The Future of Speakers?

Hello everyone.
Just wondering if you are aware of this new product that silently beams sound directly to your ears. Although I strongly suspect that at this point the product is probably not ready for audiophiles, this just could be in our future. Check it out:
Hey Jhills you talk about being stuck in the '80's. I still am using my original Well Tempered Table and Arm. It must be 35 years old. 
@gsal  Interesting post.

Who would have thought, 20 years ago, that most of the audio business, particularly in the performance end, but even in the studios and more and more, into our homes - would be going wireless.

This audio wave beaming is quite a concept; wether or not it will ever merit serious consideration in the audiophile world, remains to be seen. Some of us old folks are having trouble getting out of the 80s. I still have gear from then, that I use and love.

Streaming? OMG - still having trouble with that. I kinda like the old hands on stuff and now there's this - who knows!?......Jim 
The “future” of speakers is already here...
(see my gear pics). Coral BX-606 circa 1973.

My 50 year old BIG JBL's still blow everybody's mind when they enter my listening room powered with a Tube amp and  even a Tube clock 6 Tube Cd player! Speakers 50 years old!
I didn't know much about the static of speakers but that was indeed a really good read...
“A listening revolution”

Run away!

”A new sensory listening experience”

Keep running!!
Good post. I can certainly see how this could one day lead to something usable, particularly office environments.
I wonder how badly the sound distorts if someone walks between the source and the listener. 
I guess it's like the Whisper Dish concept, see the link below. I've had a go at one of these and it is quite a good way to refocus sound at a distance while it being inaudible inbetween. Someone walking across between the dishes only break part of the wave because it's so diffuse at that location.

@tomcy6 , y'know.....I've got a pig 'n stainless aortic valve, a pacer/defib that can stop a .38 bullet (documented, even...ask Boston Scientffic), Bluetoothed 'synth' ears, and am about to get some psuedoteeth.

I've enough Borg in my life for now....

Besides....I've this notion about having your head 'chipped' that won't go away....

What happens if you miss your monthly payment?
How long is the 'grace period'?

What if you miss that?
Fascinating, a 'focusing DML' of a sort.....

Can't wait to 'auto-focus' on the car in front of me, and 'excite' their rear window....

"Didn't know they were giving out drivers' licenses in cereal boxes...."

....or the 20kW versions of the 'bassers' that allows them to crack lamintated glass...theirs' or yours....

*S* C'mon, MC....It's the Future!  Live it, or live with it! ;)
Sounds interesting.  Thanks for posting.  I may just wait for the chip implant that will bypass my ears and send my music directly to my brain.

Seriously, technology is developing so fast that there's no telling what the future will look like.
Can't replace the visceral movement of air from a conventional large driver speaker. I'll stick with the tannoys.
Thank you noromance for understanding the true meaning of my post. Given the speed of technological development these days I wouldn't be surprised if someone produced a similar product that truly had merit within my lifetime. To date, it appears that most of the advances in loudspeaker design have been merely incremental. I am excitedly awaiting the next real breakthrough. Until then, I think my Vandersteen Treo Ct's will suffice.
The OP's description wasn't necessarily incorrect given the brevity of his description. Given the advances in technological development in the digital domain, who's to say this transmission  technology won't make its way into some future aspects of audiophile audio?
Just food for thought my friends. Just food for thought. Didn't intend for the announcement to become a discussion on the merits or operating system of the product in question. I'll bet that at least some of the many loudspeaker manufacturing geniuses out there are already thinking "outside of the box". And no, millercarbon, I am not being paid nor am I on something. That was uncalled for.
That's not what it does. Not at all. Try reading the link you posted. What it does is use ultrasonic waves to cause the air to vibrate producing sound. In order to work it has to track your ears as you move around. So imagine the calculations- run the music you want to hear through an algorithm that determines how to recreate those vibrations using ultrasonics. Track your ears as you move around. Focus the beam somewhere near enough your ears to work. Correct for distortions created by the position of your head and ears. 

Oh, I'm sure it works. There probably is some semblance of sound you can hear. Heck it might even give those cheap little ear buds a run for their money. But, the future of speakers? How much are you being paid? Or, what are you on?  

Anyway to answer your question yes we are aware. Must be at least two others ahead of you. They never bothered to read anything first either.