Sumiko Flux Buster Demagnetizer


While I was reorganizing my shelves in my audio room I relocated my Sumiko Flux Buster. Haven’t used it in years. So I demagnetize my 2 MC cartridges and my passive SUT. I was amazed at the improvement of the clarity of the music. I have been using the Cardas test album the last few years to degauss the system. Side 1 tracks 2a/b/c frequency sweep. Seems to work well. The Sumiko worked much better on the cartridges and SUT.

Are others still using this device or similar devices? I’m glad I relocated the Sumiko. Will start using it more for MC cartridges.

’No matter what you buy there is always something better’.

Joe Nies



Showing 1 response by larryi

The cartridge manufacturer VanDen Hul recommends NOT using this device.  They say that the first use will result in a dramatic improvement in sound, but, the effect will be short lived.  Subsequent will have to be quite frequent to maintain improvement, and in the long run, the sound will be degraded.  You can go to their FAQ section of their website for a more detailed explanation.