The longest you have owned any gear?

Not counting accessories such as a Zerostat which I bought eons ago, the one piece of equipment I own which I've had the longest is my turntable- 19 years now. 

What's been your experience? 


I know that it's a 100 mile trip, but I would recommend Cornell Smith, ( I have used him for everything since I moved to AZ in 2011. He's really good, and his prices are fair. He's also organized and doesn't take forever to fix things. His # is 480-759-3724.

Good Luck!

Pioneer SC-700 preamp and Sony TA-3200F power amp, both bought in 1973, both still in operation.
Air Tight ATM3 since 1996.still in use today. One of the mono bloc has been for repair 2 years ago (timer for tempo needed to be fixed). 
Too bad 😀
Silverline Sonatina speakers. 14th year. Still sounding great. I replaced the binding posts after lengthy phone call with owner Alan Yun. Great guy to work with.
I have a BT-1 preamp, EQ-1 RIAA equalizer, and 50 watt AMP-1 still in use from 1974. All built by the Quintessence Group from Sacramento.  I switch the preamp out with a BT-2 from Audionics of Oregon circa 1980, still sweet!  The EQ is especially useful as it was designed around the inflection points on the RIAA record curve.  They  are in use in my office system, main system is newer stuff.
Limiting this to items that are "team 1 starters":
Rogue Hera preamplifier (now at Hera II status) - almost 9 years now, which seems like an eternity here; I’ve only been seriously at the 2ch game for about 12 years. Next closest would be a Koetsu Onyx at 6 years, which I’ve had recently rebuilt (though technically this now sits behind my new Coralstone).

I’ve tried to upgrade away from the Hera twice now -- both times to more expensive and highly review/regarded tube units from more prestigious hifi companies ($10K and $14K list prices) -- and both times I ended up going back to the Hera as my preference (though it’s not without flaws). The Hera was my first true "high-end" 2ch component, and perhaps part of my preference is that its sound truly has become my reference over the years. Maybe I’ll try to upgrade from it again in a couple years, but it’s been a real warrior for me!
Longest I've owned from the start- Technics SL 23 belt drive (still works for my daughter) I bought used in college in mid 70's.
Longest period is Eico tube gear my Dad built at the kitchen table in the 50's when I was a kid- He put speakers in the wall of our living room- no Sheetrock then- plaster & lath construction- came to me when he passed- still works we still enjoy it.
Post removed 
Hafler DH 220 amp since 1984. NAD 1130 pre-amp and Spica TC-50 speakers since 1987
I'm around 30 years with some Vandersteen 4As (now in third system) and almost as long with a VPI TNT (now upgraded to 6 and holding).  Similar history with a couple of SME V arms, a Koestu Urushi, some big Classe power amps......guess I have trouble get rid of anything.

Denon DP-60L turntable, several cartridges (Dynavector Ruby, Dynavector Diamond, Ortofon, and a couple more), Sota head amp, and a G.A.S. Thalia II pre-amp - all purchased 1980 from Paul Heath Audio in Chicago. That makes for about 37 years. I have the original boxes and packing materials for the turntable and pre-amp. 

Better yet - A pair of Avid 103 loudspeakers purchased 1977. That makes for 40 years. I have the original boxes somewhere, but the cardboard has gotten so dry and brittle they are almost unusable. The speakers work fine. 

I still have my KEF 105's from 1979. Fired them up in my basement system after a long hiatus a few months ago. They still sound pretty good. After that, my first CD player, a Yamaha CD2 from 1984 - not so good!
This little oddity: a vintage 2-outlet isolation transformer manufactured by NCR. That stands for National Cash Register, folks. I acquired it in ’97 from a friend who had done a few mods to it. I gave him a pair of Linn Tukans and he gave me the NCR and 48-feet of van den Hul CS122 speaker cable. To this day I think I got the better part of that deal. The NCR isn’t stout enough to use with amps; just sources like CDPs’, tuners and turntables.

Years ago I owned a PS Audio Power Plant Premier re-generator. Initially I had all my components plugged into it but I decided to do an A/B test with my CDP plugged into the PPP and then the NCR. To my shock and dismay the CDP clearly sounded better with the ancient NCR. The PPP is long gone but I have a warm & fuzzy feeling that the NCR will be with me to the very end.
Bryston 4B-bought used 24 years ago. Now does the duty for my peripheral zone, 4B SST for my main speakers
My Hafler 9303 power amplifier which I bought in 1995 when I graduated from college. It was still in used until last month when I replaced it with the Job 225 power amplifier. 22 years in total with no problem. 

Oldest (47 years) - Teac 4070 Auto-reversing Tape Deck.  Just had first tuneup.  Has always worked, and well.

Second Oldest (42 years) - Original Dual 701 Automatic Turntable.  Survivor of a shoot-out with my Linn SP12 / Syrinx arm combo.  Same mid-range, better bass, acceptable high-end.

Third Oldest (38 years) - ARC SP-6a.and Marcof PPA-2 headamp w/Moncrieff mod.  Recapped.  Noisy controls, but sounds sublime. Retired my 2004 Margules transistorized preamp. 
A Counterpoint SA 3.1 preamp I bought in 1986 and shelved in 2016. 

A pair of Sonus Faber Minuetto speakers I purchased in 1993 and sold in July of this year.
In a few short months my Wilson Audio Watt speakers will be 30 years old. The serial numbers were so low, I know Dave built these in his garage. Over the years I had the xover upgraded to series 2's, purchased the puppy cabinets, then also upgraded those to series 3. More recently  they needed new tweeters, new baffle foam, and new grilles but by and large they are in amazing shape and they still give all of the Wilson "Magic".  Numerous cd players, dacs, pre and power amps have moved thru my room, and these speakers have grown and shined with each upgrade in front of it. As I look back and listen, Dave was years ahead of his time. A Wilson Audio product is truly is a lifelong investment! 

I am still using an Adcom GFA 555 in my current home theatre system that i purchased new about 28 years ago. This amp has been incredible throughout the years without having any problems what so ever or needing circuitry upgrades. I also have 2 other Adcom GFA 555 II amps also pretty old still cranking out powerfully in system as well.

When I bought it in 1983 the salesman said, "this is the last turntable you will ever HAVE to buy."  He was right.

Its been 34 years now, and my Thorens TD160 super with SME 3009 improved still works like new.

I have changed the oil once in all that time.

Currently running an Ortofon OM40 super.

Some pieces open the door to the music--regardless of their vintage. My 39 year old Nakamichi 600 II is one. Properly tuned, it plays music very compellingly.
Hi Inna,

This system is musical and satisfying. The Avalon progression began with Ascents to Eidelons, later Diamonds and presently Times.  A very nice improvement, especially in the lower registers.  CAT JL-2 Black Path amp adequately drives the speakers, although my occasional yearning for additional, over-the-top decibels leaves me....yearning for more power.  Rarely does the Convergent not deliver.  
I have been an audiogon lurker forever but finally my first post. I still have in my bedroom system a pair of merlin 3 way floorstanding speakers purchased in 1986 for $2200.  Since they are about 100 pounds per speaker I  have no plans to ever get rid of them. They still sound great but totally different than the vsm's in my main system
I can vouch for Cornell Smith, ( Cornell fixed my Parasound integrated after my daughter broke off an RCA cable in one of the inputs. Very knowledgeable guy.
Thank you for the input ROXY54 and RVILLANOVA. I am definitely going to give cornell a ring to see if he is up for the task. I don't mind that he is a hundred miles away. I often drive to phoenix for concerts. I think it would be worth it to get the A-1060 up and running again. Thanks again for the help.
I have a Denon DP-60L w/ Grace F9 cart., Conrad-Johnson PV6 Preamp, Acoustat Twin-120 Power Amp all bought in 1984. I also use a pair of JBL L-100s that I bought in 1975. All this gear was purchased new and is still in use today albeit some repairs and recapping along the way.
I've owned my Basis Ovation turntable for about 24 or 25 years, it continues to serve me (and, of course,the music) well.  Upgraded it once to add the Debut vacuum system, platter and bearing, that's it.  Very well-engineered and well-made piece of equipment. 
No open reel decks, unless I missed it..
I wonder, how many more years can electronics in my Nak682ZX deck last? It was made 36 years ago, all original except capacitors. It is serviced and calibrated every few years.
Still going strong after 30+ years - my Audible Illusions, Modulus 2 pre amp. still in use and sounding great.
Inna, you did miss at least one open reel deck---my Revox A77, bought new in '72 and still in my possession.
Sorry. I can see that some people still buy Studers on ebay, for about $4k, but don't buy them for over $5k. I don't get it. When it comes to Studer and considering that $4k is already no pocket change, I would be prepared to pay extra $1k if I saw a good reason. 
I still have in use an Ariston RD11S TT that I bought new in 1977 ($280). No arm. First arm was a SME 3009, second was a JH Formula 4, third was a Keith Monks, fourth was a Lustre GST-1 and last (and present) is a Grace 707/ Denon 103 combination. The mat is also from 1977 - a Hiraoka Diskmat SE-22 that I bought new from Harvey Sound (48st NYC) - $20! Still sounds great! I also have more TT's, including a Linn Sondek, though none have been with me as long as the Ariston!
 I also still have and use the Audio Technica Record Weight that I bought new in 1978 ($15) from Audiocom in Old Greenwich, CT. A great store! They carried GAS, DCM, Snell ... and Beveridge!
The oldest piece for me is my TEAC X1000R RTR.  I bought it new in 1982 making it 35 years young.  It is still going strong.
Both Rega Kyte and RS1 loudspeakers for over a decade each. And these were days when 2 or 3 years were a long time in audio.

The Kytes were vivid and RS1s a little more muted but smoother. Within their bandwidth they were at least as good as anything else I'd heard.

My Marantz CD 6000ki is getting on for 15 years and I can't imagine why I would get rid of it whilst we both keep working.

For me it's a question of satisfaction. That usually happens when things sound balanced and correct in the midrange. Its when you start looking for resolution in the extremes, especially sub 35Hz bass that things can get tricky.

I purchased a Sansui QRX-6500 "Quad" receiver for $512.00 in 1973.  Was my main receiver until 1987.  After that it was my garage sound system receiver until 1997.  24 years....a beast of a receiver and beautiful too!!
PS Audio Lambda cd transport purchased new in 1993. Wonderfully musical. Great rhythm. Legendary.
I preferred it to my CEC that I purchased some years later and sold.
A luxman t110 tuner that I bought new in 1977. Since I no longer listen to fm radio at home, I sold it last week.
In 1978 I bought a Pioneer rig with SPEC 1 & 4 and HPM-150 speakers. I sold it to my brother in 1984. In 2008 I got those speakers back, re-foamed LFs, paired them with old school Kenwood L-07 monos and pre, added a tube DAC and Squeeze Duet and now have a system for a grand that I am extremely happy with. Vintage sometimes gets a bad rap but my stuff works like a charm. 
I have had these speakers Dynaudio Contour 3.0’s, bought new 16 years ago. My current McIntosh MC352 power amp bought new old stock 10 years ago.

Matt M
Last year after 28 years, I finally retired a Sumo Polaris that was purchased back in 1988.  I had been using the amp to feed the surrounds in my theater set-up since moving it from my main system many years ago.
My first high end speaker was the Paradigm studio 20v1 monitor, I owned that speaker for 12 years it followed me around from city to city and always played faithfully. 
the longest equipment i've had is my 4 bose 901 series 2 speakers which i bought back in 1971. i'm not reaaly an audiofile. i bought my 4 chanell system back in those days when i was like 18 years old.
g_nakamoto: I could not afford the Bose 901's (as I recall) but in 1973 I did buy a Sansui QRX-6500 4-Channel receiver.  I remember that I bought it in the Navy Exchange overseas (at a nice discount) for exactly $512.00.  In 2018 dollars that is right around $3000.00.  My young wife was stunned!  To go with it, I bought four huge Sansui SP-3500 speakers.  Kept them for about 20 years and then sold them to my brother in law.