something is not right here and it's on purpose!!!

lf you have the same source master on remastered digital and 1st press vinyl with the same volume, the digital sounds louder and more distorted with more intensity + is there anyway to remove that intensity from remastered digital because it sound like the audio has been run through a distortion pedal? How could legendary producers and mixers not hear this crap?
lf i encode digital audio with the frequencies of dark side of the moon 1st press vinyl from 1973 the new digital audio will take on the sound signature of the vinyl.
Uh, I got nuthin’.  Peace out. 

Sam here and if you threw your money away on a pricey $$$ piece of man made equipment and got the same sound improvements i get from paper in the light socket extracting the frequencies from the wood in the paper as those frequencies travel through the wiring in the walls and encode themselves onto the digital audio i’m re-encoding at the same time you would be a happy camper. However when i start talking about earth frequency encoding you shut down because i’m thinking outside the box and you can’t handle the truth friends i’m like a tesla way ahead of my time? or is it that you are not ready to hear such radical idea’s? The truth will set your audio free!!
sfseay382 posts08-03-2020 5:39am@oldhvymec -

Thanks sfseay, I actually though they were completely shut down. The brick and mortar are all closed right? I’ll check it out. That WAS the place I use to buy fuses. They always had what I needed..

Yup Sam, I'm feelin' pretty free all right.  Yes your WAY ahead of your time.

I truly feel the Tesla, tickle and was glad to see it mature into existence right before my eyes.
Amazing Sam, I'm truly blessed. I feel a blessing coming on....

May the good GOOD lord bless your earth frequencies, and give you only, good, good , good, good, vibrations,
your givin' me excitations, good, good, good, good vibrations, YEA...

I am asking you to explain your Earth frequencies encoding.
I am honestly interested in how you achieve this.
Do you use your convolver impulse filter??I
If so, please explain.....
Hi, glupson5 sorry I don't remember, but I do remember that it was a band I wouldn't normally listen to so I wouldn't have had a copy of the original to compare the re-master with.
Sam here and i will try to explain my earth frequency encoding technic in a future post so you can run your own test. l will now offer some audio samples. As you listen to the vinyl sample you hear the music but do you really feel the music resonating throughout your body? As you listen to the digital download with earth frequency encoding notice how you become more aware of the music in a way that you cannot explain? however the music sounds more alive.

miles davis - so what 1st press vinyl 1959:

digital download flac 16/44 earth frequency encoded:
LOL yup.. Simple me.... I'll get it going.... The ol LP/CD special adapter cart. The first DAC or is that visa versa. ;-)

Earth calling samjit, Earth calling samjit.

samjit, we cannot hear you. Change the frequency.
Sam here and you don’t need golden ears to realize that my all natural technics applied to digital audio are superior in sound quality to man made equipment however they can’t make money using my technics? l was watching film footage from the amazon around 1961 long before 5g and the proliferation of the earth with man made emf and just as i suspected after extracting frequencies from the audio from the film from 1961 and applying them to digital audio and the  digital audio never sounded more alive + listening to the earth frequency music and you get the bonus of mind and body healing. My main problem with even vinyl produced before the digital age is the fact that as good as it can sound it doesn't sound alive and after i retune the music with the earth frequencies the music sounds alive.
Does anyone remember when they marketed speakers as “CD Ready! Or digital ready“? What a joke!
I tried encoding some digital recordings with Mars frequencies, but they just sounded colored and more distant.
Sam here and the bottom line is you can't handle the truth because science can't explain the supernatural elements of nature. Fact all commercial audio is out of tune with the resonate frequency of the human brain and makes no difference whether the media is digital or vinyl because the source is the same and as good as the music can sound it does not sound natural only you don't realize that fact because you don't know what real natural music sounds like? i'm going to re-encode an entire digital album with my frequencies and supply the download link so you can test the music on your system and draw your own conclusions my friends then we will see who's crazy? i'm open to album suggestions something that you are familier with.
Science isn't concerned with supernatural elements of nature they leave that for charlatans and quacks. 
Fact all commercial audio is out of tune with the resonate frequency of the human brain and makes no difference whether the media is digital or vinyl because the source is the same and as good as the music can sound it does not sound natural only you don’t realize that fact because you don’t know what real natural music sounds like?
I don’t? Bummer. I wonder what my band mates and I have been
playing all these years? It must be unnatural music. They’re gonna be so disappointed when I tell them.

i’m going to re-encode an entire digital album with my frequencies and supply the download link so you can test the music on your system and draw your own conclusions my friends then we will see who’s crazy? i’m open to album suggestions something that you are familier with.
Oh I think we already know who’s crazy here. I’m familiar with grammar and spelling, but I doubt your frequencies can fix that.  Never thought I’d say this, but I really wish kenjit would chime in here.  This seems right up his alley. 

open to album suggestions something that you are familier with.

Apostrophe ; Frank Zappa 

I'm sure he would appreciate your efforts for mankind.
Sam here and my appearance on shark tank has been postponed due to the fake covid plandemic however when my earth frequency encoding invention hits the market i won't look so crazy as the public realizes what i have known for years the ploblem with the sound of music has nothing to do with digital as a media and everything to do with the music being out of tune with our brains.
fake covid plandemic however when my earth frequency encoding invention
Somehow it all makes sense now. 
To say that the re-mastered digital LP pressings sound like they have been run through a distortion pedal, is quite exaggerated. In all cases, however, I've experienced, in both vinyl and CD, the remastered recordings sound slightly more strident and aggressive than their original counterparts, yet they seem a bit thin and less engaging.
I also find the newer digital vinyl pressings, in general, do not sound as rich full and engaging, as most of my old analogue vinyls.
IMO that many of the new recordings are over miked, over engineered, over dubbed and over compressed, but I still get much enjoyment out of both the old and the new.....Jim  
Do two negatives make a positive?  If the fake covid pandemic is inside a fake reality matrix, does that make it real?
my appearance on shark tank has been postponed due to the fake covid plandemic
Is that what they told you? 

when my earth frequency encoding invention hits the market

the ploblem with the sound of music has...everything to do with the music being out of tune with our brains.
”Our” brains???

Cant wait to hear what pearls the next run-on sentence contains. 
Sam here how do you explain the fact that you can rip a 1st press vinyl album to digital and the sound is the same and when the record company does the same thing with the actual source it’s all distorted and unlistenable

lnxs kick 1987 1st press vinyl dynamic range 14

lnxs kick 2010 digital remaster mixed by bob clearmountain dynamic range 6 and unlistenable!

how could that not be on purpose? It makes mono AM radio sound - audiophile.

Dynamic range will decrease until someone issues a recording with 0db of dynamic range. We will have successfully achieved silence.

The original CD release had a DR of 14 as well. I blame earbuds.
Sam you do realize that all the instruments you listen to are also man made. 
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I think maybe the vapour trails got to Sam without him realising it.
Such a tragedy....
Sam here and i have said this before all commercial music both digital and vinyl as good as it can sound does not resonate with the listener? You might think it does however if you attend a live concert you are aware that your hearing live music and if you listen to a digital or vinyl copy of the same concert you are aware that your hearing a recording as opposed to the actual live performance. When you listen to a studio recording your hearing real musicians playing real instruments directly to tape live, and when all the different parts are mixed together it should sound like your in the studio with the band hearing a live concert. So why is that not the case? l'll tell you why the music is not on the same wavelength as we are so all the music sounds out of tune and must be retuned in order to resonate and sound like the listener is in the middle of a live performanance and that's what my earth frequency encoding does and the audio samples i keep supplying should make that perfectly clear hearing is believing friends.
The mixer chooses the volume.  Apparently, he used equipment that was inferior to the original recording electronics.  No, you cannot remove crappy bits and bytes.
Sam, my very bigly brain tells me that the earth frequency is consistently present, wether we like it or not and on a very minute level, affects everything we hear. Even if the earth frequency was not captured in the recording process, it is present, embedding itself into the music as we listen. Even if there is some merit to your claim of adding it back into a recording, it would be redundant. Just sayn..........Jim

My only question at this point is how do I adjust MY frequencies?

I mean is it a belly rub with one hand, and a pat on the head with the other to tune it in?

OR a nipple twist, and a left cheek sneek! A nose rub and a head scratch?

I mean is there a tune up manual for proper tuning.

I've done the ol palm slap to the forehead, and stuff became a lot clearer, normally followed by the words, Geez, maneez, listen to that!

I'm new to the whole earth vib thing.  I'm not stressin' though, I'm a slow learner, you know old dog, new trick thing... This ol dog might just stay under the porch for this one though... I think a good lower extremity cleaning is in order. :-)

I would say that 90% of the preceding comments are off base. I worked  in Nashville and NYC recording studios for seven years. No qualified engineer or producer intentionally or neglectfully makes distorted or poor recordings, unless it's for the art form such as mid-fi, low-fi production etc. Producers and engineers are only a portion of the process, when it comes to the actual final stages of "manufacturing and quality" they are 99% of the time not involved. By the way, record companies for the most part, do not care about the quality of a recording only that the product sells. 
  If you spend some time investigating the manufacturing process you will find that a lot of things can go wrong once the cd plant (or record pressing plant) gets the mastered music. For example, JVC proves my point with their XRCD products. JVC went to great lengths to insure that the manufacturing process was inspected for quality through many stages. Here is a link to a brief overview of the process,
  I personally prefer vinyl to digital however there are some very good sounding CDs. I find that vinyl is more "emotionally involving" than digital playback. The one thing that CDs do better than vinyl is nothing and by that I mean silence. I love quiet vinyl but it's more rare than a quiet CD!
  To  my knowledge there is no "measurement for the emotional qualities elicited by  playback formats. I enjoy vinyl done correctly.
  The insistence from many audiophiles that digital just can't sound good or is inferior to analog at the professional studio level is nonsense. I can absolutely guarantee you that well recorded analog music sounds different but not better than well recorded digital music.
  Ultimately, I prefer well done vinyl pressings of albums over digital (not including some Hi-Res formats such as  DSD etc.) A poorly engineered, mastered or finalized version of music cannot be corrected by the playback format.  What makes a truly great recording is NOT the equipment but the engineer.
A Sony 3324 digital tape machine sounds absolutely wonderful and it should when they originally sold for a few hundred thousand dollars. 
The newer digital studio formats sound great, but you cannot compare CD's with pro digital formats. I do love some of the older recordings from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80's that are analog. But I also love some of the digital recordings of the last few decades. The devil is in the details.
Sam here and i don't have a problem with digital audio as a media format.almost all digital albums released in the last 10 years are unlistenable and it makes no difference who is responsible? it's a proven fact the record companies have an agenda to destroy the music and thats what we get?
People can't agree on a given format, a way, a type of media, tape, Vinyl, CD, Hard drive, memory drives, everything under the sun.

BUT you (SAM) assert that they are all in concert to destroy ALL music reproduction.  They (every company) got together and agreed on this, to destroy all future music and the way it was produced.  Think on that one SAM Here.  Unlistenable, music from folks that produce music for a living, to make $$$$$.

Sam it makes NO sense. The louder you preach the more it sounds like your needing a little counseling and a med adjustment. From out here in in MY world, I don't RIP music. I can, but no need for me.

Why are you doing it? Ripping music. Is there a reason?

REALLY why are you making copies that you already have an archive of.

If what you have is not a good reproduction, do you really think you can make it better by re recording it in a different way from the same (supposed) flawed source? Humpty Dumpty comes to mind....

According to your thinking, YOU can make chicken soup out of chicken SH&T.   

I’m having a hard time deciding whether everything you post is a put on,
or if you’re serious about it all.
Shark Tank, wadded up paper in lamp sockets, fake pandemic, music industry out to destroy music....
Yep, it’s a put on....

If your system is not Tuned to the recording it won't sound as good as one that is in-tune. Pretty simple stuff really.

Interesting though how many people still don't understand what a recording actually is.


Sam here and let me explain something to you all i walked into a guitar center here in kansas city to look at guitars i had my earth frequency portable wireless device i invented that runs 100% on the earth natural electromagnetic grid and as people played electric guitar i would demonstrate my invention and customers and store personal were so blown away at what they heard they said i had a million doller invention on my hands so i'm for real and if i started a go fund me page i could raise well over 100,000 dollers is a matter of days and thats a fact friends. i realize i sound crazy however time will prove me right as i'm ready to make my move and then the truth will be exposed friends
Nowadays a recording is a way for the recording engineer to ruin the music.

"...time will prove me right..."

I am afraid that many participants on these threads may not have enough time left to see your success materialize.

You may have better chance with these guys...
Next thing you will be telling us that a cabal of high end audio manufacturers paid you a large sum of money for a patent on your device so they could keep it from the market, just like big oil did with that ‘super carburettor’ that could get 60 mpg out of a big block Chevy.
Sam there was a PET ROCK, there are still a few around.

So go fo it...

I'll tune in .........Later, ay.

i had my earth frequency portable wireless device i invented that runs 100% on the earth natural electromagnetic grid
Does this device involve a DeLorean?

When you realize nothing makes sense, it All makes sense. ;)

"Something's happening here and you don't know what it you, Mr. Jones."

"There is no You, there is only ME." (Only, NIN) cetera, ad infinitum, as nauseum, et al....

Play extremely loud, please.
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Sam here and to answer invalid this is not a schuman resonator of 7.83 hz nor is it 432 hz. the earth resonates at many different frequencies and you must find the right combination of frequencies and they have to be applied so that they run on the earth’s electro magnetic grid which is 100% wireless and if you use man made bluetooth wireless you lose the sound. lt has to be 100% natural or you lose the sound. l anticipate problems because i’m running on a wireless all natural sound delivery which is a new technology. my testing concludes that when my device is running the effect on the music is effective at a range of about a city block in all 360 degree radius and building and other structures seem to have no effect on the its ability to improve the sound quality in a dramatic way. Another problem i anticipate is when the unit is running it seems to have a noticable physical and mental effect on my brain and body in a positive way and it’s so dramatic that as crazy as it sounds even to me i cannot deny what i’m experiencing which might cause problems with the big pharmaceutical companies.At this stage in the game i don’t even know what to do? lf i go for a patent and i’m talking about the earths magnetic grid and new technology and i can prove it then the crap could hit the fan.
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