
Responses from dsnyder0cnn

Listening Room
Wonder product?
I use the Puffin with my Rega Planar 8 turntable and APHETA 3 MC cartridge. I don't feel that the Puffin is holding back the sound of the turntable at all, although I would like to try inserting a SUT better the P8 and Puffin. I've not tried usin... 
Is positive reinforcement why things are sounding better?
Recency Bias is a real and enjoyable thing. It is tested by how long the effect lasts. Good luck!  
Your thoughts on best audiophile speakers in $10,000 neighborhood?
For your tastes, KEF is a great choice in this price range. Perlisten and Legacy Audio also. Tekton is a bit unpopular these days.  
My experience with The Music Room
I purchased a pair of new Mission 770 loudspeakers from TMR a few weeks ago. I'll be trading in my previous loudspeakers as part of the deal. They have been great to work with so far. I'll get my old speakers packed up this weekend, following thei... 
What affects front to back depth in room/ system?
@veerossi - thanks for those dimensions. I don't see any issues. You are kind-of close to the back wall, but that's way better than sitting in the middle of the room, where you would experience bass nulls. Your gear looks great to me, so next step... 
What affects front to back depth in room/ system?
I see quality loudspeakers there. Wide-angle distortion in the photo makes it difficult to estimate the ratio of tweeter-to-tweeter and ear-to-tweeter. Some say that these should be equal (an equilateral triangle); however, most great-sounding sys... 
Help with speaker selection <$20k
What are the dimensions of your room and how far away do you sit from the speakers (tweeter to ear distance)? Since you have the 10T's, I assume this is not a tiny room, but more specifics would be helpful. I discovered years ago that synergy is ... 
Best set-up under $20K
I love the Focus XD also, but pairing with an external integrated amp is not straightforward. The subs internal to the XDs must be powered by the internal 750 watt amp, and that amp has no input trim. It's unlikely that the gain on the integrated ... 
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
With few caveats, loudspeakers from Legacy Audio may be safely ordered without hearing based on reputation, reviews, build quality, cosmetics, etc. As OP, @mtbiker29 , already mentioned, room size and existing (or planned) gear must be considered.... 
Speaker of My House…!
it comes down to a system that I can tolerate in the smaller room and that excels in the larger room. This concept is difficult for me to fathom. It usually takes me a month of weekends to get a system dialed-in for a given room. Once it’s perf... 
Speaker of My House…!
I’m nuts as I move a pretty hefty system between two rooms in my house. I have an Instagram page that documents the whole journey I saw some of the photos. Looks like quite a project. One more question for clarification: Is your plan to regula... 
Speaker of My House…!
My main listening room is about 18’ X 22’ with vaulted 12’ ceiling. My system also spends time in my home office which is small - 13’ X 14’ also with high vaulted ceilings and as many room treatments as I could fit. Hmmm, is your plan to have a... 
Has anyone been able to define well or measure differences between vinyl and digital?
Vinyl to me is the shortest distance between the source and the speaker - processing-wise Perhaps, but consider the processing involved to go from the artist-approved 2-track studio master to RIAA pre-equalization, cutting the lacquer, electrop... 
Has anyone been able to define well or measure differences between vinyl and digital?
Fascinating discussion. I've not read every reply thoroughly, but I want to add a thought. I have made digital recordings of the best vinyl records I own. Playback of these recordings is indistinguishable from live vinyl playback (blind-tested). ...