something is not right here and it's on purpose!!!

lf you have the same source master on remastered digital and 1st press vinyl with the same volume, the digital sounds louder and more distorted with more intensity + is there anyway to remove that intensity from remastered digital because it sound like the audio has been run through a distortion pedal? How could legendary producers and mixers not hear this crap?

Showing 8 responses by oldhvymec

5,921 posts
08-03-2020 7:24pm
Put a CD on a turntable.

Sounds funny, but not a bad idea, for being a bad idea..
Now how do I make it work, badly? ;-)

I says vinyl is vinyl and Cds is Cds, mate!! Let me wind up the ol Victrola.

My only question at this point is how do I adjust MY frequencies?

I mean is it a belly rub with one hand, and a pat on the head with the other to tune it in?

OR a nipple twist, and a left cheek sneek! A nose rub and a head scratch?

I mean is there a tune up manual for proper tuning.

I've done the ol palm slap to the forehead, and stuff became a lot clearer, normally followed by the words, Geez, maneez, listen to that!

I'm new to the whole earth vib thing.  I'm not stressin' though, I'm a slow learner, you know old dog, new trick thing... This ol dog might just stay under the porch for this one though... I think a good lower extremity cleaning is in order. :-)

Sam there was a PET ROCK, there are still a few around.

So go fo it...

I'll tune in .........Later, ay.

sfseay382 posts08-03-2020 5:39am@oldhvymec -

Thanks sfseay, I actually though they were completely shut down. The brick and mortar are all closed right? I’ll check it out. That WAS the place I use to buy fuses. They always had what I needed..

Yup Sam, I'm feelin' pretty free all right.  Yes your WAY ahead of your time.

I truly feel the Tesla, tickle and was glad to see it mature into existence right before my eyes.
Amazing Sam, I'm truly blessed. I feel a blessing coming on....

May the good GOOD lord bless your earth frequencies, and give you only, good, good , good, good, vibrations,
your givin' me excitations, good, good, good, good vibrations, YEA...


9 posts08-02-2020 8:45pmI have started to not even look at the post’s anymore.. so sad I feel like the posters are in 9th grade and just started at Radio Shack, not attacking this person, yet what happened to the audiophiles?? Really?

Let me help you out here.. Look up Sams forums. He is wonderful contributor to the Outer limits community. As for the audiophile peoples.
You know "My Peps", pick your "protect the week (not weak)", battles a little better.

Sam is in control of the vertical, Sam is in control of the horizontal and  of the "Outer limits"
But he can’t get control of his, RIPPER. He rips this, and rips that, but just won’t listen to what he’s RIPPIN’ from.. That’s the ONLY problem. Quit messin’ with the order of things....
Listen to the Vinyl, stop messin', and you'll quit stressin'. OK....

Quit trying to make chicken soup out of chichen sh$t. SAM....

BTW there is no Radio Shack, not for the last 5 or so years, ay.

I’ll tune in next week to see the new episode.

Thanks Sam, same time same station, ay..

Time to feed the chickens.

LOL yup.. Simple me.... I'll get it going.... The ol LP/CD special adapter cart. The first DAC or is that visa versa. ;-)

Ok Sam there, are you any relation to kenjit? Like an alter Ego, or Uncle Festers other Brother, you know the REAL different one. He's so different you never heard of him. His name was Sam There...
Any relation to Sam Here? Sam you crack me up....

Adams Family hot line.. 1-800-XXX-XXXX Ext 13

You Rang???

People can't agree on a given format, a way, a type of media, tape, Vinyl, CD, Hard drive, memory drives, everything under the sun.

BUT you (SAM) assert that they are all in concert to destroy ALL music reproduction.  They (every company) got together and agreed on this, to destroy all future music and the way it was produced.  Think on that one SAM Here.  Unlistenable, music from folks that produce music for a living, to make $$$$$.

Sam it makes NO sense. The louder you preach the more it sounds like your needing a little counseling and a med adjustment. From out here in in MY world, I don't RIP music. I can, but no need for me.

Why are you doing it? Ripping music. Is there a reason?

REALLY why are you making copies that you already have an archive of.

If what you have is not a good reproduction, do you really think you can make it better by re recording it in a different way from the same (supposed) flawed source? Humpty Dumpty comes to mind....

According to your thinking, YOU can make chicken soup out of chicken SH&T.   
