Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
bondmanp ...

Try reversing the fuse direction. Its sounds like you may have it in the wrong direction. 

Only because I promised to post a follow-up, I did receive and install the SR Black fuse in my preamp. I realize more burn-in is required. So far the biggest difference is more treble energy. Not edginess or excess brightness, but more high frequency energy. It’s not really bad or good, just a bit different, and it is subtle. It is possible that the soundstage has been subtley expanded as well, but I am not sure of this yet. Due to hosting out-of-town guests for a few weeks, I will be unable to do any critical listening until next month. I will try to post updates of my impressions after I have had more time to burn it in and do some critical listening.

Congratulations on the improved sound. I think you will hear continued improvement over the next two weeks. Where are you going to put the Synergistic Research Black Power Cord?

David Pritchard
So after hearing the amazing improvement from the two black fuses (power amp and phono stage) in my system, I decided to jump on the free fuse with purchase of the black power cord offer.
Arrived on Friday 4/8, quickly installed black fuse into my Classe CT-SSP, had a long listening session on Sunday evening, again very impressed with the results. I recently bought the CD by Halie Loren titled Stages, I thought that it sounded somewhat veiled (maybe because recorded live) but listening on Sunday it was a different CD.
To say I am impressed with the black fuses is an understatement, and this newest one wasn't even through with burn in.
I will share my thoughts about the black power cord on oregonpapa's  power cord thread.
tuberist ...

Its amazing that a little fuse can bring such an improvement. In some cases its akin to upgrading to a better piece of equipment. Very much worth the cost of entry in my estimation. 
I put one in my Peachtree Nova 125se. Shocking improvement....I thought I was just being a tweak geek but this is one $90 improvement I'm glad I spent. I noticed more detail and significantly wider deeper was this possible??? totally bizarre.
I ordered the 16 amp small size T slow blow. I realize that all the terms are confusing, which is why I shared the response direct from Hegel for clarity.
yo u should order and try, I'm glad I did.
Mark, 250 ma is 1/4 amp (ampere), so that is definitely not right.  You were probably looking at the value that appears by default for the large size fuses.  Click the inverted pyramid symbol next to that value and you'll find the other available choices. 

The response from Hegel that Bob provided was: 
The fuse should should be 15 Amps. Specification should be 250V T15A 
"T" denotes slow blow.  Also, since Bob said that "the closest Black SR fuse is a 16amp," and since the large size fuse is offered in a 15 amp rating as well as a 16 amp rating, I suspect that you would need the small size.  But wait for Bob to confirm that.

-- Al
Bob, I looked online at The Cable Company.

The descriptions were 250mA, is this right?

Also is it slow or fast burn? Large or small?

Thanks again,

Charles, I also  had a two month wait for the new Yamamoto Dac that shipped from Japan.

If any of you are a handy guy with a soldering gun you could buy the Yamamoto Dac kit and build it yourself. I think the kits are available from Japan and ship a lot quicker.

Personally, I did not feel I had the necessary experience to build one.
Rob keep up the faith they do pop up time to time in the classifieds here.
Jond, Charles
Yeah, I'm the "fool on the hill” that didn't buy Bill's Yamamoto when I had the chance...still looking, no luck yet. Best, Rob
I wrote to Hegel, and see their response:
The fuse should should be 15 Amps. Specification should be 250V T15A

Vennlig hilsen/Best regards
Hegel Music Systems AS

Magnus Holhjem

The closest Black SR fuse is a 16amp, which is what I ordered from Alfred in Apple Valley. The fuse holder is right near the power cord, and its a 'push in and rotate' round holder, then you pry it open, and use the direction of SR rear to front that others described. It made a nice improvement for me of the 4 uses I obtained was on the DAC. I love my Hegel; provides great low end slam and control and nuanced details and sound stage on the highs...
I recommend you try the tweak, I'm comfortable that you will also appreciate the improvement.
Let me know if you have any other questions.

Wow guys I guess I got lucky then I was just looking for a DAC a few years ago and came across a Yamamoto in the listings.  I remembered reading a review about it but I wasn't looking for it specifically. The price was right and I jumped on it, the rest as they say is history. Or music lol.
When I ordered my Yamamoto back in 2010 I had to wait about 2 months for the shipment from Japan  (probably  not built until order is received ). Upon the very first listen I knew that the wait was worth it. I've been happy with it ever since. 😁😁
Borrowed a friends extra pair of Kimber 8tc cables and things are still sounding great Bill Frisell Sounds Of Life, of course I've never heard a bad sounding Bill Frisell album. A slightly brighter balance with these unshielded speaker cable but still hearing the better flow and instruments are just tonally gorgeous.
Hi Bob,
I'm familiar with the Veloce preamplifier and the Playback Designs player,  you have assembled a very fine system. With the addition of the Black fuses I certainly see how you arrive at your  "happy place ". 
mribob, I have a Hegel H30 also, powering Salon 2's.  Can you tell me the improvements you heard with he black fuse?  And what was the exact fuse you ordered?  My Hegel is hard to get to and I want to order the right fuse.


I looked for what seemed to be an eternity for a used Yamamoto DAC (at Bill's and your suggestion) and never saw one. I broke down and ordered a new one from the North American dealer. Months later it arrived (from Japen) and as you guys said it sounded wonderful. Then Bill's came up for sale and I could not pass it by. So now both of my systems have a Yamamoto DAC. (LOL)!
^^^ Bob ... The Scotch was really good too. :-)

I heard the same improvements in your system that I'm hearing in mine. There's a sense of realism that one just doesn't expect in an audio system. It really makes you sit up an notice. Guitars, voice, cellos and pianos all have life. 

I had my friend Robert over this evening for a listening session. He brought over one of his thrift store finds. Would you believe a 1945 recording of Scheherazade?  Blue label Columbia ... Ormandy conducting.  It was a little noisy, but man, the sound that came out of that record was really, really good. One of the best performances of Scheherazade I've ever heard. How a 70 year old record can do that is beyond me.

The AT ART-9 really gets mono playback right. The SR Black fuses get the textures right. The massed strings and the woodwind section was great, and of course the violin was superb.

All in all ... a welcome relief from trying to figure out what goes on line 43 after subtracting line 27 from line 32 and adding line 16 back in. Bah!

Hi, this is Bob
i power with Hegel H-30 in stereo configure, use battery powered tubed Veloce Lithio series preamp with solid Ssd drive laptop running JRiver 24 thru Playback design PD-5. Cables are a mix of EnKlein, Klee, hi fidelity, and Tara. I also use the SR grounding block to great advantage. The venture model is Excellence III I  think, prior version with Heil ribbon tweeter, 1 mid, 3 bass units.
with Frank's helps on fuses, I am really enjoying going thru my library, and part of Frank's. I am at a happy place.
My friend was able to loan me a pair of speaker cables so back in business!
Venture speakers are very good.  I heard a Venture system(their speakers and amplifiers ) at CES a few years ago. Even under show conditions the sound of that room was exceptionally engaging,  music rather than hifi, very memorable. Those fuses will shine in a system of that caliber. 
^^^ I haven't been listening as much either. I've been immersed in preparing my annual financial confession that must be submitted to Caesar under threat of violence by April 15.  

In the meantime, I did find the time to listen to Bob's wonderful system with his newly broken in SR Black fuses. Man, the textural richness that came through those Venture speakers was really spot on. SR Black fuses and Venture speakers ... NICE!  

Argghh listening is on hold for a while, one of my banana plugs sheared right off in the binding post of my speaker and is lodged in there. A perfect capper to an annoying Friday workwise.
I'm planing on putting a SR Black fuse into my second Yamamoto DAC, (Bill already has a SR Red in the one a acquired from him).
When I get around to it and have the SR Black in my hands, I'll send you a message regarding direction. The darn gear is too difficult to pull out more then once regarding experiemtation.
Jond ...

One of the most striking things about the SR Black fuses is the way they let you hear into the music and detect the speed of instruments. Piano is a great case in point. Guitars also. It improves as the fuses break in. 
To finish my point Jond, the Yamamoto DAC like all really good components seems to respond to better power  cables and fuses. That's been my experience anyway. 
II find the premium fuses so interesting. When I first tried them I began with the SR Quantum 20.sound quality took a step backwards in my Frankenstein SET amplifier but improved after about 1 week of regular use. This same fuse placed in the Yamamoto DAC was an immediate sonic upgrade, why the different response? Who knows. 

On the other hand the SR Red fuses were instantly an improvement in every component when they replaced the Quantum 20 fuses. The Black fuses were good initially and just kept improving over additional time. Each situation /interaction was unique. 

Jond,the Yamamoto lik
jond, it will get better. I've not progressed any further than HiFi Tuning fuses some time ago but do remember the improvements. Thought I was hearing things until I kept playing familiar music over and over and actually hearing the improvements progress. Have fun.

All the best,
Just minutes ago dropped the Hifi Tuning Supreme fuse in my Yamamoto DAC, and listening to Bill Evans At Shellys Manne-hole and it sounds great, first impressions it sounds a touch faster. And the piano notes pop a bit more? Can't listen much longer have to get to a work dinner but surprised initial impressions are so strong minutes into listening.
Hi Charles,  I agree,  Almarg has helped me numerous times,  al is an asset to audiogon,  to be honest here,  Almarg is one of my favorite audiogon member's. 
Charles & Nonoise, thanks very much for your exceedingly kind comments.  And thanks also to Wolfie for the kind comment he posted a few days ago.  I always enjoy talking audio with you gentlemen, and I value your opinions and experiences.

Best regards,
-- Al
Hi scott,
I just saw your question on my system page.  I left a reply for you on that site. 
Hi Jond,
If you pull the fuse in a downward motion it will pop out.  You'll push the new fuse in an upward direction and it will snap into place. So it's vertical rather than horizontal manipulation. 
^^^ Oh Man ... if only I could remember. Give it a try one way. If the system sounds as though its out of phase, swap the fuse ends. If you had it in incorrectly everything will snap into focus when you swap fuse ends. 

Oregon Papa:
Ok. Got the blacks. With your amp and pre,which side is up against the rear wall of the unit and which side faces the interior of the unit. I will try your set up first as I have a Ref 150 and a Ref 40.
@charles1dad  I understand which one but how do I get it out? The metal end caps of the fuse seem to big for the holes and it will not come out. Is there some trick or release to get it out?
Al is the epitome of class IMHO.
I don't think you'll find anyone here who disagrees.

All the best,
Hi Jond,
When you pull the fuse tray out there are two fuses. The outer one is the spare and the innermost fuse is the functional one. I placed the Black fuse in the normal reading i.e. left to right position. 

When you consider the enormous number of posts on this thread,  the positive ones are an overwhelming majority. Actually there's been only a minute number of negatives, which is to be expected. I personally don't consider Al one of the negatives. He has healthy skepticism but refrains from insults or put  down comments. He doesn't question the subjective findings of the many seasoned listeners here that he's familiar with. Al is the epitome of class IMHO.
Good to read the thread is returning to good balance here,  I enjoy keeping up with the positive post. 
Back to a basic question - regarding my monos, if I can only afford to replace either the speaker fuse or the power fuse, which is the one to replace?

@charles1dad  is there some trick to removing the fuse in the Yamamoto? I pulled the fuse compartment out the first fuse, closest to me popped right out but I assume that is the spare? I cannot seem to get the second fuse to come out, is there some trick here I am missing? Thanks!
For those who do not have a replaceable fuse (ala the Oppo 95), this is a good place to try a WA Quantum chip on the soldered fuse. It's benefit is not of the same magnitude as a Synergistic Research Black fuse, but it may be better than the stock fuse. It was on my Marantz SA11-S1. The Marantz SA11-S2  has a replaceable fuse and was helped by the Black fuse.

David Pritchard