Snake oil??

Well, on March 8th, at the age of 64, I suffered a mild stroke. I have felt that things were returning to normal for the last few weeks. Now I’m not so sure. I just reviewed an email that came to me from Agon about a mysterious substance involving something called 3-Dimensional Enhancer, the NPS 1260. It claims to cure literally all my audio problems for the low price of $599. Is this some leftover April Fools thing or am I having some sort of stroke relapse?   I’m hoping that MC has some form to sage advice for this conundrum. 
Glad they got you a new bottle. I have dealt
 with Casey for several years and he has alway been a 5 star guy. Great to work with a stand up guy. I met Patric at the Audio Show in Long beach Ca. in June. He was all so good to deal with.
If your speaker cable ends (spade or banana) May have a lot of polish or waxs on them to keep them looking new, shiny, clean try to wipe or remove it if possible, with out scratching them. If they have any other contact enhancer or cleaner on them try to remove it. Before applying a coat of  1260.
Good luck and report back.
Hey Pete....Update...

So they got my bottle and inspected it against others they had. Said mine was EXACTLY the same.

Patric and Casey sent me another bottle which is sitting in my office right now. I will reapply when I get home this evening.
Has anyone tried the new High Fidelity Cables enhancer?  
or done a comparison with TC?

Hey Pete...

So, I put it in the fridge for 14 hours, then let it sit at room temp for an hour. Shook and stirred vigorously, but had the same result. When I went to apply it, it looked and applied exactly the same. As you can imagine, I was bummed.

I sent it back to Casey and Patric. Just spoke with Patric and he said they received it and will look it over to see what's up.

I am hoping they will get another bottle out to me soon... 
What have you heard? I found stirring it up was much better than shaking for a better mix.
Yes, it is hot here. I am actually only about 2 hours north from HFC itself.

I got the package in the morning, and it sat in my air conditioned office all day before applying it. Did not think about the fridge. I may do that.

I contacted Casey at HFC and told him almost verbatim what I told you. He replied right away, and said he would look into it and get back to me today.

I'll keep you posted... 
Is it hot where you live? I found that if put it in the refrigerator for a few hours it will jell some  and look darker, go on a little smoother and thicker. Stir it good before applying. ( do not freeze). Coat both sides of the speaker cable spade. The thicker the coat the longer the wait for the improvement.
Keep us posted
For me speaker cables, then the XLR interconnects, where the biggest improvements. But everything i coated got better and was noticeable.

This stuff according to everything I have seen is a lot of the same ingredients as TC with probably the biggest difference being the solvent or carrier base, which is more oily than TC. In terms of effect everything everyone is saying is right in line with it being a TC knockoff.  

This being the case, what you will find, it can be applied with equal improvement to the outside of internal speaker wires, speaker magnets, basket, and crossover parts. The effect is good in a lot of places but even better around higher voltage swing type areas like speakers.    

You do of course want to be extremely cautious as this is highly conductive. That is why they plaster warnings everywhere. But as long as you are extremely careful then it can be used to good effect on the outside of AC wires, around the inside of outlet boxes including conditioners, on transformers, caps, and circuit boards inside components, on and on.  

Keep in mind the stuff is expensive. Painting it on the outside of something like a speaker cable, that stuff is gone. That is why I prefer whenever possible to paint on something removable like fO.q tape. That way if you ever sell or change your mind just peel the tape off and use it somewhere else, you still have the goop. 
Speaker cables were my first choice too, and I coated them last night, but...

The solution looks nothing like the instruction vids. In those vids, it is black, and looks like it goes on almost like nail polish.

Mine is not black. Mine is grayish and has a very watery consistency. I was thinking it needed to be shaken up. So I did...A LOT. Exactly the same.

I coated both speakers and turn the music back on, fully expecting to hear this "darkness" you and others had spoke about before break in.

Sounded EXACTLY the same as before. No change what so ever. I'm bummed, but wanting to be patient as you said. Have to be with all HFC products. It ALWAYS pays off, but am also thinking I may have gotten a bad batch...

By the time I get home tonight, it will have a full 24 hours of continuous playing. We shall see then... 
For me speaker cables, then the XLR interconnects, where the biggest improvements. But everything i coated got better and was noticeable. Not sure if in that order was because that's what i did first. Like i said they all get better and improve the sound.
I first put a thin uneven coat inane got good results. I am now going back through and putting a thicker more even coat on. The sound got a little bit darker, but as time went by it got much much better than before big improvement.
Good luck and report back and be patient.

Post removed 
Thanks for the tip Pete! I will keep an eye out for that.

According to UPS, my bottle is out for delivery!

Also, Curious...

Of all the different contacts you have applied to, which in your opinion had/has the biggest impact?
Yes i have a thin coat on all of them and plan to go back and reapply a little thicker coat to them Yes there was a improvement in sound.
Try and wipe -clean the prongs off, They seem to have a polish on them that makes it hard to get a even coat.

In past HFC posts, you had said that you have a Hemisphere full of .5’s and M1 Pro’s. I have done this as well, and love the results.

Was wondering...

Have you treated any of the things plugged into the Hemisphere, or the Hemisphere itself?

I just ordered my bottle today, and got the response from Casey that it should ship today.

Would love to hear your thoughts on the Hemisphere treatments.

Snake oil??

Right thread title for this expensive "voodoo, snake oil junk"
Just like those >$$$ AC mains fuses, that a quality 50cent ones will be just as good as.

Cheers George
As you very well know, dorkwad wasn't suggesting censorship. It's pretty simple really... Discrediting a product you've never used is rather dishonest since you have no baseline (on said product) to begin with.  

+1 dorkwad
I agree, the price is high, hence Rick dropped the price to $349--still high.  BUT...if it makes way bigger difference than most anything else at that price, which the TC did, it seems a better buy than many other things that we think are more important--like a sightly better sounding amp, preamp, etc.  If it is a universal improvement on any system, that is something that is very rare and makes the investment much smarter and with longer lasting results in the satisfaction of purchase category.  Dissing the price in this case is one thing, pontificating about how it's no good or just like another product without trying it is wrong.  YMMV but if it's never been driven, your opinion on how it drives or the quality of it is useless.


"can’t just read on occasion instead of invading the OP with nothing but ignorance to share with their readers."

What are you suggesting?


Untramelled unchallenged free advertising?

Remember this is an audio forum and debate is welcome.

When a highly contentious product is being discussed all opinions should be regarded.

Especially when that product retails at the ridiculous price of $599 dollars.

Btw I’ve also got a miracle contact enhancer for sale. It can be yours for only $249 a bottle.

That’s a saving of 50%.

It’s based on 99.99% pure isopropyl alcohol - but it’s that 0.01% mystery additive that works the magic.

Similar to how homeopathic medicine works.


Like the TC, do you put the cables back in right away while still wet or should you let the 1260 dry first then reinstall?
Purchased my second bottle at THE SHOW in Long Beach. Replying to areas where i only put a small amount on before. The results are great, taking a little longer to get there but well worth it.
Thanks 68pete and davkobza for the only posts that are worth something on this Forum for the NPS-1260.  Those that have not used the product should just keep their useless opinions to themselves.  The only points sane people want to read are from very few.  I've used the TC and loved it's results.  It's a pain in the butt to do a whole system with it, but the hurt is just once.  Then the fun begins.  At no time did I ever regret the money that went out to try the TC.  The SR Orange fuses are very high priced also, BUT...once you hear what they do, you get more enjoyment out of your system.

I've been waiting for user comments on the NPS-1260 as others are doing.  It's a shame the know it alls on here that have to comment on everything as though the world needs to hear from them, can't just read on occasion instead of invading the OP with nothing but ignorance to share with their readers.  When you actually know from personal experience, then you do have something to tell.

I've spent a lot more than the 1260 charges for only minor improvements that made me feel duped--but you do learn from it.  Good luck to all of you who take a chance on a product that MAY have sensational results in the quest most of us are continually on--to improve the sound of our systems so we get even more pleasure from hearing the music we love.  When the MAY turns into YES!!! it's well worth the risk.

Stabilator 2. $75.00


The effects of accumulations of dirt and film in connectors carrying low-level signal not only degrades the signal to noise level of the system, but should introduce significant amounts of distortion if there are conduction discontinuities with voltages caused by those dirt accumulations and films.


If discontinuities in conduction and rectification effects are present then the distortion caused by them should increase as the voltage decreases; for the increased voltage will break down the particulate and film material leading to those discontinuities. 

Also, if discontinuities are present in the transfer function they should show up as disproportional amount of high order harmonic distortion as the applied signal voltage is lowered.


Ten 100 contact gold plated edge card connectors were wired so as to place the contacts in series when ten 100 contact gold-plated card edges were prepared in similar manner. Thus ten sets of connector-edge card pairs were available for testing 

Using a load resistance of 600 ohms, and a test frequency of 1 kHz, a distortion analyzer coupled to a spectrum analyzer was used, under computer control, it measure as many harmonics as could be extracted from the noise floor. 

The connector distortion was measured when the units were new. Then they were uncoupled and suspended connected down from hooks under a plywood shield (to protect them from falling material), which allowed air and contaminants to circulate freely about the exposed units. They were left thus exposed for a period of 31 days in a shop which could be considered as typical of a small electronics production plant. The edge cards were then inserted into the connectors and the assembled units left for another 31 days. 

They were removed and their distortion contribution measured using the identical set up as before. 

The cards themselves were removed from the connectors and both faces received small bead of undiluted Stabilant along their edge. This was wiped lightly over the connector with a sable brush also saturated with the Stabilant 22 so that there was no significant scrubbing action. They were reconnected and their distortion contribution measured as before. 

The connectors were unplugged and exposed for another 31 days, reconnected and exposed for an additional 31 days and measured again.


Chart 1: Total harmonic distortion averaged figures for 10 sets - each with 100 pairs of contacts

NOTE: No significant difference could be found between the measurements made the freshly treated connectors and the measurements made on the same treated connectors after they had been subjected to an additional exposure period of days unconnected, and 31 days connected. 

An additional single 100 contact edge card connector pair was set up and subject to the identical procedures save for the method of application of the Stabilant 22. This was done to see if the method of application would make any difference in the test results. The Film thickness was controlled by heating the Stabilant 22 and the card to a temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit. The card connection was dipped straight down into the Stabilant 22 to a depth of three eighths of an inch for half second immersion then lifted vertically and hung for a period of one hour, such that the edge of the card was at forty-five degrees to the horizontal. The air temperature during the draining cycle was maintained at 120 degrees Fahrenheit as well. The resultant film thickness was estimated to be in the range of 0.6 to 0. mills. The application was such that no "cleaning action' was apparent due to 'washing" of the dipped edge-card connector and an analysis of the surplus material that dripped off the connectors, showed no significant signs of contamination. The total harmonic distortion lay within the experimental deviation of the figures for the other connector sets and as no significant differences were found. These results have not been plotted.

Chart 2: Total & the 5th and lower harmonic distortion - averaged for ten new connector sets - each having 100 contact pairs.

Chart 3: As above - after exposure for a period of 31 days disconnected (with card edge contacts exposed) and 31 days connected.

Chart 4: As above - after treatment with Stabilant 22


The tests demonstrate that Stabilant 22 has a significant effect in lowering the harmonic distortion in connectors. Furthermore, the tests demonstrate that the use of Stabilant 22 apparently overcomes the discontinuous conduction effects of films and particulate contaminants in connectors. The test demonstrated that this discontinuous effect produced a high proportion of high order harmonics.


In audio systems, high order harmonic distortion is held to be much more easily distinguished, and therefore is considered much more critical than lower order harmonic distortions of the same order of magnitude. The use of the Stabilant reduced this high order distortion through the apparent mechanism of reducing the amount of what might be termed 'contact rectification' which was taking place within the connection means. As noted, the ear has been found to be quite sensitive to these higher order harmonics, the subjective effect ranging from 'grainy' to 'glassy' depending upon the level of this distortion present in the signal. In applications such as commercial recording consoles where the signal path involves a great number of connectors. the potential for degradation of the signal is particularly high. When it is considered that the connectors employed in the test were brand new, and that the period of sixty-two days produced a significant increase in the measured distortion, the potential for this type of signal degradation on equipment that has been in use for several months to several years is very significant.

NATO/CAGE Supplier Code 38948

The term "contact enhancer" © Copyright 1983 - Wright Electroacoustics. 

The Stabilants are patented in Canada - 1987; U.S. Patent number 4696832. World wide patents applied for. Because the patents cover contacts treated with this material, a Point-of-sale License is granted with each purchase of the material.


NOTICE: This data has been supplied for information purposes only. While to our knowledge it accurate, users should determine the suitability of the material for their application by running their own tests. Neither D.W. Electrochemicals Ltd. nor their distributors or dealers assume any responsibility or liability for damages to equipment and/or consequent damages howsoever caused. based on the use of this information. 

Stabilant, Stabilant 22, and product type variations thereof, are Trade Marks of D.W. Electrochemicals Ltd., © '89, '90.'91 .93 - D.W. Electrochemicals Ltd.

All I can say is that NPS-1260 does work as advertised. I don’t know how and frankly I don’t care. But the proof is in the listening. The sound is less harsh/strident, not that it was actually “harsh” at all before the application. Is it less distortion? What I do know is that the soundstage is more present, solid and palpable.
I’m happy to have come across it and intend to use more of it on my other systems. Snake oil? Hardly, but then again you can’t convince those whose minds are made up.
Master M,

Check it out..

I would PM you but it will delete the address.

I've added just water, and just 3 in one oil mixed to a paste. I dried my stuff with a heat gun. The water based worked GREAT if you didn't remove the artifact and reinstall or reverse the direction in the case of a fuse or breaker. The 3 in one worked better.

You can make a QUART of enhancer for 22.00 usd.

Sell your goodies for 35.00 a tiny bottle and FUND a 50,000.00 stereo system.. Who says we can't think BIG.. That 22.00 will make that much enhancer.. I bought 4 10 ounce bags 10 years ago for 120. usd Enough for 5-7 GALLONS..

I've also used Nuclear Never Seize and added about 1/4 to the amount being mixed. 1/4 dust, 3/4 NNS, mix and thin with 3 in ONE, one drop at a time..

  SEE I share..

Because the effect of graphene as a SUPER conductor requires a single layer to achieve 1000% conductivity increase, I'll settle for 100% plus if I can get it by applying the product below..

Think THIN...

OK Master M., that will being your system up to 522.00 plus the cost of 3 in ONE.. I had some laying around.. :-)


2 items 2.2.oz each 100 % conductive carbon Graphene powder : Extra Fine


To all the naysayers.. 22.00 usd. My gift to you...

Enjoy.. MOCK if you must... BUT it works pretty darn good..

Dip a bare wire in it, install the wire into the barrel of the terminal and 20-50 tons from a press OR a single hammer strike to set the terminal to the cable end and a second one to WELD the two.. You can't get better contact.. I use an old speedo cable dye and a 6 pounder. Don't hit it a THIRD time, that will loosen it.. 20-30 ton hammer strike, YUP...

Have now applied’s Graphene Contact Enhancer with great results. I started with Caig Deoxit Gold, moved on to Acoustic Revive ECI-50 spray and now applied the above to the same contacts. In each step there was a clear improvement: it manifests itself in a perceived pickup of music‘s rhythm and pace. There is perception of better dynamics and clarity along with a reduction of graininess and sibilance, everything appears more immediate and less forced. The Madscientist Audio material needs to be applied in small quantities: when I put too much on the RJ45 connector to the router, the signal stopped until I removed most of it. Compared to the Acoustic Revive, the effect was greatest when treating fuses and mains leads. Highly recommended.
Just add little more NPS 1260 to my system and once again it made me smile. The sound just keeps getting better.
Not that I have compared the two: there is another graphene paste from in NZ which comes at a much more accessible price with similar acclaim. I chose to order it after having had a very good experience with Acoustic Revive ECI-50 spray which follows a similar approach. Will report on results once I receive it.
Interesting... Please tell me personaly in my thread i dont want to miss your review...
Not that I have compared the two: there is another graphene paste from in NZ which comes at a much more accessible price with similar acclaim. I chose to order it after having had a very good experience with Acoustic Revive ECI-50 spray which follows a similar approach. Will report on results once I receive it.
Yes, good luck with the recovery.

My dad had a stroke about 10 years ago and it partially paralysed his left side.

He did recover the use of his arm but it took time.

Later they discovered a blocked carotid artery in his neck which was then successfully operated on. 
Sawdustguy, as another sawdust guy I would tell you the very last thing you want to do in this life is depend on millercarbon for sage advice:-)
Having had my own medical problems recently the best thing you can do is get back in the shop. Just be careful. You will recover fine. The brain is an incredibly plastic device.
The air and openness  of the sound stage is just great. my system has never sounded this good. very happy with NPS1260
Overall, it sounds like it was written by someone who dropped out of high school or never finished College.

Do you really equate intelligence to only high school or college? 
^^^ "Shane" was a great movie. At the time of its release, I was in Junior High School and worked part-time as an usher at the Orpheum Theater in downtown Los Angeles. I saw the film so many times that I knew all of the lines by heart. I still remember a lot of them even to this day.


"While I'm a bit of an audiophile, I work in film."

It's good to hear that some people in the industry still care about sound. 

"but the question of fidelity is about the preservation of the intentions of the filmmakers who made it."

That's also good to hear. Whilst mastering engineers like Steve Hoffman claim they are trying to do the same thing with historic audio recordings, virtually everything digitally remastered nowadays seems to have had excessive amounts of compression applied.

On metal, rock, and punk albums, this can have the effect of making them virtually unlistenable. Yet it continues. 

I also remember there was a bit of a controversy back when Shane (1953 George Stevens) was first transferred to Blu-ray and Warners announced they were going to alter the aspect ratio from the original 1.37 to 1.66. Incredible.

Since genuine improvements seem so hard to attain (due to marketing?), perhaps it's fair to say that snake oil can come in many different guises?
This question of authenticity, or objective v subjective doesn’t seem to trouble movie fans or cineastes the way it might with some audiophiles.

This is an interesting observation. It may get more into aesthetic philosophy than the typical board discussion. While I'm a bit of an audiophile, I work in film.
I think there are quite a few movie fans who care a great deal about the presentation of image, but the question of fidelity is about the preservation of the intentions of the filmmakers who made it. Years ago, we wanted a film shot in 1:1.85 aspect ratio at 24 frames per second to play back that way, rather than at the old TV standard 29.97 fps with the sides chopped off to fit the screen. Filmmaking and film exhibition is not typically about recreation of the reality in front of the cameras-- you don't often hear people brag that it was like Brad Pitt was in their living room...shooting a laser rifle at aliens.
There are limited areas where a fidelity to reality might be prized-- think IMAX nature films or certain kinds of virtual reality. Or, on a slightly more mundane level, a concert film that promises "you are there." 
There are people interested in evolving filmmaking technology towards a fidelity to reality. Aside from VR, there's the push for ever higher resolution (8k+ cameras and lenses to match, 8k TVs) and high frame rates (60-120 fps, as seen in recent Peter Jackson and Ang Lee films). And then there are people like Tarantino and P.T. Anderson, who remain committed to shooting on film at 24 fps.
As you suggest, it may well be that the distance from reality helps us experience the films as stories. Or it might simply be a matter of convention. But it's an ongoing discussion. 

Sorry-- drifted far off topic. So yeah, I think the 3D enhancer fluid would meet my definition of snake oil.

Post removed 
Video improvement with ECT is very much like what you describe between digital and film. Video with ECT looks a lot more like film.  

The best film is 70mm. The video equivalent of a direct to disc 45. I've seen Lawrence, My Fair Lady, Hamlet, and The Hateful Eight, all in glorious 70mm. Tarantino outdid himself filming The Hateful Eight in Ultra Panavision 70.

None of these is anything like reality. Which is the whole point. Reality is vastly overrated, at least when it comes to art. We are after all immersed in reality 24/7/365. (Well, some of us, anyway;)

The new theatrical 3d format coming out is 'glasses free'. Apparently the image is 3d from any seating position.

It is also going to be done with a scanning laser technology, for a near infinite contrast range - in some ways.
In the same way that commercial theaters fought back via innovation, when TV was introduced... that entire industry and all of it's connected doing so again....
noromance ...

  • "Maybe The Gate is messing with your TV!"

That it is. In a very good way. :-)

Yes, even the latest OLED screens I’ve seen from Sony and Panasonic are cartoonish and chocolatey I’d say.

Purely a setting and demonstration model issue. They ship to look good in the store, not to be critical viewing devices. Most people are impressed by shiny things at first, overblown colors, sharp edges, high contrast. When they get it home, they complain about lack of shadow detail and artifacts, just a press of a few buttons away.
Rumor has it that many nostalgic audiophiles still use low res electron tube based analog TVs from the last century because they prefer tubes and hdtv is just too darn revealing to be high end, not to mention digital to-boot,  right?  Yuck. 
The only thing I am not sure about is how adept is mijostyn at figuring out your data from an e-mail address.
Mijostyn has a history of stalking on this site - he was once suspended for it - and that's all I need to know about him.

No worries, shipping is included in the price. The usual Covid precautions will also apply.

For the first 50 customers I might even throw in a free teleportation tweak!


"They are cartoonish."

Yes, even the latest OLED screens I’ve seen from Sony and Panasonic are cartoonish and chocolatey I’d say.

With suitable material they’re lovely to look at. However the pictures are nothing like what we see outdoors here in the usual drab UK light.

This question of authenticity, or objective v subjective doesn’t seem to trouble movie fans or cineastes the way it might with some audiophiles.

It seems as if they’re more interested in a form of ’heightened’ reality that no doubt aids in providing a greater amount of the suspension of disbelief that movies necessarily demand.

Movies are basically like life, often set to a musical background - but only they’re bigger, brighter, more glamourous, and far more intense with most of the boring bits chopped out.