Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 41 responses by lak

It's all very interesting, and I do believe the SR Red and/or the AH would make an improvement in high end audio equipment.
I'm waiting for charles1dad's thoughts and report back here, before I "bust a move" ;-).
The information is priceless... Thanks for the postings and updates.

Charles1dad, I anxiously await to hear the reports regarding the addition of  Reds in other equipment :-)

I'm going to have to figure out which red fuses I need for my system and order some $$$!
Thanks Charles :-)

And thank you David for that information. I learn something new every day!

Looks like Hagerman Audio Labs is located in Honolulu HI. How long did it take to receive your order and do you recall the cost of shipping?
Will the flavors ever end?
I'm not doubting improvement, but I've noticed the company is constantly improving or coming up with something new for us to spend our money on...LOL!
No doubt I'll be ordering some SR fuses.
I'm going to wait until some of you report back here, on this forum, based upon your experience with the SR Black. If some of you say it's the extra, I'll spring for the Black instead of the Red.
Thank you all...
Thanks for passing on that information.
Very well done!
Hopefully with more break-in the Black will better the Red.
I anxiously wait to hear more...
I totally agree with your comment above.
Similar to the way interconnects, speaker cables, power cords and AC outlets etc, can make ones system sound different in a positive way or negative way. I also can’t explain why, but I know what I hear.
FUSE assistance needed please:
I’m currently using my Music Culture MC 501A CDP as my transport and it pairs up with my Yamamoto YDA-01 Dac that has a SR Red fuse in it.
Before I drop some big dollars on the SR Black fuses etc., is a SR Red or Black fuse going to make any improvements in the Music Culture CDP that I’m using as a transport only?
Thank you for your thoughts.
Oregonpapa, Charles1dad, Grannying, Davidpritchard,Marqmike;
Thanks for the advice, I'll replace that fuse too.
Did you change all the fuses in your Magnepan 1.7i speakers?

I owned the 1.6 several years ago and now have the 3.7.
I thought there was more than one fuse per speaker, but I was wrong. Looks like one fuse per speaker, you are correct.
When I upgraded the fuses in my 1.6 and 3.7 I heard an improvement using the older Quantum SR 20 fuses. Maybe you just need some additional fuse break in time?
Perhaps the SR fuses aren't going to improve the quality of music in your Magneplanar 1.7i's. I would think the fuses are burned in by now.
As David mentioned, try them in your amp, pre amp, or source.
Out of curiosity, what other components are you using?
I'm planing on putting a SR Black fuse into my second Yamamoto DAC, (Bill already has a SR Red in the one a acquired from him).
When I get around to it and have the SR Black in my hands, I'll send you a message regarding direction. The darn gear is too difficult to pull out more then once regarding experiemtation.
I looked for what seemed to be an eternity for a used Yamamoto DAC (at Bill's and your suggestion) and never saw one. I broke down and ordered a new one from the North American dealer. Months later it arrived (from Japen) and as you guys said it sounded wonderful. Then Bill's came up for sale and I could not pass it by. So now both of my systems have a Yamamoto DAC. (LOL)!
Charles, I also  had a two month wait for the new Yamamoto Dac that shipped from Japan.

If any of you are a handy guy with a soldering gun you could buy the Yamamoto Dac kit and build it yourself. I think the kits are available from Japan and ship a lot quicker.

Personally, I did not feel I had the necessary experience to build one.
I’m happy to report that I received several of the SR Black fuses on Friday.
I didn’t have time to install any of them until this morning.
In my main system I replaced the SR Red fuse in my Yamamoto Dac with an SR Black fuse and due to my impatience I replaced the stock fuse in my Allnic L-3000 preamp with the SR Black fuse.
I immediately heard deeper bass, a more articulate and natural sound of music along with improved imaging and a wider, deeper sound stage.
In my main system I use a loom of High Fidelity products (interconnects, digital cable, speaker cables and power cords).

I look forward to the replacement of standard fuses with the SR Black in my second system, in the following: (Yamamoto Dac and Allnic T-1500 Integrated 300B amp).
I’ll get to that in a day or so. I'm anxiously waiting to hear what the break in period will do for improvement.

oregonpapa; I'm looking forward to it!
I already hear great improvement this morning in my main system.
I added the SR Black Fuses last night to my Yamamoto Dac and Allnic T-1500 Integrated 300B amp in my secondary system and could not believe the improvement as soon as I powered the system up. And it sounded darn good before I ever added the SR Black Fuses!
This is one of those tweeks one has to hear for themselves to believe!
FYI; in case you missed it.
Here we go again: "The BRAND NEW Synergistic Research UEF Black Duplex uses the same technology as Synergistic's world class SR Black Quantum Fuses".

I'd be interested in hearing from anyone that purchases one.
David, I'm looking forward to your thoughts regarding the Black outlets!

I have received several SR Black fuses from Highend Electronics and Alfred has been very helpful. When I installed an SR Black into my Magnum Dynalab MD-106T Analog FM Tuner it just didn't sound right, sure enough a flip of the fuse did the trick.
I'd also like to thank all those in this thread for their thoughts and providing valuable information.

Thanks for the update regarding the SR Black outlet.
In your system what do you have plugged into it?
Good question. I'd also like to hear from someone that actually put the SR Black fuse into a transport as apposed to speckulation :-).

Which Plinius amp do you have and what was the size of the fuse in the power inlet?

Bill, am I correct that it must cost the manufactor more money to install a high quality on/off switch circuit breakers vs the instillation of fuses. If that's the case now much more would the high quality on/off switch circuit breakers cost a manufactor?
Yesterday I finally got around to putting an SR Black fuse into my Plinius SA-Reference amp main fuse compartment and I heard an immediate improvenent.

@mac48025 ;-) of course, I knew you were kidding...
Luckily, I usually have time each morning to listen to my system, many times later in the day also.

I had added the SR Black fuse to my preamp, Phono Preamp, Dac’s, Transport’s and Integrated amp a year ago with great success also.

@wolf_garcia sorry if you don’t buy into the SR Black fuses, as others have said in this thread (and I know several of these audiophiles on this thread), I trust their ears and my own ears. We know what we hear and like it.

Was not my imtention John, but their sales are down and they have nothing better to do.

I respect individuals that post on this forum regardless if you hear an improvement using the SR Black fuses or not.
What bothers me are the people that don't try the product and voice their opinion or the people that tried the product, did not hear a difference there for everyone else that heard a difference must be wrong.

I think they would be worth a try if for no other reason, a comparison to the SR Black. 
@oregonpapa after reading your post I purchased the Chet Baker CD you referred to and I like it! I also picked up the Horace Silver (12 Classic Albums 1953 - 1962) that I'm enjoying.
I don't doubt that the Blue Fuses are every bit as good as described however I just don't know when or if I'd make the jump ($$). As jmcgrogan2 said on page 93, maybe if a Black Fuse blowes (I hope not)!