Sumiko Flux Buster Demagnetizer


While I was reorganizing my shelves in my audio room I relocated my Sumiko Flux Buster. Haven’t used it in years. So I demagnetize my 2 MC cartridges and my passive SUT. I was amazed at the improvement of the clarity of the music. I have been using the Cardas test album the last few years to degauss the system. Side 1 tracks 2a/b/c frequency sweep. Seems to work well. The Sumiko worked much better on the cartridges and SUT.

Are others still using this device or similar devices? I’m glad I relocated the Sumiko. Will start using it more for MC cartridges.

’No matter what you buy there is always something better’.

Joe Nies



I used the wrong terminology a few time describing what these devices and LP’s do.

‘They degauss the device or system not demagnetize them.

‘Joe Nies

@pindac Yes, thank you for sharing your hands on experience with the community and myself on this subject. It’s always nice to get positive feedback instead of negative. I accept both. It’s also nice to hear from people that have actually used these devices. That how you learn.

The plug in device I used worked so much better on the cartridges and SUT than the test LP. The benefit of the LP is it is so easy to use and will degauss the complete audio chain. Cartridges, Cables and Electronics.

I also use 2 degaussing CD’s periodically. The Sheffield/XLO Test and Burn-in CD and Sheffield MDMS System Conditioning and Degaussing CD. These CD’s will also degauss the complete audio chain.

The LP and CD’s will not hurt your system. They’re just frequencies. I believe every audio tool box should have at least one of them in their box of tools. I really enjoy having audio tools (toys) in my collection.

Thank you and all for your input.

Joe Nies

@joenies  You have stated  ‘Thanks to all for their input on this subject. I was hoping for more input on what people are using today to degauss their systems.

I hope you found the mention of the Phasemation Degauss Device a useful pointer.

At present as a OP and Contributor you are seemingly the only individual making it known you are familiar with  experience of Degauss Tracks on a Test Recording and a Degauss Plug in device.

The Sumiko Sales Spiel from the era of the Flux Buster production, makes a reference to distinct perception being present of a 'mushiness'.

Some of the responses from other contributors to your Thread are also with a 'distinct perception being present of a 'mushiness'.

If not 'mushy', certainly not formed on a 'Solid Ground' of experiences encountered.

It is best to make a good foundation prior to laying a Cornerstone.

The Experts have made it known past and present magnetised material will be present, to which degree is the unknown, as each case of magnetism present is certainly not being measured.

Does a Degauss Plug In Device or a Degauss Test Track produce superior results to each other, if compared in methodology.

I will stick with a Plug In Degauss Device, the demonstration of usage has left a indelible memory for being quite impressive.

In this Thread 'until the present' it does appear only one 'being the OP' can answer if a Plug In vs Test Track is offering the impression that is desired to be maintained.

At a wild punt, as the Thread is about the impression made from the usage of a Plug In device. I would think the answer will not be too much of a Surprise.     

The following is a quote from Sumiko Flux Buster Instructions.

‘When the magnetically permeable components of a transducer become magnetized, performance can be degraded. Magnetization of a moving coil former (armature) can be heard as a loss of dynamics, degradation of image, “mushiness,” or a combination of these symptoms. Magnetization of pole pieces can also cause similar problems in the fixed coil cartridge.

‘The performance of step-up transformers for moving coil cartridges can also suffer when their formers become magnetized.

Always follow your manufacturer’s recommendations in regards to using any device that might alter its sound.

‘When I used the Sumiko, I did think about the possibility of harm. The worst thing that could have happened was I would have to get a new cartridge. I was okay with that.

Thanks to all, I learned something new from your input.

Joe Nies


If you have been demagnetizing MM cartridges, it is a minor miracle that you have not yet perceptibly damaged one, since most would agree it is dangerous to the magnet, much more so than with an MC cartridge.

It's no miracle at all, @lewm although, with MM, the stylus must be removed first.

I meant to add that I do not mean to rain on anyone's parade who hears a benefit from fluxbusting.  Go for it, carefully.

Mijostyn, Dover’s question was whether SUTs with iron or iron alloy cores could become magnetized, contrary to my blanket assertion that SUTs don’t become magnetized. I relayed this question to Dave Slagle by email, and Dave responded with a lengthy and detailed explanation. He also gave me permission to use his words. I need only quote his first four sentences:

"In a SUT we use soft magnetic materials which are specifically alloyed and annealed to be easily magnetized and demagnetized. These materials do have remanence which is the amount that it remains magnetized after a unidirectional signal is applied. So while technically the core can become slightly magnetized, the nature of the beast is it can also be easily magnetized."

So I was not completely correct in my original assertion that "SUTs don’t become magnetized", but Dave would say (and said in his email) that SUTs do not merit degaussing.

cleeds, If you have been demagnetizing MM cartridges, it is a minor miracle that you have not yet perceptibly damaged one, since most would agree it is dangerous to the magnet, much more so than with an MC cartridge.

By the way, you gotta love the word "remanence". Use it at parties.


‘Thanks to all for their input on this subject. I was hoping for more input on what people are using today to degauss their systems.
The Cardas is one of the most popular test albums? Years ago I went to the Cardas website and printed out a more detailed report on their test album. They suggested using the degaussing tracks every few weeks.I to blindly trust Stan ‘the man’ and Cardas.
I have acquired 6 test albums over the years. Purchased my first test album in 1968. Not much has changed in test albums since then except for being pressed on heavier vinyl and the Cardas degaussing process. I also have 2 CD test discs, which claim to degauss the entire audio system.  They also seem to cleanup the sound.

The 2 cartridges I degaussed were a Benz LPS, Denon DL-S1 and Denon AU-S1 SUT. I listen to both cartridges daily. The improvement on the Denon was outstanding. I will be more cautious using the Sumiko since there seemed to be more negativity to its usage.

No matter what you buy there is always something better.


Joe Nies

I've used the Sumiko Fluxbuster periodically for years and never had an issue with any MM or MC cartridge.

@lewm I think that is a much more likely explanation. Rubber will take a set as you know from car tires. Demagnetization (which we use to do all the time for tape heads) requires use of a demagnetizer. This is a device that generates a very strong magnetic field that oscillates at line frequency changing poles at 60 Hz. You get it close to the tape head wave it around a little and slowly withdraw it from the head. The slowly weakening field oscillating at 60 Hz oscillates its way down to zero and whatever you pointed it at is demagnetized. I am not sure if this works with certain permanent magnets but it would seem to me to be a very dangerous thing to do with a cartridge. I think it is safe to say you are smarter than Stan given your history. 

I am going to get the test record if it is still available and record samples for comparison. See what gives. 

There is the chance the Degauss is not offering a ubiquitous treatment for all Cart's Coils and Tranx Coils.

Phasemation are extremely experienced in this area and I don't see a product being offered that will be reported back on as having a detrimental effect.

Sumiko are not having their first Rodeo either.  

The cartridge manufacturer VanDen Hul recommends NOT using this device.  They say that the first use will result in a dramatic improvement in sound, but, the effect will be short lived.  Subsequent will have to be quite frequent to maintain improvement, and in the long run, the sound will be degraded.  You can go to their FAQ section of their website for a more detailed explanation.

Two Contributors have an experience of a Degauss on  MC Cart' and SUT and report back that a valuable impression has been made.

The Phasemation Degauss I have witnessed used, is sold as a MC and SUT Degauss device, I trust Phasemation as a Company, I have been quite impressed by other products from this company and don't doubt their product description.

All other contributions appear to be from a selection of individuals without a purpose produced plug in device to Degauss.

'Fe' is the magnetic element that is part of a Cores 'metal make up', in a multitude of Transformer Windings.

'Contempt Prior to Investigation' prevails.

Dover, you raise a good question, and perhaps I was flippant in making that claim, since I was thinking of nickel and other metals that are not iron-ish.  But I also think it is that even if the core does magnetize while the SUT is in use, it does not hang on to the magnetism when shut down.  Ergo, no need to demagnetize. Dave Slagle would be the ultimate authority on that.

SUTs don’t become magnetized.

It’s physics of the metals used to build SUT cores. 

How so - most SUT's have some %age of iron and therefore could become magnetised. Is this the new science where the iron could identify as a non ferris unicorn ?

Seems gravity has to do with time dilation due to mass of earth. Who woulda thunkit?

Ricker theory of general demagnitization for the WIN.

i use same record and tribal belief system in my rituals.

i have a Pristine flux buster in the garage….should get around to selling it…once i figure out how to exorcise all the top Quarks….

Good question.  I have no idea how it works.  But Stan Ricker says his LP demagnetizes  on (as I recall) cuts 2a, b, and c on side A.  I am guilty of believing Stan Ricker.  I have wondered how it would work, but not as much as I wonder about other things that occupy my time, like how Einstein's concept of the gravitational force compares to Newton's. Ergo, I have not investigated Ricker's rationale. I do know that the cuts contain rapid excursions of frequency, from low to high, repeated in succession. And cartridges that have been out of use for a week or more definitely benefit, but that could be as much due to exercising the suspension as from any demag effect.

@lewm , can you please explain how you demagnetize a cartridge with a test record?

It’s not “audio law” at all. It’s physics of the metals used to build SUT cores. I forgot to mention that I personally prefer to demagnetize LOMCs using a test LP, which I don’t think can damage the cartridge magnets. Cardas test LP, for one example. I see that I and the OP both use the Cardas LP. It also gives the suspension a nice workout before it plays music. Therefore I cannot separate the demag effect from the exercise effect, but there is a benefit.

OP hears a positive experience,  but it goes against generally accepted audio law.

Responses reinforce why. 

Yup, sounds about right.

With LOMC you certainly have to be careful and know how n advance your doing it in a way that won’t do damage. With a SUT, it’s mental masturbation; SUTs don’t become magnetized.

The following is a statement I added to another Thread about the usage of a SUT.

It is interesting that your experience has made a very positive impression.


"One Treatment that is not suggested within this thread, is the use of a Degauss Device on a LOMC or SUT.

During the demonstrations carried out of SUT vs Head Amp vs Dedicated Built-In MC stages, when the Degauss Device is used, there is a notable audible improvement to the presentation when compared to the presentation that has not been degaussed. In very few cases the difference in the presentation is almost perceivable to the point it is seeming that a new Cart' is in use".


The one used above is from Phasemation


Ditto for your SUT! I wouldn't let a demagnitizer near my mc cartridges and SUT's! 

Unless you know for sure that your cartridge can receive this treatment you can ruin it.   Check with the manufacturer