The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Magico is a good product if you seek ultimate build quality and good sound. But you will pay for it. Also for teh gear to drive them well and make the investment pay. ANother investment there. The question then becomes can you get essentially the same sound for less? that will depend but I suspect it is possible.

Typical high end audio questions and scenarios. It all depends on ones budget and know how in putting an end to end system that meets your needs together. No speakers alone will do it, though some might more so than others.
To add some balance to the conversation about Magico. I've heard both the S1 and S3 at a dealer's. The S1 system sounded very good indeed! The S3 less so but I WOULDN'T necessarily blame the speaker. This speaker line seems to draw a lot of controversy and I can understand why having listened to them. I find them to be VERY accurate and it would seem that to optimize their performance one is going to have to spend time system matching. In the case of the S3 system they were in a well designed room but I thought it was less the speaker than something else in the set-up that I just couldn't put my finger on. Pretty much all of us agreed on this point but as to what it was, less agreement but we all agreed, not the speaker. I haven't heard any of the other Magicos. I can see where these speakers would have broad appeal in the right set-up. Both set-ups btw, were with Ayre electronics, no problem there for sure but I would like to hear with a sufficiently powerful tube amplifier.
"The alternative is a dealer and I think dealers are in enough trouble without me wasting their time listening to speakers I don't like and can't afford anyway. I will not take a dealers time, where I have no intention to buy" that is what you said. Why bother, don't like'm, ain't buy'in and can't afford them. It's as if you need to knock Magico to justifie not being able to buy them. I have had enough of this and your obvious lack of commitment to listen before giving a view. Honestly, I real don't care. This is what these boards are now, uninformed opinions! Keep posting them.
I'm just say'in ✌️
David12, do you have any suggestions for Alon Wolf to make Magico speakers sound less "sterile"?
Whatthe, why are you being deliberately obtuse? I did not say the speakers were sterile because I could not afford them, but because I found them "sterile".

I have to repeat again, I am not aware of a qualifying number of hours of auditioning, required before one can offer an opinion. Please note, opinion of what I heard listening to the speakers. I did not dismiss them out of hand , as others would.
@Whatthe, your comment is fair enough. I just made the point that I think if you're relying on sub-par setups at a show to form a view about a loudspeaker, you're likely to be misguided.
@David12, I understand your constraints given you've got limited opportunities to hear Magico and other speakers in well sorted rooms. Fyi, I wasn't suggesting you can't or shouldn't proffer an opinion on those speakers unless you'd heard them outside show conditions. I just suggested that you should not be so effusive in your comments if you're relying on auditions at shows and should keep an open mind.
Magico speakers are transparent to source, linear and generally neutral in tonal balance, so they demand an owner take care in matching upstream gear. The old saying "rubbish in, rubbish out" applies. Thus when 'philes post descriptions like "lean", "cold", "dry", "sterile" is often the upstream gear which is to blame. You could say they are honest, though as I said the S series are warmer, fully bodied & have a more relaxed presentation than the Q series.
So because you can't afford them "sterile"! You don't get them, "sterile"! Like my mother use to say, "if you don't have a well informed opinion, just say nothing!"
I'm just say'in ✌️
I think you ignore my point about how one can audition speakers, if not at a show. The gold standard is a prolonged audition at home, in your own system or a friends system, which is in a settled state. I repeat, that I will not take a dealer's time auditioning a speaker, just to confirm, it is not for me, and, or I can not afford it.

If one follows your stricture about who may comment on a speaker, then only owners are likely to qualify and reports will be universally positive.

Please also note, that I accept your description of the limitations of show auditions. However that is likely to be the only way all of us will ever hear many components on the market. I am sure most of us use a show as a way of winnowing out large numbers of possible choices, for a next purchase. It is imperfect, but the only practical way open to us.

Finally, please note I did not "rubbish" magico speakers or dismiss users as misguided or worse. I merely pointed out, that in my experience, limited as I admit that is, they were not for me.
When a respected long time forum member states his opinion, espescially when that opinion is based upon multiple listening sessions, that opinion should be respected. You do not have to agree, but you should respect.
So because you can't afford them "sterile"! You don't get them, "sterile"! Like my mother use to say, "if you don't have a well informed opinion, just say nothing!"
I'm just say'in ✌️
David12, Whatthe is not criticizing your choice of words or your entitlement to prefer other loudspeakers over Magico, only the fact that you have formed a view based on 3 auditions in notoriously poor show conditions. Whatthe and I actually own Magico speakers and have spent years optimizing them, so we can offer an informed opinion, whereas to be honest you seem to be speaking from a position of ignorance. All I'm saying is your comments should be less effusive given your limited experience with those speakers.
Whatthe, no one is denying your right to enjoy Magico speakers, we just reserve the right to disagree. The speakers are not for us, that is all. Ours is a broad church which should allow many opinions. "Sterile" is a word I would use, in the context of Magico Speakers and it means different things to different people. To me, it means the sound may have many attributes, but creating the impression of live music, isn't one. I would add other well received and popular "High End Brands", Focal and B and W come to mind.

You criticise us for making a judgement based on shows and I agree, it is not ideal. The rooms are poor and there is insufficient time for a system to settle in. I look at it the other way, if a system, piece of equipment sounds good in show conditions, then it must be pretty good. Another point, what is the alternative to a show? A fellow enthusiasts home system would be ideal, if you can find one. The alternative is a dealer and I think dealers are in enough trouble without me wasting their time listening to speakers I don't like and can't afford anyway. I will not take a dealers time, where I have no intention to buy.
Here's the thing, shows suck. You are right there are many "very good" speakers. Just that the Q5's are not just very good speakers. I love that critique "sterile". It's one of those phrases thrown at anything to attempt to convince others of an items inadequacy. I don't me to be rude. I do not know any of you but you're views are of no real value here if shows are you point of reference! Your the ones missing out.
I'm just say'in ✌️
Gpgr, I'm not surprised by your comments as you have a long history on this forum of being firmly in the Wilson camp and vocal in your commentary about Magico. In regard to shows, they are poor litmus tests for any loudspeaker, so i'm surprised you're relying on notoriously poor show conditions to form a view. The S series have a warmer, fuller and more relaxed sound which to my ears sound well balanced and coherent. Atleast paired with Vitus Sig series, they sound anything but sterile. I do agree with you however that audio is subjective.
@Whatthe, congrats on your Q5's! If you're running the big SS-102 or SM-102's your Q5's will have enough juice to properly control them. Because the Q5's are more neutral, I would (personally) lean toward the SS-102 which sounds a bit warmer than the mono's, but that's a matter of personal taste.

In general, Vitus pairs extremely well with Magico & is one of the few amps which makes the Q series sing. I've also heard good things about The Gryphon, Pass XS series & CJ Art/Gat amps.
I happen to agree with you. I've heard 3 different sets of Magico at 3 different shows---all set up by Alon Wolf. I have found Magico to be accurate reproducers of sound with a touch of sterility that keeps them from drawing me in.
My feeling in a Magico room is: These speakers are very good, but there are lots of very good speakers---- why all the fuss?
Disclaimer---I have not heard the S series.
I own the Q5's and Vitus combination. I have no idea what you guys are talking about. I was not a Magico fan until the Q5's. I have owned much more expensive speaks. Many considered to be the best money could buy. I will stick with the Q5's. They are a bargain. Especially second hand.
I'm just sayin ✌️
Tom, the Twenty upgrades are the most important upgrades in a component that I've ever heard and I am close with two dealers who have said the same. Many of us feel this is the best set of amps that we've ever heard. I haven't heard the newest production example of Richard's amp, but I'd love to hear them on the MKII's with the Ayre ref/20 pre. The more high end speakers I listen to in the right surroundings (non show), the more I appreciate a properly set up pair of 7's. There are some great speakers out there right now, but most leave me cold after listening. Not all, but most.
David, i'm not sure which Magico speakers you've heard, but from your description it sounds like you've heard Q series speakers which do lean in that direction, and with poor amp choices for synergy imho. The S series are warmer and more full bodied sounding speakers. They should still be matched with warm, tube-like ss amps or powerful tube amps for best synergy, but because the S5's for example are warmer sounding than the Q series, Vitus Signature series (ss) amps a perfect match imho. With that said, Magico are not unbeatable because audio is completely subjective. We all (literally) hear things differently, so the old adage "One man's trash is another man's treasure" holds true.

As an example, I heard the Alexia's in a treated listening room with top range ARC amps and was underwhelmed. The bass was slow and flabby, they were not as coherent or well balanced as S5, and are not as warm, full bodied or intimate sounding. Sound stage depth was good though. The Alexia's have airy mids and highs, though I didn't equate that with greater accuracy. The S5s are definitely more accurate and have better image specificity. Another punter might walk out of the same room with a completely different view. Incidentally, I heard the Alexia's with D'agostino mono's & a full DCS Vivaldi stack. It was a better demo, but the sound was fatiguing and walked out of that room after 20 minutes.
Am I the only person who doesn't "get" Magico speakers. I have heard them in a number of top flight systems, with Dartzeel and Constellation amplification amongst others. Dynamic, neutral, transparent, yes, yes and yes, but just to dry and sterile for my tastes. I am sure it is a defect in my ears and character, not to think Magico are unbeatable, but I suppose it takes all sorts of enthusiasts in our hobby/obsession.

The best I have heard and it suprises me to say so, is the Wilson Alexias. I have never liked Wilson, until I heard them with sympathetic amplification, in the first instance, ARC tube amps. The best though, was the Alexias with D'Agostino pre and Monoblocks, just magical. In fact I couldn't really find any fault in the system, except the insane cost. Almost as good at a mad, rather than insane costs, was the same room and speakers with the Dartzeel integrated amp
I have not heard them w new amp...but that is probably the long term plan.
Have an Ayre VX-R non 20..will see how it does..I am confident in my room and habits it will be fine...if I do upgrade will likely top out w that. No upgrade if I go w Richards amp..
Cables are all AQ: Eagle Eye, Niagara, Sky, and Type 6 in a true shotgun bi wire.
As I mentioned before, the Infinity IRS-V's are the best sounding speakers i've ever heard, though in many ways my current Magico S5's are better. The S5's don't have the dynamic headroom of the Infinity's, nor the 3d imaging or off-axis performance, however they are more resolving of inner detail from the low bass region to lower mids, they have more texture and body than the fives & are more seamless and coherent. There is also a greater quality to the sound which is to be expected given the S5's superior drivers, crossover, cabinet & internal wiring. The S5 is also more room friendly in terms of placement. So it depends on how you define "best".
As I mentioned before, the Infinity IRS-V's are the best sounding speakers i've ever heard, though in many ways my current Magico S5's are better. The S5's don't have the dynamic headroom of the Infinity's, nor the 3d imaging or off-axis performance...however they are more resolving of inner detail from the low bass region to lower mids, they have more texture and body the IRS & more seamless and coherent. There is also a greater quality to the sound which is to be expected given the S5's superior drivers, crossover, cabinet & internal wiring. And the S5 is more room friendly with placement. So it depends on how you define "best".
Good put word in for TSW Apogee Diva's with bat Rex mono blocks.great sound stage width and Depth just right amount decay on strings and piano.
Tom, that's awesome. Do you own the NEW amps for them? I've now heard those with many of the top name amps out there and they always sound great. I LOVE Richards amps on them as well as the Ayre Ref/20's. Which AQ cable are you running with them?
Vandersteen 7 at Richards house..

My Mk II arrive next week

Blessed to have them..expect them to be last I own...
I was reading, someone had the Infinity IRS as front speakers, and the IRS Beta as surrounds, with, I think, IRS Gamma as the center. I think this is a bit crazy.

First, there are more practical and perhaps better sounding speakers available today, and, secondly, for HT, this offers little.

For HT, I like B&W speakers, like the 804 in front and I would think the less costly CDM 7NT is probably a good choice. The CDM NT for center would be nice.

I like Martin Logan, they are a bit harder to set up well, and one has to like electrostatic speakers. The ML Montis, or Ethos and the Motif center are very good; the Scripts, or EFX make nice back speakers.

If you are on a budget, the ElectroMotion ESL mixed with the Motion series will do well.

I would say, for around ten grand, the Martin Logan Montis is my favorite.
Easy... The OMA Imperia system driven by a few precious watts. By far the most effortlessly musical reproduction of sound these ears have yet experienced. Now I just have to figure out how to afford a pair.
Just hear the Vandersteen 7 mk I with AR 9 DAC, music server driven by Ayre Ref Twenty electronics connected with highend AQ cables with NO power conditioner etc... What a sound. It was excellent in the morning and come late afternoon it was cooking. As good as it sounded, it was off by 2" as someone had messed with them. I can't wait to get back to hear them set up properly. My Treo's are now being run by the Ayre AX5/Twenty and it's a new speaker. These things just keep getting better and better with every upgrade. Heck, the new SR Powercell 10 Tesla has take it all to a new level too. I can't wait to fix up my room so it sounds even better.
Best speaker Paradigm 75 F or the B&W 686 S-2 with Raven tube Electronics and Furtech cables
Schubert: Thanks for the advice, usually I will stay away from the speakers when crank volume to some extreme level, haha just to feel the awesome sonic energy. I think there are really a lot speakers that got extreme low distortions, unfortunately comes at high price, space, and complicated setup. I'm still looking for a pair of small and compact near full range bookshelf speakers...journey started all over again...
Just think, those Dentons are better speakers than 90% of people had 20-30 years ago !
But if you REALLY love music you better take it easy on the
volume or you won't be hearing much at the end of your life .
I'm a super music lover, although I love all kinds of music no matter what it is, I can only afford a pair of Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary Limited Edition in walnut color and gorgeous retro look, the cabinet, the grill, and the bookshelf size just matter to me very much, and the sound definitely enough musical for me, though certainly it has limitations like dynamic and cannot go extreme loud without distortions, but it relieve me with less fatigue laid back sound. In near future, I'll look for near to full range bookshelf speakers, still I prefer something small and sound elegantly, my ultimate aim is to hear no distortions when volume reach the level my ears cannot take it, that's the next limit I need to aim for.

By the way, anybody own the Wharfedale Airdale Classic Heritage? Any thoughs on how it sound like? I think my ultimate dream is to own a pair of those, sitting in my room and accompany me till the end of my life!
for fun and curiosity, i wrote a script to parse every post in this thread and the "speakers to hold on to for life" thread and then compare it to a list of brands i put together (sorry if i missed any important ones) to see how many times each brand was mentioned

obviously, there are a lot of flaws with such a method (same person mentioning the brand more than once, mentioning the brand negatively, brands that aren't as well known or mass produced, etc) and i'm not going to go as far as to run sentiment analysis on the output, but i did a few spot checks and i think it gives a pretty good idea of general audiogon thoughts on speaker brands

sorted by # of times mentioned, descending:

brand, # of times mentioned

magnepan|magneplanar|maggie|magnapan 148
wilson 145
b&w|bowers 139
quad 136
atc 128
apogee 103
proac 102
vandersteen 97
martin logan 84
sonus faber 71
klipsch 65
jbl 62
dynaudio 61
thiel 51
kef 51
avalon 49
focal 42
revel 41
schweikert 37
tidal 36
tannoy 32
merlin 28
altec 28
coincident 27
harbeth 26
paradigm 25
totem 20
linn 19
hale 19
aerial 19
tyler 18
shadorne 18
dali 17
snell 15
gallo 12
shahinian 8
devore 6
wharfedale 5
amphion 3
odyssey 1
gemme 1
There are a lot of speakers that could be placed in this category. I have really been enjoying The Audio Note AN-E lately. They have very organic musical sound , especially with tube amps
gato fm6 from Denmark. Giant killer. I heard Wilsons at 4 times the price
Then these. I had them shipped from Denmark through a dealer in the UK I was sold on them quick. Best treble ever. Shimmery metal vapor is what I call it. Open midrange and deep tight bass.
How about "jump on Best Buy before they are gone"?

Radio Shack had a few gem audio products over teh years by most standards. That was a long time ago though. Still sad to see RS finally succumb to the times. If not for radio Shack and Lafayette as a kid, I don't know if I would have ever become as interested in this stuff. My first real johb was At Lafayette back in high school. I was on cloud nine. Then Radio Shack for a few years, before going to Grad school and eventually landing a real job. Those were good times!
Steen Dossing designed SD! loudspeakers.Brilliantly transparent and punchy too. Slightly woolly bass but great to listen to through some top level Audio research gear. The only fault with them was they had a ribbon tweeter that would blow if you put too much juice through them.
I've aquired a pair of Casta Acoustic model C's. Best I've owned and heard. Can't go wrong with a 2" horn, 17" horn midrange, 15" bass driver in each. Dynamic, robust, coherent as hell and lazed sharp imaging. Delicate when needed though deep and authoritative. The amount of information I get out of these made me rid my centre channel, Svs Pb13 ultra subwoofer and maybe soon my rear speakers.
Quadral Speakers, I have the Platinum M50 as Main Speakers and are awesome. Better than many big brand and costly speakers.
I personally have loved most any speaker using a carbon fiber variant for the Tweeter and a fiber Mid range. Just very natural and open as heck. FAST is a word that comes to mind. I have heard ceramics sound great too, but not like carbon drivers when utilized properly.
I don't think I'm ready for ceramic drivers again. I think the B.M.C. Arcadias sound much better than any of the Raidhos I've heard.
I spent some time at a friends house today listening to the Raidho D1. This was the best sound I've ever heard to date, on all genres of music. In all fairness, the entire set up was very well thought out and my friend does own a high end shop. He was also using the Raidho stands. If I had the money I would buy them without thinking twice.
Electroslacker, yes I had such an experience with Infinity ServoStatic 1s driven by ARC early tubes stuff. I had to go in and ended up buying them and the ARC a week later. But I've had many more instances at CES and other shows, where I walk in hear awful sound and turn around and leave. Once this was a McIntosh speakers where the young woman at the door who had welcomed me looked curious and I said, that had just remembered an appointment.

Incidentally, I will never have an experience walking past a dealer anymore, as there are no dealer with 200 miles of me. I expect within 50 years all dealers will be gone.
Best speaker I have ever owned, it's got to be REGA RS5.
Why? imaging is extraordinary, left to right, back to front. Tonality, transparency, detail is spot on. Not too forward, not too bright, the presence is awsome. Voices are palpableVery Dynamic, but not too thunderous. Bass is just right. Super easy to position! Easy to drive. Enormous qualities, within this $1.5k budget of course...
Before, I have had in chronological order bose 301, polk rt-12, b&w 601, my own (scanspeak/vifa/dynaudio), dynaudio active bm5, martin logan aerius i, magnepan mmg, magnepan mg12, b&w cdm-9nt, vandersteen 2 signature, paradigm studio 40, psb image t5, and the Rega.
I usually swap speakers once a year; I have had those for the past 4. Next stop will be totem. Unfortunately, it is hard to go somewhere and listen these days, but I would like to give totem a listen. If anyone has had the opportunities to compare the rega rs5 and preferred something else, I would be interested to hear your comments.