The longest you have owned any gear?

Not counting accessories such as a Zerostat which I bought eons ago, the one piece of equipment I own which I've had the longest is my turntable- 19 years now. 

What's been your experience? 

Showing 4 responses by bdp24

Inna, you did miss at least one open reel deck---my Revox A77, bought new in '72 and still in my possession.
jaybe, I believe you meant to say NYAL Super It pre-amp. Superphon was a brand.
I have a Cecil E. Watts Record Preener rattling around in a box. Before the introduction of the Discwasher in the early 70's, it was THE record brush.
Revox A77, bought new in '72. ESS TranStatic I's, bought used in '81. Nakamichi BX300, bought new in mid-'80's. Original Quad ESL's, bought used and restored in the early '90's. Townshend Elite Rock turntable, bought new around the same time. An ARC LS-1 and Bedini 25/25, used in mid-'90's. Stax Lambda Pro Earspeakers and McIntosh MR78, used in late '90's. Still own them all.