Snake oil??

Well, on March 8th, at the age of 64, I suffered a mild stroke. I have felt that things were returning to normal for the last few weeks. Now I’m not so sure. I just reviewed an email that came to me from Agon about a mysterious substance involving something called 3-Dimensional Enhancer, the NPS 1260. It claims to cure literally all my audio problems for the low price of $599. Is this some leftover April Fools thing or am I having some sort of stroke relapse?   I’m hoping that MC has some form to sage advice for this conundrum. 

Showing 1 response by davkobza

All I can say is that NPS-1260 does work as advertised. I don’t know how and frankly I don’t care. But the proof is in the listening. The sound is less harsh/strident, not that it was actually “harsh” at all before the application. Is it less distortion? What I do know is that the soundstage is more present, solid and palpable.
I’m happy to have come across it and intend to use more of it on my other systems. Snake oil? Hardly, but then again you can’t convince those whose minds are made up.