I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
This morning while Iam listening to my Elac B6 Speakers, while the cd is playing   I heard a familiar scratchy sound on the impact monitors, I raise the the volume and the scratchy sound went away, hours or a day later the voice coil fried.Iam thinking of bringing the amps for a check too.
Are you using a pre amp?
What, or where is the volume controller in your system?
It's kind of unusual that by raising the volume, you reduce a bad noise, that might be an indication of the volume attenuator introducing noise.

Have you checked your volume device, if it's the culprit, you can possibly clean or just outright replace it with something better?
I doubt it’s preamp but I will check, could be tubes on my amps, I can hear the scratch noise on the right side only.
I bought for replacement, I stick on the same tweeters, I bought six, my technicians upon looking at the tweeters said the tweeters don’t have rooms for heat, why the the voice coil burn ,I remember playing them 6 hrs straight that day, volume on the 10........the tweeters,dont have room for heat?..you think that goes back to the point the tekton cabinets are junk or at  best poorly designed which is ecactly what i saw when opened up ....and if playing a speaker loud for hours causes failure, from heat and poorly designed cabinets who would want them?.....
Mission honestly the impact monitors gave me a lot of good listening moment, regardless of how they are design or not, It is still not a mistake of owning them, because I like the sound and looks too. Well to get a nice cabinet you have to pay more. I got you , Audiophile are still buying them , so it means they like them, they even wait for months.
even a single stereo volume controller, whatever it may be, has to equally attenuate each channel individually. Just because it’s uniformly controlled by the same physical device, whether it is by reducing it through resistance, or another form of control, every channel will have an individual and distinct attenuation.

Two channel or home theater multi-channel, each circuit is actually individual - unless it’s mono.

I am not saying I am right, in that I have absolutely solved the issue. It may be a bad valve, it just seems that when you changed the volume, the issue wasn’t attenuated along with the volume, it corrected it.
This morning while Iam listening to my Elac B6 Speakers, while the cd is playing I heard a familiar scratchy sound on the impact monitors

I'm trying to understand how you can be playing one pair of speakers and hear a "scratchy" sound on a different pair. Please help........

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Audiophiles are still buying them , so it means they like them, they even wait for months......i disagree,true auduophiles are not buying them...or what i think of when someone says auduophile ... we have a different meaning of the word audiophile i guess
i disagree,true auduophiles are not buying them..

I don't think we should argue over what an audiophile is.  I totally believe audiophiles are buying Tekton Impact monitors.  Really the key is that people are buying these speakers because they feel they deliver good sound at a $2,100 price point.  These are not performing as $10,000 or $30,000 speakers because the market does not see them as such.  If the market saw them as being equivalent to a speaker that sold at many multiples of their price then that's where Eric would price them - because he's not an idiot.  In the realm of consumer or commercial products it's the market that sets the value...not some blowhard with 10,500 posts asserting their value.
I had a scratchy sound and it ended up being the power transformer in the amplifier.

I've also had static generated by grunge in the volume pot and moving the pot 0 to Max several times would seem to clear it up for a while.

Is the scratchy sound at the same place in the song or random?
Do you have another source and does the scratchy sound show up in it too?

Danager I will try my other amps if the scratchy sound is not there , then it’s the amps. If it’s still there , maybe it’s the preamp.
Tvad I speak three dialect English, our national language, and the place where I grew up, near Clark Air Base.
Using the same recording, and same track on the same source component...

Swap your amplifier interconnects at the preamp. Left IC to right output, and Right IC to left output.

Does the scratch follow the swap? If so, it’s not the amplifier. It’s upstream, or an interconnect cable. If the scratchy sound remains in the right channel, then the cause is your amplifier (or a bad tube, or something else).

Swap the amplifier interconnects, so you have the right IC on the left channel preamp output, and the left channel amplifier input. Connect the left interconnect to the right channel as above. Play the track. Does the scratchy sound follow the swap? If so, it’s the cable, or a poor connection. If not, then the scratchy sound is caused upstream.

Restore the interconnects to normal.

Swap the source interconnect at the preamp. Left IC to right input. Right IC to left input.

Play the same track. Does the scratch move to the other channel? If so, it’s either the source component, or it’s the interconnect cable, or it’s on the recording.

Restore the interconnects to normal.

Try a different recording. Does the scratchy sound still occur? If so, then it’s your source component, or the interconnect cable. If not, it points to the recording.

Swap the interconnect cables. Put the right IC on the left channel. Put the left IC on the right channel.

Play the track. Do you hear the scratchy sound? Which channel?

When you hear the scratchy sound, are you adjusting volume using a volume pot on the preamp, or with a remote control?

hmmm........Ford GT40 MkII, 1966. Best race cars ever built :)
Heard one of the 3 that swept LeMans was for sale a couple of years ago. Can not imagine the price tag.
Followed by 4 Porsche, Only a couple of the Ferrari finished running.
Won the next 3 years.
Anyway.......Carry On. :)
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"  If China moves on Taiwan soon I will be concerned about owning anything from China."

CCP has already 'moved on' more of its own people than the whole population of Taiwan.  Plus 8m in Hong Kong, that used to be a nice place to live.
Grant after following your recommendation? It’s the interconnect probably it’s loose . So now I can confidently hook my beloved Tekton ps 12.
Grant after following your recommendation? It’s the interconnect probably it’s loose .

If that’s true, then excellent news!

If you have some contact cleaner/enhancer, then now might be a good time to clean your interconnects and apply some contact enhancer. Something as basic as CAIG DeOxit, or rubbing alcohol would work. I like Stabilant22; NATO approved for avionics and other electronics applications.

BTW, if you haven’t yet gone through the troubleshooting steps, I know the process looks daunting. It’s not. Just break it down step by step.
I disagree, true audiophiles are not buying them or what I think of when someone says audiophile. We have a different meaning of the word "audiophile" I guess.


So what we buy, own, make, have, or want, makes us an audiophiler?


An audiophile is a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction.


The definition goes on to give examples.

NOT one example requires a person to buy, own, make, have, or want

Your definition is based on the premise, ownership is the qualifier to be an audiophiler.

NOTHING could be more incorrect..

Basic audiophile 101. Grade = failure. Recommendation, TWO ears TWO eyes, ONE mouth.

Shut the mouth
Read the definition
Listen to others

You have to know what something is, before you make an assumption what it is NOT.

I own a Victrola, it is as much a part of MY audiophile journey as reading these forums.

My personal thought, jealousy always seeks unkind words.
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Your definition is based on the premise, ownership is the qualifier to be an audiophiler.

NOTHING could be more incorrect..

Basic audiophile 101. Grade = failure. Recommendation, TWO ears TWO eyes, ONE mouth.

Shut the mouth
Read the definition
Listen to others

You have to know what something is, before you make an assumption what it is NOT.

I own a Victrola, it is as much a part of MY audiophile journey as reading these forums.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
My definition?...i dont belueve i gave my definition,maybe take your own advise..starting with shut up
It used to be the definition of Audiophile according to my Audiophile friends , as long as your system are not found at circuit city or Best Buy  , you now own Krell, Mark Levinson, Audio research and branded expensive stuff.I bought stuff at Best Buy as well that time.
My Audiophile friends never took me seriously as Audiophile because I only own  kef 104 Speakers ,Harman Kardon gears, nakamichi tape deck, CD players nakamichi and monster cable oh they hate this wire.I love the sound of this combo though probably is not audiophile standard.Now that I have above standard gear, I understand what they meant.
Do I care if they call me Audiophile or not? No , All I care is the music coming out of my systems.As long as I connect to the music that’s enough for me, good sounds is a bonus.All I care I love music, I don’t listen to what people say in terms of my identity on this hobby.I bought the Tektons because they have good reviews by Herb Reichert at stereophile, and Teajay I both trust their ears.Its not about the looks though I like their look.You see I own two the impact monitors and ps 12.
Jayctoy...Im not putting you down or trying to disrespect you.I dont consider myself an audiophile,at least not anymore.....but if buying speakers that require redoing the crossovers,changing drivers,adding bracing being an audiophile id say no..i call that stupid and or foolish.I see buying Tekton and "the pursuit of the best audio reproduction one can obtain" an oxymoron. Tekton just doesnt have that ability..in my opinion only.
“in my opinion only.”

By no means a solitary opinion fella...
If you need to mess around with tweeters to get them to sound good to you, then you bought a partially assembled speaker kit, which is fine if that is what you want. I am not sure why Tektons get so much free publicity here. Maybe it's just because of @millercarbon, but obviously they have their market, more among the do it yourself type audiophiles.

@jayctoy - not that I ever bought any stereo equipment there, but Best Buy bought an Audio retail company called Magnolia a number of years ago that has locations inside some of their better demographically located stores. They carry McIntosh, KEF, B&W, Rega, Rotel, Martin Logan, Furman, and perhaps some other audiophile (IMO) brands. They can't really wheel and deal much, unless there is an open box or return of some type, and even then it isn't much of a deal.

They make their money on video and home automation installation and consulting. Audio is an offshoot of that in their strategy I guess. I think in the older days of Magnolia, high end audio was the lead. Surprisingly, some of their salesmen have some knowledge. But you know what they say about a little knowledge.....

Also, they don't set up turntables, but do carry them.
Mission I never felt you are disrespectful at all, I shared my thoughts , and experience only, this forum is about that at times, Believe me I’ve been in this hobby for 30 yrs. every music lovers, they have their preferences on gears, speakers, cables, you name it.my Audiophile friend would advise me that it’s their direction not mine, I always say it’s only stereo. Why take it personal, just enjoy.
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I have never heard a Tekton and quite frankly am totally turned off by a certain poster with over 10,500 posts who owns them, so much so I wouldn't think of buying a pair just for that reason.

But you are on a real rip against the speaker company I think beyond my reasons and it would be fun to hear why.  
I have never heard their speakers so I can’t share an opinion on how they sound. They could sound like garbage or sound like angels singing in my ear, I don’t know.
But I have seen many pictures of them and I do know this;
If my dog had a face like that I'd shave his butt and teach him to walk backwards...
I heard  Tekton Double Impact at a show.   Had about a 30 minute audition with various sample tracks playing.  They were perfectly fine sounding.   Something a bit different.   Nothing that would make me jump ship.  If I had a tube amp my options would be more limited and Tekton would be a stronger candidate.  Since then I have witnessed other things totally unrelated to how the speakers sound though that has totally turned me off.  Not likely to buy a pair next time I need new speakers.  YMMV. 
@thecarpathian - LMAO!

I guess some people like having their stereos look like they're in a physics lab or some frankenstein basement OR.

Others care about looks more than the sound. They're the old B&O type customer, but we welcome all to this sickness. I care about the sound 100%, but there has to be base level of acceptable look with the rest of the decor to get approval from the boss. These Tektons definitely would not cut it in that regard.
There are such things as speaker grills.  They cost extra and then would just look like the monolith in 2001 A Space Odyssey 
New twist again why my impact monitors got fried, again the scratchy sound came back, I recorded the sound and send it to a friend. He told me the sound is more like A noisy plate resistors , maybe tubes he said unlikely?This is what I did, turn off all sources, only preamp Old preamp Krell on all the time.KHR3 model, and the amps tubes on , scratchy is present , I turn off the preamp scratchy gone, My take is more like the preamp doing the scratchy sound.He also told me that could be the cause of my tweeters got fried, and playing too loud.
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Grant I now direct my icon phono pre to amp so quiet now , no more scratchy sound or like bacon frying sound.Now the Krell need to be check, since it’s old maybe need to be refreshed.What do you think? Considering New Backert preamp or Primaluna new.Any recommendations?
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