Speaker Audition

I presently have an Avantgarde Uno (about 15 years old) in my system.  It’s very good but I am feeling it’s time for a different approach to getting the sound I want/like .... that being musicality and dynamics.  Horns deliver this but with a horn signature if you get what I mean.  I am looking for suggestions of what should be on my audition list.  Budget would be +/-$25k.  I was at an audio show this weekend and listened to a few speakers that might fit the bill:  Genesis Maestro, Rockport Atria II, Magico S5, Vandersteen 5A Carbon, Tannoy Kensington, Vivid Kaya 90 (maybe too small for the room and the big Vivids too much $).  Really appreciate any suggestions you might have of speakers that I might add to this list for further listening.

(Music I listen to most: rock, jazz, blues and female vocals.  Amps Pass Labs XA 60.8, AR Ref 6 Pre, REL subs, sources vinyl and streaming, largeish listening room but have to set up speakers on the long wall ... far from corners)
With your price range, you can readily afford the Dutch & Dutch 8c loudspeaker system at $12k.  Yeah.  I know.  You've got twice that much burning in your pocket, just wanting to be spent.   You owe it to yourself to go find someone who can demonstrate the D&D 8c for you.  I've never heard anything that images as well as they do.  This is a fully engineered system that include amplification, DSP and controlled directivity.  Because the amp is built in, there's no over priced garden hose sized loudspeaker cabling to fool with.   

If you're one of those guys who just wants to listen to streaming or digital sources, you could just run a network cable to it and be done.  No interconnects.  No preamp.  Just a laptop and a network connection.

But if you're hell-bent on dropping that kind of loot, look into the Avalon line of loudspeakers.  
Usher BE10, be20’s, or the newer series td10, td20’s. You will get their Diamond tweeter and the 11” Eaton woofer(s). I also have these larger usher speakers and they sound great
You may want to consider Lansche Audio 3.2

Especially since you have the Rel Subs to handle the mid/lower and   lower frequency range.

Best of luck
Cause you’re in Thailand +2 on the Usher BE20. Not sure why they haven’t sustained any traction in the States. 
@bigwave1 said
Have a look at the GR Research-Line Force with Servo Subs. Some DYI but not impractical. Line source and line array, efficient cutting edge. I believe without servos,12K. I’m drooling.
I'm planning to build a set of these and am currently collecting the parts. I have a pair of GR-Research NX-Oticas which are absolutely stunning speakers for the price (around $3K, $6500 with two triple-stack servo subs, plus 40-50 hours to time to assemble and finish them). Given how good these sound, I decided to splurge on the Line Forces. I'm hoping to have them built this winter. 
I like panel speakers. I have owned big Magnepans and Quads, and won’t go back. Current setup is along long wall, far from corners, Quad 2805’s and 2905’s, 4 speakers total.

Listening position is directly in front for vocals and corners for bass, BIG bass.
I'm in with tiki man above.

I own a Pass INT with Tannoy FSMs. Sound's like a $30k
system I have $9k into.

If I wanted a change I would buy the Sanders system.
Your amp will not do. He includes one 500 watt amp
with the speakers. 

Nothing I have ever heard gives that type of realism,

Keep us posted!!
Check out the New Wilson audio line .
there is a Lot of trickle down technologies as well as their patented cabinet vibration absorption technologies -They are very impressive .
You might want to check out the Sanders model 10e.
They offer a 30 day in-home trial with shipping to "most anywhere in the world".
("This is one of the best speakers ever made ... as close to perfection as any speaker system I have ever encountered, outside of installations where room and speakers were purpose-built as a unit.")
i have been very impressed with my spatial m3 sapphires... really excellent

very open sound, no horn type colorations

not the only answer to your pursuit but certainly worth considering - clayton shaw offers money back trial (less shipping)
Not all horns have a "horn signature".  It depends on the specifics of the design.   

Another option is the Revel Salon 2s. They have great bass and an almost air like quality. They are $22k for the pair. They sound incredible with vinyl and streaming. I am sure the 60 pass amp can push them just fine. I saw a YouTube video today from GR Research. He said he is coming out with some new high end speakers very soon. 
Please go read the review on the monitor audio platinum 300s done by stereophile. The reviewer was so impressed that he bought the pair for himself as his new reference.
Go listen to the monitor audio platinum 300 generation 2. They're only 15,000 retail, and I guarantee you they will be as good or better than speakers four times the price. I have the monitor audio platinum 200 generation 2 and there's nothing in the 48,000 range that'll beat these speakers.
Curious to hear your impressions of speakers you list. From list sounds like there is a considerable audiophile audience in Thailand.
+1 Usher.  Boenicke and Spatial Audio may also be worth a look.  Best of luck.  
You might want to try and audition a pair of the Acoustic Zen Crescendo MkII speakers.  Acoustic Zen's Crescendo II speaker – The Cable Company they are in your price range, and here on Agon there is a pair listed for $8,500.00 in Rosewood finish. Make an offer.
Have a look at the GR Research-Line Force with Servo Subs. Some DYI but not impractical. Line source and line array, efficient cutting edge. I believe without servos,12K. I’m drooling. 
The speakers mentioned are great sounding especially the Vandersteens and Magico's.  If you are inThailand I urge you to audition some large Ushers.  The BE20 Dancer series with their diamond tweeters along with their diamond layered mid-ranges and the new grand Towers offer a musicality for large rooms that can't be duplicated for double their price. Prices in Thailand will be significantly lower for either speaker because of your proximity to the manufacturer in Taiwan.
IMO a typical speaker like some you have mentioned above will not offer the same sound of a horn based speaker.  They usually cannot provide the open sound as horns.  While horns usually do not have the bass to keep up with the rest of the speaker.  I find it hard that you are not getting musically and dynamics form your speakers.  To me that would be a component issue.  I am not familiar with the Pass amp and what it can do so I cannot help you there.  I have only owned the Pass X-250 a long time ago which is a completely different animal.  The speakers you mention above cover a wide range of signature sounds.  The Magico and the Vandersteen are completely different sounds.  I own 5As and my buddy had a few of the Magico speakers.  They don't offer the same sonic signature both very different approach.  I would take the time to hear what you can before making such a change IMO.

Happy Listening.
dodgealum, I attended the Bangkok International Audio show.  I am an expat  working in Thailand.  To the credit of the authorities here, there have been just under 60 cases of Covid (out of 65 million people) since February so everything now is back to normal here ... did need to wear a mask at the audio show though.
I hear you on the horns—they do some things really well. I’ve heard the Charney’s at CAF and in his showroom (house)—they are good (not game changing but good). Your electronics and room compel a look at the Daedalus Apollo 11. They will give you 98% of what you like about your horns (97db efficient) PLUS proper tone that will show where your current Sonics may be lacking. They are in your price range as well.
Depending on your room size Charney Audio makes full range rear loaded horns based on a tractrix design. Not your typical horn sound. Very full and engaging with non of the horn coloration's you may have heard in other designs. Best is to set up an appointment to audition at Charney in Somerset NJ.

Things I love about horns are dynamics and the "you're there" sound you get with live recordings.Genesis and Tannoy will give you some of what you're used to with your A-gardes, albeit I advise you to listen to the Tannoys. The bigger Devore speakers also convey a sense of reality in the room.
Generally speaking, all of the speakers in your list are excellent; I just singled out the ones that probably work best with your Pass.