Standmount speakers. I have $5000.

I'm shopping standmount speakers. I have $5000.  New or pre-owned is fine.


Micromega M100 integrated pre/amp/dac
Syzygy SLF870 sub x2 (12" drivers, 1200w ea, 20-200Hz, room correction)
Dynaudio Stand 4

room = ~5000 cu. ft, 20'x 18' with 13'-17' vaulted ceiling

The new standmounts will replace Nola Boxers v1 ($1500 new in 2013)

I'm lazy about travel to audition anything but might for local options (esp. to vet pre-owned). I'd probly deal with in-home trial.

As semi-arbitrary starting point I'm looking at Salk SS 7M's ($4995 new). Any others I simply must consider?

If you like a BIG sound from small boxes and enjoy a little romantic lushness then the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M is a good buy. Used, $3-4k
If you want top notch transparency and laser focused images, QLN springs to mind.
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IDK how someone can buy from the recommendation of strangers? just google stereophile's latest Recommended components and buy what they tell you, you may not like the sound but you'll have 2 years to enjoy being front of the class.
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This one is easy Audio Note J! But you need new amplifier which might not be a bad thing 🙊
As someone who has owned:

Merlin TSM MMI- fastest
Harbeth P3ESR
Fritz Carbon 7
Fritz Rev 5
Dynaudio Focus 110- most forward sound stage
Dynaudio Focus 160
Dynaudio Special 40
Fritz Carrera- best vocals and bass
Ascend Sierra 1 NRT 
Fritz Carbon 7 SE MK2- best for electronic music

I can tell you that you will be disappointed with the Dynaudio Special 40 and the Harbeth P3ESR if you entertain these in the best under $5000.

Really look into a pair Fritz Carrera or Fritz Carbon 7 SE MK2s. 
After 15+. Years, I own kismet amps. I’m super happy!
   Their so fluid, crystal sounding, nothing will turn me from them!

not heard, nothing but amazing. Reviews!
  Don’t. Have the coin, the drivers,  crossover parts, are all top tier parts. 
I wish I could hear them!
 Too rich for my blood!

everyone who has ordered a pair has kept them, they’re that good!

You have those Odyssey Monitors or have heard them. I would like to.


amazing,sound, made in Indiana, top tier parts, beryllium tweeter, high quality drivers.

 Demo them, you will keep,them!
Resurrecting this old topic. Also on a search for similar speakers with a similar budget.

What did you end up settling on? 
I like Boenicke W5 and thete are a pair here on Audiogon now. They are very small and cute, your spouse may like them. Very natural sound. Might be a little too small for your room but they fill a lot more than you think from the look.

Harbeth C7ES3. Can stand up to the sound of any speaker regardless of cost.
Rich, natural, un-fatiguing yet highly detailed.
Imaging and sound stage are incredible.
Uncanny voice realism.
Integrate with subwoofers exceptionally well because of the natural bass roll-off.
Try to get these in your room.
@nomayo The Special 40’s are on the top of my list. Do you find the top end to be rolled off a good bit? I admit to liking a somewhat assertive tweeter and the graphs I have seen shows them rolling off on top. 
Strong +1 for the Dynaudio Special 40. Someone downthread called them magical. 
I own the vaunted Special 25 and lived with the Contour 20 for many months. They are both excellent speakers but neither have the ability to put a smile on your face like the S40’s. 
To paraphrase Aristotle: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, or its specs for that matter. 
One caveat. You must be prepared to deal with a protracted break in period. 200 hours at least. Well worth it IMHO.  
Dear op,
My Intuitive Design Gammas I would let go for alot less than your budget.  Not csn touch them at this price.
It's above your budget, but the new Wharfedale Elysian 2 may be a beast, I have the new Evo 4.2 judging by what they can do, I think the Elysian 2 will be hard to beat and probably the closest you will get to full-range for a Standmounter in this pricerange outside of the Legacy Calibre....I'm lusting for these myself...

The midrange and imaging is some of the best at any price. Pair them with high quality Sound Anchor Stands and you'll still be under budget with an incredible end-game speaker
"...Osborn Eos Reference Elite"
jtgof: these are intriguing. If price on their website is AUD it works out to under $2800 USD. Of course, availability anbd/or ship-to in USA is a question as is warranty service should anything go wrong. <= probly low likelihood.

Osborn make really good sounding speakers.That price is unbelievably good for the quality of components.Clearly Osborn operate on very low profit margins.They exhibit every year at the Melbourne Hi Fi Show and usually have the best or in the top few best sounding rooms.

" the same search mode and owning the original Boxers myself."
r-man: still researching.  List narrowed to Fritz, Salk and the odd pre-own 'bigger-name'.  I was way wrong on room dimensions in the OP: actually ˜2500cf w/ high ceilings so that opens the field a bit, so to speak.  I too really like the Boxers v1's - they'll be moved to master bedroom and paired with single REL R-328 sub.

A question I keep coming back to: within my spec will whatever replaces the Boxer be significantly 'better'?  It's a rhetorical question.

"...Osborn Eos Reference Elite"
jtgof: these are intriguing.  If price on their website is AUD it works out to under $2800 USD.  Of course, availability anbd/or ship-to in USA is a question as is warranty service should anything go wrong.  <= probly low likelihood.
The Osborn Eos Reference Elite uses the best of the best drivers.
These are fantastic speakers and with the Aussie dollar now only US 68cents a complete bargain and well under US $5000.
howdy usery!  I'm kind of in the same search mode and owning the original Boxers myself.  I've had them for over 5yrs, the longest I've ever owned a speaker.  my room is 20' x 20' with 10 ft ceilings.  I also have a Rythmik L12 sub and drive them with a Primare i30 integrated.  not that I don't like the Boxers its just I would like to try something different.  anyway let us know what ya decide on.
I went with Salk Silk Monitors
Thanks racarlson, that helps - a lot.  Salk Silk and Silk AT are recent additions to my list (I passed on the SS 7M).  Pre-own JA Pulsars were briefly on the list but dropped (and stayed) off.  I too am real interested to hear why you went with Salk Silk over Pulsar.

A somewhat-surprise-addition to my list is the Triangle Magellan Duetto (also pre-own).

When you say the Pulsars were a close second does that mean you heard both and preferred the Salks or was a close second you were just considering? Just curious. 
I was shopping in that price range with a very similar room (19 x 20, with vaulted ceiling just bit lower).  I went with Salk Silk Monitors, and have been very happy with them.  The Joseph Audio Pulsars were a very close second for me.  Of course, like most people, I haven't heard all of the options on your list. 
Though I have not yet heard them, I have on multiple occasions seen them referred to as the best standmounts by those who have heard them, the Trenner & Friedl Art:

Another great speaker, in that price range, is a used pair of Focal Sopra 1.
My Atc SCM7 were ghe most power hungry speakers I’ve ever had.  I do think Atc’s need lots of quality current.

You’ve got one heck of a list going there.  All excellent choices.  I think what it really is going to come down to is which speaker will sound best with your equipment, music preferences and what you value most in a speaker.

I’d stop your list now and start figuring out what speaker is going to compliment your front end and listening tastes!

Keep us posted and enjoy!!
wrt sealed 2-way box I just finished auditioning the ATC SCM19 v2 at local dealer.  Power was via Naim's NAP 500 DR ($34,995!) ... which dealer rep thought was only 90w/channel but I've since discovered is 140W/channel, 8Ω.

The ATC's sounded very good across all my genres - a significant step up from my Nola Boxer v1.  Given the SCM19's power-liking reputation I do wonder how well they'd perform with my Micromega M-100 at 100W/channel, 8Ω.
The Celesta is supposed to be very good indeed, but it's way above the OP's budget.
At axpona 2018 I heard 2 stand mounts that made me consider going away from floorstanding full range speakers. the Raidho on display in the next level room C or D 1.2 then in the Alta room I think the frm-2 a sealed box 2 way that had way more bass then the small room could handle also impressive. 
Ryan S610 ... Bryston Mini-T

vero: thanks, I've added Ryan s610 to my list - spec and build are attractive for my setup.

I do appreciate a larger-box monitor, esp. 3-way.  I already have dual subs so value of the larger drivers might be lost for my application.
2 more to consider:

Ryan s610's:  I heard these at a show last spring.  It was one of the very few rooms that made me smile while listening.  It's a bit bigger standmount at 17-inches tall, goes down to 42hz.  Beryllium tweeters. $3995 and made in the US.  Getting good reviews.

Bryston Mini-T's:  A larger, 3-way monitor.  I own these, and have them on 16 inch stands.  8-inch drivers - no need for a sub.  My room is 30x15 and these fill it with ease.  Very happy with them.  About $3-4k new.
Dynaudio S40 owner.. great speakers that Dynaudio could have sold for at least a grand more.. Maybe that's the anniversary gift? a $5k speaker for $3k  LoL 

I'd just buy a new pair in red; amazing especially if your wife like Rosewood the red will really be a winner! 
wtf was I thinking? My room size was embarrassingly wrong, by an order of magnitude : |

I got 2500 cu ft (not ~5000 cu ft), with 10’4" opening to another 1240 cu ft room. Ceilings are 11 - 14’ vaulted.

With that ’revelation’, I also found the Reference 3A MM de Capo BE.
I heard the Nola Boxer S2 at RMAF 2017 - very similar to the original boxer. 
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Forget the stand mounts. Get some ZU audio Soul Supremes for $4500. You can thank me later.
Appreciate everyone who has weighed in with helpful feedback.  Here's the list I'm working from, in vague (and temporary) order of favorability given my spec:

Legacy Audio Calibre
Fritz Carerra Be
Tekton Impact <= outsized price/performance ratio

Salk SS 7M
Joseph Audio Pulsar ˆ
KEF Reference 1 ˆ
Focal Sopra No.1 ˆ

Verdant Bambusa MG1
ATC SCM19 v2
Dynaudio Special 40
Dynaudio Confidence C1 Signature ˆ
Devore Fidelity Gibbon 3XL
Focal Electra 1008 Be
Nola Boxer S3

^ : budget dictates pre-own
ATC SCM 19 at $4300. Any deficiencies in your system or recordings will be front and center.
...fullrange or will they be highpassed?

mtc: thanks for the reply.  Standmounts will be full-range and I'm looking for a larger-box-monitor format.

Legacy Calibre has joined the short-list.
op needs to make clear if he wants to haev his standmount play fullrange or will they be highpassed?
if they are playing fullrange, do NOT go with any speaker using a 5 inch woofer. your Nola use 6.5 inch, a 5 inch like the Joseph pulsar will suck at high spl

my recommendation for the best standmount in your budget is:
Harbeth 30.2
Harbeth shl5plus anniversory
Dynaudio contour 20
805 D3
As a Nola Boxer v1 owner I suppose I should add the 'new' Nola Boxer S3 to the short list. 

At $3500 and with what looks like incremental rather than dramatic upgrades over the v1, I do wonder if they'd be much different.  Anyone heard them?
Where do you live?  If you live in Oregon or Washington I have some great full granite monitors that will amaze you.  These speakers are heavy and retail for over $11,000.  Let me know!