something is not right here and it's on purpose!!!

lf you have the same source master on remastered digital and 1st press vinyl with the same volume, the digital sounds louder and more distorted with more intensity + is there anyway to remove that intensity from remastered digital because it sound like the audio has been run through a distortion pedal? How could legendary producers and mixers not hear this crap?

Showing 13 responses by glupson

"...time will prove me right..."

I am afraid that many participants on these threads may not have enough time left to see your success materialize.

You may have better chance with these guys...
Earth calling samjit, Earth calling samjit.

samjit, we cannot hear you. Change the frequency.

"Now how do I make it work, badly?"

Very simple. Just put a needle on it. It will work. And it is guaranteed to be badly.
"...the secret of how to encode a digital signal with analog?"

"Newly developed by Sony, the Vinyl Processor feature recreates via some clever processing, the acoustic phenomenon unique to vinyl playbacks such as the tone-arm resonance, tiny surface noise and the rich sound from the vibration by acoustic feedback from the speakers to the turntable."

Sorry samjit, they got there first.
"...check for directionality...."

Hold on, just because he is not here does not mean we can poach his trademark.
To make this more meaningful.

Could any of the cable naysayers (that would be those who dismiss Radio Shack cables as worthless) compare her/his interconnects with the following ones?

No explanation needed. Just an honest evaluation. To paraphrase some of the naysayers, if you have not tried them you are just bringing bad spirit based on your prejudice.

(Disclaimer: I own and have compared these Radio Shack cables to the cables of same use priced in $400-500 range)
"glupson - Michael Hutchence would be rolling in his grave."

I had to put some work into deciphering this Now I got it. In the rolling sea, but only halfway.