could hear the noise. He said he replaced every part except the casework, great service in my opinion. When I got it back the 07x was much quieter but still not silent and I could hear it. I lost $2k selling it but all I could hear from that point forward was the hiss.
Drove me batty, maybe to match the ears.
@firefly627s Specs do matter to me. I spoke to Doug about getting the S5.5 for my Yamaha NS5000 and he said it may work since it is a 6 Ohm speaker.
I told him the 100-watt Benchmark AHB2 does work with it to some OK volume level. However, the amp is almost at 90% volume, and it seems to be pushing it.
On my Sanders Magtech amp, the sound was bigger and louder. That amp is 500 | 900 @ 8 | 4. On my CODA #16 it was similar to the Sanders with some sonic differences that I cannot remember now, essentially a Class AB vs A thing.
After those comments Doug said the S5.5 would not be a good choice for me. That is how we eventually ended up with the topic of the new CODA SYSTEM 150 coming out next month.
I may have a buyer for my Sanders amp and the AHB2 may also go. I will use 2 CODA amps on my 2 systems, but not the S5.5.
BTW - I thought the #16 was 50 watts Class A in 4 Ohm. Though that is an old recollection.
@hanki Thanks for the follow-up and sorry to hear about the fuse issue. Those things can give some stress.
@minatophase3 congrats on the S5.5. I think you were the one going to get a Holo Serene from a friend to try out. You are going to love it. I am so blown away by the Serene and #16 combo. Now that I have used this pairing for a while, I think it is the best sound I have ever had in my house. That is with a $1000 Magnepan LRS+ which is not my best speaker.
Some additional observations on the Serene preamp. I disconnected the Serene from my office system (Magenpan LRS+ and CODA #16) and drove it down to my friends place in Ventura, CA.
I wanted to hear the new RAAL 1995 Magna and Immanis headphones. I am a 2-channel guy but the older CA-1a and SR1a are spectacular, and I wanted to hear the new ones that are supposedly way better.
I took the Serene because it has a headphone only XLR output on the back. Last week, I spent $200 and bought the required cable from Kitsune.
My friend was building a crossover less speaker. It was a prototype and we listened to it with a passive preamp (volume control) that he had also built and my Serene. After just a few minutes I could tell that the Serene was outclassed by the passive. Everything was better across the board. I would expect the same result if I used that same passive preamp with the CODA #16.
My friend is thinking of building a balanced 4-input passive with dual XLR outputs. I told him to keep it cheap and let me know. I am keeping the Serene but no longer with the CODA #16. I will move the Serene downstairs to function as a headphone amp and 2-channel preamp.
The 2 new phones I heard were amazing. So good that I want to get the one I preferred for rock music, the Immanis. I am not sure how I can pull that off without selling the CODA #16. If it has to go it will, to get the Immanis.
@aolmrd1241 The S5.5 is not really comparable to the #16. Definitely with the speakers I listen to. I have 2 other amps that I think I can sell I and I am exploring that first. Though that would mean 1 system will be unplayable.
@firefly627s I took down my great streamer and DAC and cables. However, his router was in a spot behind 200lbs of marble. We said the heck with that has just used a low-end CD player into the Serene connected by RCA. This was only for the crossover less speaker. We used a computer and RME DAC for the more elaborate phones tests with my incredible RAAL VM-1a amp.
Next week the phones I heard are heading off to The Absolute Sound and then Stereophile. I do not think they has as good gear as I have for these phones.
One reason I want to get whatever he builds is because I think he is a bit of an audio genius. Stevie Wonder uses his mic's, Keith Richards uses his guitar strings, etc ...
I have not heard the S5.5, but have owned the #8, #16, and 07x preamp. I have also discussed the S5.5 with Doug at CODA about the appropriateness of using the S5.5 with either my Yamaha NS5000 or Magnepan LRS+ speaker. After I gave him feedback on what other amps sounded good with these speakers, he said not to get the S5.5. I am going to go with Doug's opinion on the CODA gear. He suggested the new SYSTEM 150 amp coming out next month for my needs (keeping the #16). This will be their new flagship. Things went a little pear-shaped for me with regards to affordability last week so that new CODA amp is on hold until the long term.
The S5.5 sounds ideal for speakers like my friend's crossover less prototype that can be driven by even 5 watts. For my current speakers the S5.5 is a downgrade from the #16. The S5.5 seems great for the new headphones I am getting.
I was able to figure out how to drum up the money for the headphones without selling the #16. I will have to sacrifice my fav speaker cable, Audience FrontRow (buy it again later). Amongst a few other items. Unfortunately, I have expensive tastes and low income.
@jc4659 I would assume that the LA4 would be not as good. My friend said anytime you add a power supply you are going to be a bit worse than passive.
I have the CODA #16 and the LA4 back together again. It is a bit different than the Serene and CODA #16.
I’ll send you a DM.
Doug at CODA told me that bridging 2 S5.5's is not a good way to use them. I was wondering if you could use 2 bridged S5.5's instead of a CODA #16. The standard gremlins that apply to bridging a 2-channel stereo amp also applies to the S5.5.
BTW - I changed my DAC from a Schitt Yggi+ LIM to the Schitt Yggi+ OG. I moved the LIM to my office. The complaints I had with my CODA #16, lack of detail, is now pretty much resolved. The OG is more detailed while the LIM is the warm and "musical" one.
I am thinking of replacing my Holo Serene preamp with another Benchmark HPA4 preamp on the CODA #16 system.
There is I believe a new System 150/250 coming soon, or is it out already? I'm wondering if it's really the big brother to the S5.5, anyone have any info?
The System 150 that is supposed to be released to Destination HiFi this month is the next iteration of the old System 150. There is also an old System 250 that likely gets the upgrade treatment.
I do not think the S5.5 and the System 150 have any connection. More likely the System 150 and the #16 are the closet to each other.
BTW - I solved my #16 being a bit too warm for my speakers by getting a neutral DAC.
@tmac1700 The System 150 is composed of 2 parts. One regulates voltage (I think) and looks like the 07x preamp. The other section looks like the CODA #16. You would need to use a preamp or DAC with volume control into one of the 2 pieces. I think it is the smaller unit System 150 unit that a preamp would be connected to.
This model is not new, they are updating the old model. The description of the general layout of the old model should be the same for the new model.
@kairosman How did the Bryston amps compare against the CODA gear you owned? I have owned the CSiB and the #8 V1. I have owned older Bryton but not the cubed lineup.
Bryston 4B3 & 14B3
CODA CSiB & #8 V1 & S5.5
My LRS+ would likely not sound great with the S5.5. I spoke to Doug at CODA about using the S5.5 with the Yamaha NS5000 or the harder to drive Magnepan LRS+ and after my comment that powerful amps sounded the best on these 2 speakers, he said the S5.5 may not be the best choice for either speaker.
For example, I used a Benchmark AHB2 with the LRS+. It worked well enough in my small room. However, it was not as dynamic or powerful in the bass as the more powerful amps I used (not enough flesh).
I had the CODA #16 on the LRS+ and it was the best amp I have used on it. The 500W Sanders Magtech was a close second with a warmish Schitt Yggi+ LIM DAC. The CODA #8 would also be good with the LRS+. I never paired them together because I owned the #8 before the LRS+.
@markmuse the high current #16 is the best amp I have tried on the LRS+. However, a $16k amp on a $1k speaker is a bit of a misalignment of funds. The Sanders Magtech is more than powerful enough to drive the LRS+ and sounds almost as good. Roger Sanders told me the Mag+Tech was specifically created for Magnepans. CODA built the amp back in the day for Sanders. The power supply on the Magtech is supposed to be unique.
I am going to pick up a used CODA S5.5's when people decide they want more power. I think it will be great with the soon to purchase RAAL 1995 Immanis headphone. I have something like 5 ways to play those phones, one of them being the $800 Schitt Aegir amp (pretty good). The S5.5 should be better than the Aegir. The other amp I considered was the First Watt, but I think CODA amps are more to my liking.
FYI - I see on THE SHOW (Costa Mesa, CA) happening this weekend that CODA will have 2 rooms. Likely for the S5.5 and the SYSTEM 150. I am going to see if I can make that show.
James Thompson of Destination HiFi is who I bought my CODA gear from. I was hoping he would show up with the CODA System 150 amp that he was supposed to be the first dealer to get.
Though that room looks small.
@snapoli2 I saw your post comparing the #16 with the S5.5. What speakers did you compare the 2 amps with?
I also recently heard the Luxman m10x and thought it was very similar to the #16,
@fthompson251 The real test to see if a DAC’s volume can hang with a great preamp is to listen at low volume. The only DAC that I found could hang with a great preamp was the Lumin X1 with the Leedh volume control. Even that was not as perfect as my Benchmark LA4 preamp but came close.
The issue was not really sonics but operational. The volume could not increase at the proper increments at low volume.