Streaming transport suggestions

I’m looking for a high quality streaming transport. No interest in a streamer with a DAC as I’m quite happy with my DAC (Bricasti M1). These are the units I’m aware of- Lumin U1 and U1 mini; Auralic Aries G1 and G2; Simaudio Mind 2. At one point j thought I wanted a server, but I have reevaluated that. What else should I check out? 

@zavato - came across this thread and wonder what you ended up going with? I’m currently at a similar point of streamer transport exploration from when you originally posted. 


I am glad that you enjoy your BDP3.  It sounds great but it drove me crazy with all the interface issues.  Glad to see that it works for you
Auralic has streaming grokked. Plus they put effort into premium wifi to the point where they recommend wifi over copper, for lowest noise. The Aires streamers have 1GB cache for FIFO processing and dejittering. Works on all inputs including a basic USB optical drive for CDs.

The results are exceedingly satisfying and surprising, almost no matter what DAC you use. Plus the free Lightning DS playback app sounds better than Roon. I know; I have both. I have two systems digitally fed by a 4TB ripped-CDs disc into an Auralic Aries G1, plus Tidal Hifi and Quobuz, also accessible from an Auralic Aries G2.1 on the primary system. The DAC is secondary to the streamer. Once you get the streamer sorted, knock yourself out on your DAC proclivities.


I own the Bryston DAC3, which is terrific.  I thought, why not pair it with a Bryston player?  I bought the BDP3.  Terrible player ...
That's interesting. I dumped an Aurender in favor of a BDP-3 and couldn't be happier now.

I agree with you one the DAC-3, though.
You might like the brand new Aurender N200. It's a streamer with user-installed SSD bays you can optionally add down the road if you decide you'd like local storage. If you don't, no worries, it's just a streamer. Flexibility is nice.
Addressing several responses

* multi-room isn't a factor
* will not consider a server (and don't appreciate a dealer ignoring what I        said and trying to upsell me)
* My M1 doesn't have the ethernet option
* The M5 doesn't appear to be a plug and play solution

I'm looking for high quality and simple to use. These days I am running Qobuz through Audirvana on my MacBook Pro, and also listen to numerous hi-rez files on my MacBook Pro., also via Audirvana. The reason I no longer feel the need for a server is that ever single album I has as a hi-rez file is available on Qobuz. Worst case I could transfer those files to a usb stick and listen that way. Thus the server function is superfluous. 

Re the bdp3, I've been told people aren't crazy about the user interface. 

FWIW, the best streamer I ever heard was a Naim streamer. I was told it was close to $3ok. Well beyond my budget. 

I own the Bryston DAC3, which is terrific.  I thought, why not pair it with a Bryston player?  I bought the BDP3.  Terrible player.  Just because a company makes a good DAC doesn’t mean their expertise will carry over to other areas
I would +1 @jayrossi13 - why not use what the manufacturer of your DAC uses?

Also, Bricasti make a highly well regarded network streaming transport of their own:

Does your M1 have the ethernet option? 

I have a Bricasti M1SE with the ethernet option, to my ears I like ethernet connection much better than USB from my Innuos Zenith Mk. 3.

You should look at a 432evo server

The evo line is considered to be the best sounding servers out of europe and challenge much more expensive servers

Unlike innous the 432evo models can be upgraded to higher levels of performance and are 100 percent moduler to allow for compponent changes if better parts come out in thefuture

We are the us importer
Dave and troy
Audio intellect nj
If you want to play multi room then consider a server.  I use the the Melco N100.  In my two channel system the Melco is both player and server.  In my other systems the Melco serves as the NAS