Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
I've now placed the Reds into my SET mono blocks and the effect is clearly noticeable though not quite as dramatic as the Line Stage(at least so far). Definitely worthwhile. I will do the DAC in a couple of days, then  install the Afterburner 8 AC wall outlet next week. I agree with Wig, these fuse improvements are really something else.
Hi Rob,
The Coincident Frankenstein and Line Stage both use 3 amp slo blo. The closest SR Red is 3.1 amps, so no problems. You'll be okay with your near match as well.
Yes the Synergistic Research ECT (Electronic Circuit Transducer)  are very effective on pre amps, amps, and front end devices such as DAC's and CD players. My SACD player and amp each have 7 of these small cylinders on them. The nice thing is they are easily removed when it is time to upgrade a device and then use on the next piece of equipment.

In order of upgrade I would do A/C wall receptacle, then main power fuse of each piece of equipment, then ECT, and finally secondary fuses.
Glad to hear positive feedback on the red fuses. I have some of the older synergistic fuses but preferred the hifi tuning mundorf fuses so I'm going to give the new one's a try...if you want to hear something that will really impress you try the synergistic research etc's. I've tried them in both my dac and phono amp and I was shocked by the sonic improvements. 
What size fuse are you using in your Frank's? Israel told me 2.3 amp 250v slow blow for the Coincident Dynamo. I can't locate SR 2.3, only 2.5??? 

It's amazing how a fuse can make such a dramatic improvement, but it does...
Fliz, yes the ESS rack is very good.

Interestingly, the designer of the Beeswax fuse uses techniques to keep the fuse from vibrating.

I can tell you that the leap in resolution and ease is very similar to what you get with the ESS rack. Yes, from a fuse.
Knghifi,  I got my furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's last Christmas 2014,  I'm happy with what I have,  but interested in wanting to know the sound called improvement,  I should be able to audition a ncf gtx-rhodium when I'm ready too,  Chris sent me the gold and rhodium version's to try last time,  I bought 1 gtx-rhodium from my friend Steven Klein of sound of silence,  and the other gtx-rhodium from Chris vanhause of vh-audio,  Steven is audiogon member sksos1, both were new,  both gentleman are great to do business with,  merry Christmas to you as well. 
Hi knghifi,  furutech just introduced a new top outlet,  download the pdf file from Chris at vh-audio,  kinda cool,  take a peek and tell me your impressions,  the ncf gtx- rhodium, merry Christmas.

Audiolabyrinth, I only installed the Furutech GTX-Rhodium outlets last summer on my two 20 Amp dedicate lines so don't want to replace them so soon.   Thanks for heads up and will check them out next time feel the urge for a change.   Merry Christmas! 

One aspect of the Afterburner 8 AC  outlet that  attracts me is the plugs are copper and unplatted. In the  overall  scheme of things probably  not a major point but I like the simpler  and natural  approach when  viable.
I don't doubt for a moment the quality of the Furutech GTX product.
Hi knghifi,  furutech just introduced a new top outlet,  download the pdf file from Chris at vh-audio,  kinda cool,  take a peek and tell me your impressions,  the ncf gtx- rhodium, merry Christmas. 
Charles1dad,  I have the furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's, 2 of them,  and the wall frames,  however,  as good as they are, Chris at vh audio emailed me about the new flagship furutech gtx-rhodium NCF outlet's,  the new NCF only comes with the Rhodium version's for the outlet's,  go to vh-audio and check it out Charles, BTW,  I also knew about the sr-red's when they first come out,  but I didn't know enough about the sound to pull the trigger,  I trust your ears,  so likely it's a done deal on the fuses,  but I will tell you Charles, I've tested a lot of outlet's,  not the afterburner 8 you have,  and far and away the furutech gtx-rhodium is the best for my system,  lol, now I'm going to upgrade to the new nanotechnology crystal formula furutech gtx-rhodium!
I'm using 2 Furutech GTX-Rhodium outlets.  It's superior to Maestro outlets it replaced.   Price differences between outlets are RELATIVITY small so not a big factor in ultimate purchasing decision.

Taters ...

I haven't a clue. Haven't heard them. 

marqmike ...

I should have the fuse chips tomorrow ... or perhaps Saturday.

Merry Christmas to all who post here on Audiogon. 
I've also got an ESS rack and love it. 

Every time I add more stillpoints to the system it gets better.

I want another 4 aperture panels.

I am not laughing. Eh eh eh eh Ha ha ha ha. oreganpapa I was just kidding about spares, unless..... .

Some are using the quantum chip. That does sound like a ....., well interesting. I seriously will be interested to hear how that does for you.

I think amazon has drones delivering. I don't think the drones would mind bringing you your groceries and other needs, Lp's, scotch, ect.  


Since SR doesn't offer a 7 amp slow blow in red should I go with the Audio Horizon or Audio Magic fuse instead?

^^^ Don't know what you mean by "spares" marqmike. 

Don't laugh ... I just ordered 3 WA Quantum Chips to put on the three fuses I'm using now. If they do as advertised, I will no longer leave home.

Will the supermarkets deliver to audiophiles? 

I swallowed the koolaid. I guess nobody has passed away yet. I ordered 2 SR reds.

 I e-mailed Synergestic Research about which of my components they would recommend starting with. They recommended starting with my cd transport and my amp.
I will see how these reds turn out first and probably change out my dac with maybe a audio magic or audio horizons fuse. I would like to try these others sometime also. I really like most everything Jerry at Audio Magic does.  

I was thinking. If us 'not EE' guys are really improving a weaker link in our systems why didn't the 'pro's-don't do this at home' guys get to it before us shclupies?

 Anyway oreganpapa, I am waiting for my candy cane tomorrow. Has anybody noticed if having any spares kicks your system up a little? If so where do you store them for the best sound. So many things to think about.

 If you do anything else for, or with your fuses, let us all know, don't be shy now, you won't hear us laughing.

On the expense of the fuses ... 

Early on, before I bought the ARC REF-75/SE, I owned the "regular" REF-75. I changed out the KT-120's for the KT-150's and the improvement is well documented here on the forums by myself and others who did the swap. Four KT-150's = $400.00. So, for those who remember how significant that improvement was ... the SR RED fuses are even a bigger improvement. Just putting things into perspective. 
I actually  gave serious  consideration to purchasing the Furutech GTX outlet, a  audiogon member posted  he had  both the GTX and the Afterburnner8.  He says they're both excellent sounding but in direct  comparison he couldn't tell then apart at all. So I just decided to  choose the  less expensive Afterburnner 8 given  his helpful  feedback. He said both are terrific and I trust his judgement. I'm  certain both are far superior to  my builder's grade quality  AC outlet.
Charles1dad,  I have the furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's, 2 of them,  and the wall frames,  however,  as good as they are, Chris at vh audio emailed me about the new flagship furutech gtx-rhodium NCF outlet's,  the new NCF only comes with the Rhodium version's for the outlet's,  go to vh-audio and check it out Charles, BTW,  I also knew about the sr-red's when they first come out,  but I didn't know enough about the sound to pull the trigger,  I trust your ears,  so likely it's a done deal on the fuses,  but I will tell you Charles, I've tested a lot of outlet's,  not the afterburner 8 you have,  and far and away the furutech gtx-rhodium is the best for my system,  lol, now I'm going to upgrade to the new nanotechnology crystal formula furutech gtx-rhodium! 
If the mprovement of 3  additional  Red fuses is proportional to the single  fuse, well this is going to be a phenomenal ROI. Factor in also I'll be replacing my  generic AC wall outlet  with the highly regarded Afterburnner. Since I need  only 1 duplex outlet I'm going to use a premium  level receptacle cover for it, the Furutech 104D and really upgrade  that aspect finally. I'm very curious and excited to see where these modest  expenditure tweaks take my system.
My components use the smaller size  fuses which are 90 dollars, the larger  fuses you require  are 100 dollars. IMO to get the improvement I've realized, 400 dollars is a genuine bargain..
Hi Charles,  I have to have 4 large fast blowing fuses, not sure what the spec value is? , hard to read the writing on the fuses, mmm, maybe Almarg or someone can tell me,  would the cost of these fuses for me be $400.00?
The information is priceless... Thanks for the postings and updates.

Charles1dad, I anxiously await to hear the reports regarding the addition of  Reds in other equipment :-)

Hi Oregonpapa,
Your listening reports nailed it!  I had expectations for these fuses but this honestly caught me off guard. I  believe you  regarding  additional  burn in, as they  clearly  improved over a 5 hour listening  session last night.

If the results in your system  with these Red fuses approaches  the effects I am  hearing, the cost for you will be a true bargain. I don't know how much system or component synergy factors  in.
Thankyou Charles1dad for the follow-up,  please keep me posted,  if the red's work for you after full break in,  then I will jump on the band wagon, the first place I will put them will be in the modified krell 700cx,  BTW,  will be very expensive!

Charles ...

I'm up to three components where I've replaced the stock fuses for the SR Red fuses. Friends who have heard the system, and know it well, continue calling to tell me that they cannot believe how realistic the sound is now. Two more fuses to go ... and they both go into the CD player.

By the way, they take about three listening sessions before they're broken in. The sound really opens up then. 
Okay, based on  prior experience with premium fuses I am well aware of  what  they are capable of. One SR Red fuse in just  my Line Stage and I'm near amazed by what I'm  hearing tonight. This is quite a find.  The degree of improvement from my current  SR 20 Quantum fuse is unexpected. Folks this Red fuse  is something  special and I  say that  without a trace of hyperbole, my goodness!  What  on earth will be the  result when I  add the  3 remaining Reds?

I'll  without any hesitation enthusiastically recommend these fuses to anyone seriously   interested in increasing  their  music  listening pleasure and sound quality for an utterly reasonable  cost.
Oregon papa told it like it is and I'm  very grateful  he started  this thread. What a wonderful  find these  special fuses are. I can't turn the  system  off. For less than 100.00 USD  you'll get a legitimate unquestionable upgrade to your system.  I've heard far more expensive cables and components do less. High quality tweaks are the way to go if you have  components you really enjoy  and want to  keep them  long term.

My Avatar Acoustics Afterburner AC outlet was delivered  today, uh oh
Be careful Charles 1dad you could hurt yourself moving that much. And those things they call bobble head dolls are real people that just can't quit bobbing their head. People think its cute so they put you on a desk or shelf or something. You never know where you'll end up.
The Kenny Burrell recording I'd  mentioned is actually  titled "A  Night At The Vanguard" a very good live session  from the early  1960s. I should have  checked the  CD  cover before posting.

In just a few hours the sound is improving, Jim Hall and Art Farmer are sounding  gorgeous. I feel as though I'm there  with them. What a joy listening to music  is.
I recently received  my SR Red fuses and have some  early listening impressions. I began with a fuse placed  only in the Line Stage and will reverse  fuse direction in a few days to see if there's  a difference. Next I'll do the SET amplifier  and lastly the DAC.

I listened to  very familiar  recordings to get a feel, Kenny Burrell "At The Village Vanguard"
Thelonious Monk, "Monk' Dream"  Nicholas Payton , "Fingerpainting" Gerry Mulligan, "Night Lights". These recordings (and others) just seem to get to the  merits of a  particular  component effectively. The SR Red debut is impressive, brand new  they are undeniably musical  and natural with really good music flow and pace. The foot  immediately  begins tapping  and the head instinctively  bobs  with the rhythm, always a good sign. 

Can't agree with  those who  found  this fuse imparts sizzle  or thinness, at least it didn't in my system. Tonal density  and natural  fullness are very present. Most of all early on  is that the music  just flows and pulls you right along, it definitely has emotional connectivity.
This is a very good start! Curious to see where  this goes when the other  fuses are added and more hours of  use accumulate.
My ARC amp takes a 7 amp slow-blo and I see Synergistic only makes an 8 amp. I am going to talk to my technician and see if he thinks that is ok. He has repaired ARC gear for the past 30 years so I have complete confidence in him.


Since SR RED doesn't offer a 7 amp Slo-Blo, I bought 2 Isoclean for my ARC REF 250.   It's only $49 each from theCableCo so right down your alley,  CHEAP!    Also got free shipping with no haggling automatic discount.  Again, right down your alley.  CHEAP! 

I use SR RED in all my components and rolling Isoclean in REF250 so far offers the most improvement over stock.  Simply AMAZING!  

This is my 1st experience with Isoclean but a local friend use full loom in his SOTA system.  Just his PCs cost 1.5x more than my whole system.    
OK, let me try again.  Wrapping a transformer once absorbs 75% of the magnetic field. Wrapping it twice absorbs 96% of the magnetic field.

^^^ Yep, but wrapping it around all of your transformers five times isn't so cool. But ya never know 'till ya trys it. *lol*
Mu metal around transformers rocks!  Wrapping transformers twice rocks even more.
Of course, accurately reproduced music is the end we are all seeking from this hobby ... but finding those things that get us closer to the actual performance is a totally fun part of the hobby.

I equate we audiophiles to car guys and hot rodding where the means to the end shaves off a fraction of a second from a quarter mile time, or perhaps a slightly faster lap time for road racers. It may consist of something simple like new carburetor jets, or tweaking the timing. Or it could be something really expensive like a new camshaft with a slightly different dwell or higher compression pistons. The newly reduced time is ultimately important of course, but the additional "push-back" in the seat is the thrill.

And, in our case ... that "push-back thrill" is why we continue our pursuit of better, more revealing equipment. And tweaks that may sound crazy at the outset (like fuses), that make a significant improvement in one's sound system are an absolute necessity to the hobby. Otherwise what? Grow stale? Lose interest? 

What I don't understand are those who haven't experimented over the years with various tweaks, and yet, they poo-poo something really significant like the fuse upgrades WITHOUT EVER HEARING THE RESULTS FOR THEMSELVES. Go figure.

One final thought on tweaks: Those of us who like to experiment with this stuff are fully aware that some tweaks, especially dampening, can be carried too far. In such cases, the sound is compromised by a "dullness" or "compression." So .. that's when the tweak is cast off as not worthwhile. I've had that experience many times, but one that really stands out was my experiments with MU-Metal placed around motors and transformers. A little goes a long way. Slightly too much and it sucks. Get it just right and the noise floor is lowered noticeably.  

All I can say is ... Thank you Synergetic Research for your R&D and the excellent product these fuses are. 

Happy listening ...
"As a final thought ... If anyone is finding the SR RED fuses to be "sizzly" and "bright," I'd take a good look elsewhere in the system. Work on those micro vibrations ... then get the fuses. "


Charles, I agree with you wholeheartedly.

These are the things we learn from being in this hobby for a long time. And sometimes it still surprises us when something comes out of the blue that gives us a huge return on a relatively small investment. So it's important to be judicious of how we allocate our budget.

The Beeswax fuse upgrade is similar to going from an Entreq silver minimus to the top of line Olympus. This is a huge step up, but you have to spend 3-4x the money.
It seems with fuses people worry to much regarding their cost compared to stock fuses. IMO the emphasis should be on the end result of effect on sound quality. If people got a similar improvement with a premium tube upgrade, cables, isolation/vibration platforms or component change they'd be thrilled. Going that route can often exceed the cost((by a factor of multiples sometimes) of a high grade fuse. As has been supported by testimony on this thread, there can be considerable  "bang for the buck" realized in many cases. Premium fuses are easy targets to be doubtful of due to no clear explanation of why they do what they do. Sometimes you just have to listen and then judge.
Oregonpapa, I have a Stillpoints ESS rack and it allows my components to perform at a level I never imagined. So I'm a big believer in reducing micro vibrations. The rack would be the last thing I sell if I ever got out of this hobby.
Yes $175 for a fuse.

Enough to make one question one's sanity.

It's up there on the pantheon of upgrades for me though.

This is the unexpected and fun part of the hobby.
You're welcome taters. 

As you can see, I've tweaked the bejeezus out of my system. I became a believer in tweaks since I tried my first one, and that was a set of "Tip Toes" under the speakers when they first came out. Late 70's, I think. 

Thanks for the complete rundown. I wasn't expecting all of that. Personally I don't buy into all the tweets like you do. Yes, I have tried plenty and have sold most. The fuse thing makes sense to me and I willing to try that if I can find the exact fuse ratings. My ARC amp takes a 7 amp slow-blo and I see Synergistic only makes an 8 amp. I am going to talk to my technician and see if he thinks that is ok. He has repaired ARC gear for the past 30 years so I have complete confidence in him.

taters ...

The beeswax fuses cost $175.00.

To answer your previous questions ...

Yes, I have aftermarket wall sockets, custom power cords built by Dave Magnan, a power conditioner that's been upgraded with high-end sockets. There are filters in the power conditioner built by Dave Magnan. I'm using Nexus ICs between the phono and the preamp. 

There are Shatki Holograms (two pair) ... one pair in the front corners and one pair in the back corners of the room (huge improvement).

I bi wire my speakers. The two 12 foot pairs of speaker wire was built by a company in Oregon called Music Advancement Company, or more commonly known as MAC. The stock speaker terminals have been replaced with Cardas Copper terminals. The bi wire location at the amp uses Cardas copper banana plug adapters (another nice improvement).  The speakers sit on thick Mapleshade maple platforms that are spiked to the floor with those beautiful German solid brass spikes that were so popular in the hobby 20 years ago. Finally, the speakers are spiked to the platforms.

I also have two heavy 12"x12"  marble platforms sitting on top of each speaker. They fit the tops of the speakers perfectly.  I've found that on some floorstanding speakers, adding weight to the top of the speakers is like adding mass to the speakers and removes some grain (more removal of vibrations). The platforms that sit on top of the speakers are made up from two heavy slabs of marble with that same dampening material that's used so successfully elsewhere in the system. The dampening material is cemented between the layers of marble.  

The Well Tempered Turntable has been modified as well. The arm has been rewired with Cardas copper wire. There's a custom TT belt that I purchased from (highly recommended). I have heavy solid brass tweeks on the turntable that dampens the table by clamping the fluid-well and the paddle within it, the tonearm itself has a layer of shrink-wrap material for more dampening, and even a heavy brass bolt and screw that attaches the arm to the plinth. The brass items for the turntable had to be custom machined. These brass items made a significant improvement in the turntable ... especially the clamp around the fluid-well.  The turntable and detached motor sit on ultra hard titanium ball bearings that sit in the middle of a hole cut out of thick dampening material. The stock feet have been removed to facilitate the ball bearings.  

I have a custom equipment rack that has constrained layers of dampening material between the layers of wood used to construct it. My equipment all rests on custom made, very heavy, fine grade granite platforms that have the same dampening material between their layers that the equipment rack has.  

I've spent an inordinate amount of time, effort and $$$ to reduce micro vibrations in the system as much as possible. As you may, or may not know, ARC has paid a lot of attention over the past number of years on dampening their boards and chassis ... and even their vacuum tubes with the black tube rings that come with their equipment. Believe it or not, the positioning of those tube rings on the tubes is critical to attain the best sound from your ARC gear.

I've found that the newer ARC gear sounds best (at least in my system) sitting on their stock feet. Everytime I try aftermarket footers under the equipment, it detracts from the sound.

Oh, and I run my CD player, preamp and amp in balanced mode, using ARC IC's. These are excellent IC's, but unfortunately, ARC no longer sells them. 

 When you come right down to it, the only thing we want vibrating is that stylus between the grooves. All other vibrations smear the sound to some degree ... even if those vibrations are on a micro level. 

With the reduction in micro vibrations, and everything else listed above, the system was already a high resolution system. With the addition of the three SR RED fuses, the system definitely has been brought to a whole different level ... far beyond where I thought it would ever be. Next purchase will be two 1.5 amp SR RED fuses to be put into the ARC CD7-se CD player, and then I'm done with the fuses. 

Before I forget ... If anyone is having room problems there's a pair of Shatki Holograms for sale here on Audiogon. Check it out ... good price too. 

On the solid core copper plug in place of a fuse: A good idea if you have stock in your local fire department ... and if you don't care about your equipment, your house or your family's safety. I guess it would be okay if you never leave the room while your equipment is on and keep a small fire extinguisher next to your listening chair. . 

As a final thought ... If anyone is finding the SR RED fuses to be "sizzly" and "bright," I'd take a good look elsewhere in the system.  Work on those micro vibrations ... then get the fuses. 

Happy listening, guyz ...
macdude, thanks for the comments on the AM Beewax. Love to hear anyone's experience on the A/B between the AM Beewax and the AH Platinum. 

As for shortening the fuse, this is an old trick, not tweak. I tried that on some of the devices before, the same goes for hard wiring your device directly to the AC socket (I tried that on the power conditioner cord once), yes of course it works but no thanks, I'd rather have a safety in the form of a fuse in case something goes south. 

Well, you know, since all wire is directional, not just fuses, it all depends on which direction you insert the copper rod as to whether it will sound better than the fuse you're replacing, assuming of course that the direction of the fuse was correct in the first place.  There's a 50% chance it wasn't correct. 

I had the Synergistic Red fuse before on a previous source and it definitely imparted its own sound signature - glossy with sizzle.

I now have the Audio Magic Beeswax installed on my Exemplar DAC.

I had spoken to Jerry at Audio Magic before taking the leap, but he really underplayed how much of an upgrade it would be. 

Voices and instruments sound like . . voices and instruments.

But perhaps more importantly it drops the noise floor significantly so you get more music, texture, and dynamics.

The grit and scratchiness that you're used to hearing is reduced.

This is most obvious in the background layers of a track that you've heard a thousand times. They are no longer congested and presented to you in broad daylight.

I'm not sure how a fuse does all of this and I wasn't expecting this big leap in musical flow and engagement.

It's different than connecting a top of the line Entreq grounding box to your source, though they are complementary.

The closest experience I've had was swapping my interconnects for Ziro Disclosure. The Ziros dropped the noise floor and all of the sudden there was so much more music and dynamics.

I just wanted to write this to thank Jerry at Audio Magic for developing this fuse and making it available to us.