Responses from joenies
Furutech DeMag a's user manual @likecap I posted a picture in my system photos of the instructions. Joe | |
Furutech DeMag a's user manual Doesn’t seem that the picture I posted, didn’t work properly. I’ll try later. joe | |
Furutech DeMag a's user manual @likecap The operating instructions for my unit. Joe | |
Furutech DeMag a's user manual Greetings, I purchased my Demag in 2011, it didn’t come with a manual, came with a 1 page operating instruction. Very basic. Turn unit on, put record or CD’s or cable on unit, hit start button. It goes thru a 16 second cycle. Can be repeated many... | |
Old Victrola Greetings, I have 2 antique TT’s. One from 1905?? and 1916. I think they look great. Only spin them once in a while. No AC requirements. We are still dragging a rock or piece of metal thru a groove and getting wonderful music. Sometimes it feel... | |
What happens when the stylus tip wears out on a $12,000 cartridge? Greetings The only thing one can do is trade it in for a new one or up your game and go for a $15k cartridge. Once you get to the high end in cartridges it’s hard to go backwards. Joe Nies | |
Cueing Lever Issue - Repairable or Replace? Greetings, As Lewm says above. Just be careful that you don’t raise it too much or the arm will not drop. On 2 of my TT’s the cueing lever sits very close to the plinth. So I use a wooden chop stick to raise the lever. Works quite well. Trimmed ... | |
Oracle Delphi MK1 or VPI Prime???? Greetings @erivera1990 I’m a big fan of Oracle TT’s as you know. I have had the Oracle Delphi TT in my system for over 40 years. I now have the MK VI as my main TT. It is a better sounding TT than my ClearAudio Master Solution. Putting a new mo... | |
Ultrasonic cleaning Greetings, @antinn Thank you for writing that informative book. I read all 190 pages. You are welcome to come to my home and clean albums anytime. I suggest that all should purchase a UV flashlight, per Neil Antin suggestion. It will show you h... | |
Telos Mini Quantum Resonator (MQR) & Puron Filter together Hello @ozzy No sir. The fourth time I used the filter it was plugged into the same outlet that feeds my outlet strip. Per another forum post on this subject I removed the MIT Z Stabilizer from my system, per your suggestion. I replaced it with a... | |
Telos Mini Quantum Resonator (MQR) & Puron Filter together Greetings, I guess I’m the only one that has had no luck with the Puron filters. I had them in my main system 4x over the last few months. The last time they were in my main system for more than a week. I finally pulled them out and hoped my syst... | |
WHY CABLES MATTER! Greetings, I have been a cable enthusiast for the last 50 years. I started using 1000 strand welding cable as one of my first cables. About 40 years ago I brought some cables to work to show one of my fellow workers the different cables that wer... | |
The "Very Best Record Cleaning Formulation" Greetings to all, @wizzzard So glad your surgery went well and you are back posting. I have had 3 back surgeries and know back pain sucks. Thank you and all the other good people that have contributed to this informative thread. I have enjoyed t... | |
Gotham Quadratic Diffusers Hello @lwin No I didn’t get any break on the shipping. It cost me $456.50 to ship the 2 boxes to me. Outrageous shipping costs but I really wanted this type of diffuser for a very long time. Shipping cost are the main reason I don’t have a lot o... | |
Gotham Quadratic Diffusers Greetings Well I finally sucked it up and purchased 4 of the Quads. I really like how they look. They work a bit better than the Slot Diffuser/Absorption that were behind my speakers. I waited too many years to get this type of diffuser and I th... |