Sumiko Flux Buster Demagnetizer


While I was reorganizing my shelves in my audio room I relocated my Sumiko Flux Buster. Haven’t used it in years. So I demagnetize my 2 MC cartridges and my passive SUT. I was amazed at the improvement of the clarity of the music. I have been using the Cardas test album the last few years to degauss the system. Side 1 tracks 2a/b/c frequency sweep. Seems to work well. The Sumiko worked much better on the cartridges and SUT.

Are others still using this device or similar devices? I’m glad I relocated the Sumiko. Will start using it more for MC cartridges.

’No matter what you buy there is always something better’.

Joe Nies



Showing 4 responses by joenies


‘Thanks to all for their input on this subject. I was hoping for more input on what people are using today to degauss their systems.
The Cardas is one of the most popular test albums? Years ago I went to the Cardas website and printed out a more detailed report on their test album. They suggested using the degaussing tracks every few weeks.I to blindly trust Stan ‘the man’ and Cardas.
I have acquired 6 test albums over the years. Purchased my first test album in 1968. Not much has changed in test albums since then except for being pressed on heavier vinyl and the Cardas degaussing process. I also have 2 CD test discs, which claim to degauss the entire audio system.  They also seem to cleanup the sound.

The 2 cartridges I degaussed were a Benz LPS, Denon DL-S1 and Denon AU-S1 SUT. I listen to both cartridges daily. The improvement on the Denon was outstanding. I will be more cautious using the Sumiko since there seemed to be more negativity to its usage.

No matter what you buy there is always something better.


Joe Nies

The following is a quote from Sumiko Flux Buster Instructions.

‘When the magnetically permeable components of a transducer become magnetized, performance can be degraded. Magnetization of a moving coil former (armature) can be heard as a loss of dynamics, degradation of image, “mushiness,” or a combination of these symptoms. Magnetization of pole pieces can also cause similar problems in the fixed coil cartridge.

‘The performance of step-up transformers for moving coil cartridges can also suffer when their formers become magnetized.

Always follow your manufacturer’s recommendations in regards to using any device that might alter its sound.

‘When I used the Sumiko, I did think about the possibility of harm. The worst thing that could have happened was I would have to get a new cartridge. I was okay with that.

Thanks to all, I learned something new from your input.

Joe Nies

@pindac Yes, thank you for sharing your hands on experience with the community and myself on this subject. It’s always nice to get positive feedback instead of negative. I accept both. It’s also nice to hear from people that have actually used these devices. That how you learn.

The plug in device I used worked so much better on the cartridges and SUT than the test LP. The benefit of the LP is it is so easy to use and will degauss the complete audio chain. Cartridges, Cables and Electronics.

I also use 2 degaussing CD’s periodically. The Sheffield/XLO Test and Burn-in CD and Sheffield MDMS System Conditioning and Degaussing CD. These CD’s will also degauss the complete audio chain.

The LP and CD’s will not hurt your system. They’re just frequencies. I believe every audio tool box should have at least one of them in their box of tools. I really enjoy having audio tools (toys) in my collection.

Thank you and all for your input.

Joe Nies

I used the wrong terminology a few time describing what these devices and LP’s do.

‘They degauss the device or system not demagnetize them.

‘Joe Nies