Putting it to bed

I've read a few articles how Phil Collins of Genesis was having a hard time physically and with his ex wife. After seeing him here, it's a reminder you just can't cheat time, especially when medical issues get ahold of you. Looks like his son picked up his chops, though.

The physical part of aging SUCKS and no fun.
Well, that bites. Getting old is the worst. Even his $200m+ wealth can't fix him. You can taste the frustration. Nevertheless, great to see his offspring continue the legacy. 
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Phil Collins will be forever associated with Money For Nothing. When Mark Knopfler sings banging on the bongo's like a chimpanzee I just know he means Phil Collins.
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I watched him in concert in the mid nineties. That was a really good concert. He played "in the round", center of the arena on a rotating stage. Not a bad seat in the house. It's my time in life to watch so many of the "classic" musicians slowly age out and leave. 
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And then there were three..has new a deeper meaning / foreshadowing 

thx for sharing the BBC bit.
I can remember the first time that I saw him with Genesis after Peter Gabriel left the band, and he was dressed in an Olympic gymnast leotard and periodically doing flips off of small angled trampolines that were on either side of the stage. I guess those days are over.
I really disliked it on the Mama tour when he ended the show with a Motown medley. He was into that stuff in his solo material at that time, but it really killed the Genesis vibe. I hope that those days are over too...
He says that he can't play drums anymore, and I believe it, but I think he rode his reputation for quite a while before that happened. Listen to his playing on the first two albums after Peter Gabriel left the band, and compare it to the very basic, heavy handed feel of his playing on Invisible Touch disc. He really lost all nuance in later years.   

Saw him/Genesis late 70s,  Trick of the Tail tour when duo percussion with Chester Thompsom.  Wow.  Roxy54, agreed.  For his most virtuoso playing however,  find him playing session on BrandX Product album (Passport Records 1979).  British prog-jazz rock with other awesome members and guests (Giblin, Lumley, Goodsall).  Great stuff. 
Not sure why they wheel him out ... very sad to see Phil in this condition, prefer to remember him when he could still belt it out.  As much as I luv' Genesis I wouldn't go and see him now, too depressing.

At Bluesfest Bryon Bay they did the same thing with BB King, wheeled him out for a few songs, he could hardly play a note, so we all sadly waved him goodbye. It was not the way i wanted to remember him and I wished i hadn't seen him in that condition, it felt like exploitation.

To quote an article in the press   'I saw B B King again at the 2011 Byron Bay Bluesfest. He was the reason I had gone to Byron that year: to pay my respects to the man who made me want to play the guitar all those years ago. I also had wanted to be like him: a strong man, not brutal and physically powerful, but a man with a gentle yet unbreakable strength of spirit.

At Bluesfest, looking dangerously overweight, and appearing aged even beyond his 85 years, King was helped on after a twenty minute warmup by his band. For a further twenty minutes the King of The Blues struggled to sing and play his guitar. Despite flashes of the old strength and fire, B B was sadly off-game. The enlarged close-ups of his face on the screens both sides of the stage were meant to show his face in contortions of feeling and passion but they showed only frustration and eons of weariness around his eyes'

So true, its not right for Phil. Getting old really sucks. 
Never liked, or was a fan of him or his bands. 
My opinion. 
Not my stuff.  
 Rather listen to kayak or camel.

If he really wants to put in to bed and go out on a high, get Peter Gabriel on board. 
@testpilot ,
"If he really wants to put in to bed and go out on a high, get Peter Gabriel on board."

Or even better, let Gabriel ’put it to bed’ whilst giving himself some time to contemplate his 3 failed marriages and the wisdom of tying the knot with a karate black belt 21 years his junior.

Money for nothing indeed.

It must have been frustrating enough for Elvis when Priscilla left for her martial arts coach Mike Stone...
And then we have David Crosby, whose lyrics and comments in interviews seem to say "I won't be here forever," yet who has released four impressive albums since 2014--an explosion of creativity that comes from working with the son he gave up for adoption many years ago, James Raymond, who writes, contributes brilliant keyboard and synthesizer work, and co-produces.
Phil Collins' anger at his ex-wife has been a theme across about a half dozen albums and after awhile it gets tiresome.  Also, his work exemplifies the loudness wars and degradation of dynamic range:
Face Value DR14 (1981; 2010 Audio Fidelity CD)
Hello, I Must Be Going! DR11 (1983; 2011 Audio Fidelity CD)
No Jacket Required DR14 (1985; 2011 Audio Fidelity CD)
But Seriously DR14 (1989; 2012 Audio Fidelity CD)
Both Sides DR11 (1993 Atlantic CD)
Dance Into the Light DR10 (1996 Atlantic CD)
A Hot Night in Paris DR10 (1999 Atlantic CD)
Testify DR5 (DR4 to DR6, five of 12 tracks clip) (2002 Atlantic CD)

Like they always say “no one dies a virgin as we all get fu#*#d in the end”! Old age is the most cruel stage of life God throws at us. Don’t understand it and probably never will.
Phil contributed to his physical woes-heavy drinking. 

I can relate however,  relate to the medical/aging thing. I hope to delay getting to the "putting it to bed" phase.

He has the double whammy-his own situation and failed marriages.
At least she get a sense of pride seeing his son on the kit, carrying on.

Having a boatload of dough sure helps soften the blows.
Hello I Must Be Going was my very first CD purchase. 

I still have it.

Great Drummer. My last criteria in my personal greatest drummer list places 'fearlessness' over 'technical chops'. So Elvin Jones and Max Roach are ahead of Buddy Rich for me...Bonham is ahead of Peart...oh, what have I done...

Years ago I saw pictures of Phil with drum sticks taped to his hands because he couldn’t hold them anymore.

So sad.

Your outlook is a sad one. Every age has its own charms and troubles. Old age isn't a curse, it's a progression. 
Old audiophiles who cannot hear, but still want “ the best”, is the curse of this hobby.

After living with and helping my Father with Parkinson's disease for 10 years I do not see the “charm” in old age. I would not wish that on anyone and could not even think of a worse illness to go through as a family!

Parkinson's is a horrible disease. Your father is in a much better place(wherever that is). I watched my mother deteriorate from dementia and had a stroke myself, while she was on her last leg of the journey. Mom did not recognize her children her final year.

If one can stay healthy, escape  degenerative disease and stay mentally sharp-you've won the most difficult competition on the face of this earth. Most everything else in this life can be figured out.

This thread prompted me to play 'Ish' again, from Brand X on their Livestock album. To me this is one of the finest examples of Phil's accomplishment as a drummer. The same applies to his work with Brian Eno in the 70s. A completely different musical universe than the ponderous drum fills (pin intended) that made him famous.  
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Surprise! My much loved mother of 9 children also had Parkinson's disease for 7 years before finally dying of its complications, and on Tuesday I suddenly and unexpectedly lost a younger brother (59) due to a fatal heart attack. 
I am well aware of the illnesses of seniors, and I still believe that each year that we are alive is worthwhile. My mother enjoyed life until very close to the end.
For those unfortunate people whose suffering is so severe that enjoyment is no longer possible, I have great sympathy, and I always wish them good painkillers and a quick transition.
In my experience so far, the diminished health and loss of hair and good looks of youth are greatly compensated for by the increased wisdom and understanding of older age.
@roxy54 ...and a diminished pool of short stories, mostly tall tales... ;)

Genesis, yes  👍  Afterwards, one could almost see 'it' drifting away...

Unfortunately, few are spared ones' fate....and even $s' can do only what's possible. :(