primaluna gear, avalon eidolon speakers, cardas

I just purchase some primaluna diologue 7 mono amps and their best preamp. I have some Avalon Eidolon Vision speakers to go with all this. I also have all Cardas Golden Reference interconnects and speaker cable. I don't have it all hooked up yet. Any one have an opinion on this set up.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xwoodworker

I just want to add that I have changed my main speakers to be Avalon Eidolon Diamond replacing Avalon Avatar. Now the Martin Logan Depth sub-woofer is not used any more. There is enough bass and it is very high quality bass with pitch, texture, clean and control bass, no any boated bass. What you get more from Avalon Avatar is that music has much more weight and body. It is like music band is playing in your room, you listen to music band, not hifi reproduction system. The dynamics is effortless, no any compression or stress sound. The music can play loud with very clear instruments, no blur, no congest. And I want to say against Bo1972 again that I use MIT Oracle IC and MIT Oracle speaker wire. There is palpable singer and superb holographic image of all instruments. The Avalon Eidolon Diamond is very accurate and neutral speakers. It will show any fault in previous system chain, if there is. And it is very sensitive of speakers location placing in room and toe in set up of speakers. If anything wrong, its sound will be just ordinary speakers. If toe in is not enough, no focus image and no soul sound or you will feel not involve in music, lifeless music. But if you set up correct, its sound will be superb excellent sound which you cannot imagine that it reach to this excellent level. I am very happy and plan to add Stealth Audio Indra IC to my system to further improve my hifi system. The Stealth Audio Indra IC is most neutral, accurate, fast and ultra-detail sound IC. I hope that it will lift up my system to next level again!

I recommend Martin Logan Depth sub-woofer to be used with Avalon speakers. I use this subwoofer with Avalon Avatar. It can be integrated with Avalon seamlessly. Because this subwoofer has 25hz volume pot to fine tune to solve room node problem. However you must use interconnect cable in same quality level as your interconnect cable of main amp.

And I do not agree with Bo about Avalon speakers cannot provide palpable image focus inside between two speakers. The set up of speakers location and very little toe in is very important to get it. And I use all MIT interconnect cable and speaker cable (oracle series).
In the past I sold Rel subwoofer like Stadium with Avalon loudspeakers. These days there are different standards. Rel make still fine subwoofers, but they are not the fastest in response.

I would choose blind for a sealed subwoofer. I also prefer units in front of the subwoofer.
Reyn, yes, my Raleigh was 531 butted tubing with a longish wheelbase, very comfy. It was a great relief and a good training tool during the two aluminium road bike ass hatchets which were very short lived.

The Calfee is tube and joint carbon and incredibly lively unlike many of todays wooden feeling laid up carbon race bikes. I'm getting older and my tires seem to be getting wider.
Hey Bol1972 - you said you knew Avalon's - as I asked before, would you add a REL or Jl Audio sub to a pair of Ascendents ?????
On the Prima Luna power amps, they can sound even better if you go to the KT-120's vs KT-88's
hahahahaha...In the past I did cycle a lot. Don't forget I come from The Netherlands. There is no country in the world with so many bicycles. I have two.

Even changing the place of your speakers with a few cm makes a big difference on the acoustics. In the past I did it a lot at clients there house. First I did listen for about 25 min with there music. After this I used my own music and changed the speakers ( to get a better balance with the low freq in the room. And I measured the speakers at mm percision. And giving the instruments the right proportion). I cost me about 20 min. After this I Always asked the client to play the same music he just played. That they often had a big smile. And I said; and this is just for free. And then I started with cables. Convicing makes it so much easier to win thrust. Audio can be very simple!
Reynolds: Yes. I am a cyclist as well but not a good one (3W/kg/hr). I have a Rikulau ( no name TW brand) with Reynolds 931 tubings. Also have the usual carbon fiber latest and greatest.

Sorry for the hijecking the thread.

"I always want to win", "They cannot catch up". It appears Bo1972 is a cyclist as well.

Trying different equipment lead to some knowlegde. Setting up different rooms or along different walls of the same room are great education as well.

"Mater handbook of Acoustics" is the most valuable reading I have com across.
Because you make it personal, so there is no focus on the thread anymore. People are right that we fail because it has nothing to do with the thread.

Woodworker is new overhere I think. He did not respond once on his own thread. We didn't help him good enough.

I would ask to him how he discribes his overwhole sound. What does he like and what he would like to change?

Woodwoker uses tube amps for his Eidolon vision. The Eidolon is not an easy speaker to control. I sold Avalon for over 6 years of time. I and many of my collegues as well preferred Avalon with tubes. Because the sound was more involving. The low freq were better with solid state amps like Classe ( what was the brand which we sold the most with Avalon) The mid freq. were less musical compared to tubes. I did not like classical music with Classe at all.

The Cardas Golden reference is on the warm side and with the Primaluna sound I think a little too much. I would choose for different cable.

I also think Pass labs is a better combination. You get a superior timing and a lot more control and grip. And with the class A you still get a very musical mid freq. The extra timing wil let you hear things of a recoding which you didn't hear with tubes.

The new Audioquest loudspeakercabels would be an option to work more precise compared to the Cardas Golden reference. Better timing, and more control in the low freq. The Audioquest loudspeakercables and also there interconnects are stunning in giving the best blacks. This make instruments and also voices a lot more palpable. It gives a much sharper individual focus of instruments and voices. You also hear more space around instruments and voices. This gives you in combination with the stunning blacks a more 3 dimensional image.

I also think Pass labs is a better combination compared to the Priumaluna. You get a superior timing and a lot more control and grip. And with the class A you still get a very musical mid freq. The extra timing wil let you hear things of a recoding which you didn't hear with tubes.
The true value of this thread is that it allows Bo1972 to post amazing things about which others can derive pleasure from responding to. One needs to see beyond the vacuity of the original post to appreciate the art of what should now be referred to as "Bosponse" or "Boalog." If you can't think of well reasoned criticism of Bo1972, you're missing an opportunity for some fun, albeit el redundo amundo. Otherwise, join in, and realize the conversational equivalent of hitting a tennis ball against a just comes back no matter what.
I agree with Reprince and Roxy54 regarding this thread.

Vicdamone: I looked up your bikes up and they certainly seem to be ones that will give you some great rides. I wish you many safe miles.

I've been riding since the late 70's and have stayed with steel. These are the bikes I still have:

1980 Team Raleigh with Campy Super Record (Reynolds 531 tubing)

Circa 1993 Schwinn Waterford Paramount with Campy C-Record (True Temper OS tubing)

Circa 2008 Waterford SR22 with Campy Super Record 11 speed groupo (Reynolds 853 tubing)

Mountain bikes:
Circa 1992 Specialized Stumpjumper Comp with Simano Deore XT (Tange Prestige tubing)

2011 Specialized Epic Comp with a combination of XT and XTR componenents (M5 tubing)

Since I ride the mountain bikes on old railway right of way trails (cross country riding rather than technical trails) I use the same length crank arms on them as my on the road bikes.

Only problem is that I don't ride as much as I should!


Plus 1, Roxy54. I think this thread could have started and ended with Stereo5's appropriate post.
Macrojack you speak for me and you don't even know me. If you could only achieve 50% of the level in sound quality I create you would be happy.

I compete even to many highend shops. I would not have been so succesful when it would not be that concincing. In my country there are a few jaleous people as well. I really don't And you 'know why? Because they don't achieve the level I did achieve at the same show. They were not the absolute sound.

I don't have to proof myself anymore in this business. I have done that many times. Sound sells, and that is how I work. Most of my competitors did not do as many tests as I did. Or are not testing new systems as I do. When you are a perfectionist you never stop testing. I Always want to win, and yessss for some people it is f....irritating. They have the same chanches as I have. It is there responsibility to achieve the same level. I know that it is not possible anymore. Because I put so much more afford in testing for a long long time. They cannot catch up with the knowledge and insight I have. I Always can see 3-4 steps further than they can. This is what I use to the maximum. That is how I beat them. But I still hope they will improve there skills as well. Because I think many people deserve a better endresult in sound. Things can be easy, and that't is why I keep it simple!
Bo1972 - Aren't you spreading your energy unnecessarily by talking to us. I think it highly improbable that anyone here is apt to become your customer.
And it appears clear to me that you will learn nothing from us. So why do you persist in imposing your nonsensical diatribes on an audience you lost at least a month ago?
While you dither away your time on us, Europe is having to do without the benefit of "the gold in your hands". And your relentless name dropping.
Andrew Geoffrey Kaufman, I don't know him. Our humor is a lot different compared to humor in the US. It is a lot harder and a lot more on the sarcasm side. When a joke is made in the US, you would laugh, but we would look at eachother and say; we don't think it is funny. I love the Tonight Show. But there is still a big difference compared to here in the Netherlands.

I have a different approach compared to many other people overhere. I still test a lot and Always look for new stuff. I am only interested in the best stuff. That works very effective. Same about 3d sound. You give a demo and ask people to compare it in the same price tag at other shops. Often they come back laughing. They understand the difference is huge. Going back to 2d sound is going back to a much lower level. Sound sells. I only tell what 3D sound makes different. The demo does the work. And that is why the best and most convincing sound sells.

I love comparing, like I love 'battles'in audio. This way is what audio makes so much fun. By selecting the best tools it is so much easier to compete.

A surround specialist in our country said about my system: You have gold in your hands. This is the first time I heard a fully integration of a subwoofer. He closed his eyes and said; your are right the energy is comming from were it is recorded. He is a distributer for: Wadia, Audioresearch, Wilson, Sonus Faber, Transparent, Ayre and even more. He has visited many shows also in the US.

It is a pitty I live on the other side of the world. Then you could hear were I am talking about all the time.

Audio is not about words, but about sound. I sell 3D sound. My focus is on the endresult of every single system. I Always want to create the best sound for the money. I am a very focused person. Focusing on one thing makes it a lot stronger and convincing than when you spread your energy.
I have RCF drivers in Mackie and EAW (they own Mackie or Mackie owns them...something) speakers, and Yorkville is one of the best pro audio companies out there.

I have a strong reaction to what I consider bullcrap which has little or nothing to do with actual sound, and certain personality types who are either instantly dismissive of others or overuse nonesensical descriptive terms ("speed", "black backgrounds", "PRAT", etc.) designed as pretentious psuedo speak we're all supposed to accept...but not all of us do. Bo1972 will never critically read any other posts to the extent that he can clearly comment on them, and has no clue who Andy Kaufman is. That in itself is kind of it...really...
Wolf -
We should deal with Bo 1972 somewhat compassionately. He appears to be performing his shtick mechanically and sincerely. Kinda brings to mind Jethro Bodine reciting his gazintas.
There he is,tall and proud, just beaming ear to ear as he reels em off:

Two gazinta four two times
Four gazinta eight two times,
Etc. Etc. Etc.

Who are we to rain on his performance? May as we'll let him radiate. After all, I am decidedly less noble. Some time ago it came to me while listening to Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue that it is not my job to prevent people from wasting their money or making bad choices and, hell, it serves no one for me to regret someone else's decisions. If they want to buy Bose or Red Rose or some bucket of snake oil like Mechanica Dynamical, that is not my problem and most certainly none of my biz. I've got a few of my own issues that deserve, but don't get, my unrelenting attention.

Partly because of you, I have developed an appreciation for the value and superiority that can be found in pro gear. Implementing the stuff can be daunting, however. Have you had any experience with Yorkville Sound in Toronto? Danley? B&C, or RCF? Acoustic Horn Co.?
I hope Bo1972 never stops...seriously, it's like some demented poetry...ahem: "When an audio system plays in full 3D you see a much bigger smile on the faces of people. To create a higher level of blacks makes instruments and voices come alive. Creating a better articulation of voices let people hear new information of the music they thought they knew well. Creating more flavors in the overwhole sound give instruments the sound they own in real." It just doesn't get any better than that.

This is the 37th time he's picked on my REL poor little just sits there trying to do its thing...trying SO hard...*sniff* a treat for it tonight I'm going to tighten its nuts.

Bo might be the Andy Kaufman of Audiogon.
Sold my 1972 Reynolds 853 Raleigh Professional cream puff last year. I do miss the ride but now I'm down to two bikes, a Santa Cruz Heckler with XTR rapid rise shifting and my trusty Calfee (Record) Tetra. Both manufactured just minutes from home.

Sorry Bo, but I have to agree with Macrojack and Wolf. Regardless of the OP question, your comments always digress into the same rant of your own agenda. I do believe you have knowledge of audio, and could possibly be helpful, however you seem to have lost so much credibility on this forum due to your persona. Have you ever thought about just answering the specific question of a post, then stop, stay off the soapbox, and not repeat the same comments you make in every post? Maybe it's just me, and again, sorry, but those repeated comments give me the impression of a typical Snake Oil Salesman from many years ago.
It never will be about me, that is only what others make from it. I want music as intimate and pure as possible.

What I do is creating a 3 dimensional sound and that all parts of a recoding become loose from eachother. This connects people closer to the music they love.

Audio should be more focused on music and emotion. That makes audio more desirable.

The way I sell audio make people want to listen for hours a day. Many systems are not concincing enough to be liked for a long period. There is a reason why people don't like it enough after some time?

When an audio system plays in full 3D you see a much bigger smile on the faces of people. To create a higher level of blacks makes instruments and voices come alive. Creating a better articulation of voices let people hear new information of the music they thought they knew well. Creating more flavors in the overwhole sound give instruments the sound they own in real.

I am happy for Woolfy that he loves his 'fast' Rel subwoofer. He has his own opinion about audio, I think differently. We life in a free world.
To expand on what Macrojack says, and because I enjoy addressing this dude: Bo1972 is apparently unable to comprehend the message from others that his absolutist stance on exactly what comprises good sound is annoying and makes him seem like a fool, regardless of his extreme sincerity. If you look at how he claims to create this fabulous sound...based around powered woofers allowed up into lower midrange territory only to be electronically tamed by an Audyssey Pro system, you would note that this is not only unconventional, but considered by many with far more experience as musicians and hifi freaks to be an arguably ass backwards method for obtaining optimal tonal purity. It still might sound great to somebody and that fact nobody contests, but this hobby isn't a contest, it's just supposed to be fun, and establishing dialog with other tone freaks should include some give and take regarding the opinions around here (unless one disagrees with ME, in which case you're a DICK). Some respect is due for the amazing knowledge base available from those with a reasoned approach and both technical knowledge and listening skills gained from a vast amount of experience, and that respect is utterly lacking from Bo1972's rants about anything, thus denying him any modicum of credibility. I hope that his persona is a parody created by a comedic writer who sticks this stuff in here just to mess with THAT would be great...

Yep, Reynolds 853 is the tubing used for my Waterford road bike. You must be a cyclist too to have caught that?
The reason why I use the words in a sarcasm way is because in 16 years of time I have seen to often how poor people are advised in audio. When I can let other people hear a more convincing and higher quality in sound it is up to them who also work in this profession to show they can do a better job.

It is pathetic how many people don't get the quality they could have gotten. Only if they would have been better advised. If 'those' with 'more'experience and knowledge can give people a higher level in audio......just show it.

I like a fair game in audio. All people who do it as a profession can show there clienst what they can give to them.

One last thing I can tell you; I am taking audio very serious, and no I never will give up. I love competing and creating the best sound. All other people have the same chances that I have. So use them!

What I say in words I can do exactly the same in sound. Then people know that it is the truth. And this is how I work. Hearing is believing, and that it the truth!

When I would not be 100% sure about my words I would never written them. Because then it would be pathetic, and I would be just as stuppid as those who work in audio and sell average or even poor quality.
Bo1972 - While it is quite possible that you are more convincing in your native tongue, I have to say that you seem like an empty and redundant blowhard in English. I'm quite accustomed to conversing with the actual equipment designers and their executive personnel, and none of them come off with boastful proclamations the way you do.

You would be well advised to humbly sit back and learn from those of us who can make a point without boasting. Whether you realize it or not, you are talking down to people who have far more experience and knowledge than yourself and you are looking very silly (pathetic?) in the process. Give it a rest.
Hearing is believing, that is why the most convincing sound Always will win.

You need to keep it simple and clear!
Short cable issues, woofer "speed" myths, bizarre testing claims, and yet another suggestion of what people "should" listen to based on unsubstantiated nonesense. It just doesn't get any better around here.
GLai there is indeed something special about the 0.8.
Tried them when I had my old pair of Eidolons.
Too bad I cant afford it, improvement doesnt justify the cost.
Rather spend time tweaking the operating points of my electronics.
Finally tamed my Avalon diamonds after a whole year.
Extremely sensitive to the slightest hint of odd order harmonics of upstream gear, that's all I can say.
Tara Labs has also a sharp individual focus of instruments and voices. This means you get a more realistic proportion of instruments and voices.

I sold Avalon for over 6 years of time. I never understood why people buy it with MIT. Because the individual focus within the wide and deep stage never will give an intimate image. I also sold MIT for over 6 years of time.

People should listen to acoustic instruments in real. After this listen to Avalon and MIT and you will understand what is missing.
Tried many speaker cables with Avalons: MIT varies levels, transparent, nordost, acoustic zen, stealth dream, ridge street audio, purist audio, cardas clear. best fit for me was tara lab 0.8. That is with both SS amp and tube amp.
Integration has to do with the response of the low freq. unit of a subwoofer. Material needs to be very light and stiff. Velodyne weakest point is there speed in response. For surround it is good, for stereo it is too slow for me. I have proven this in a few tests.

I could not achieve the stealth integration I want and did achieve with the PLW-15 from Monitor Audio. There response and timing is better cause of the combination of carbon and alluminium. This is something I can easily demonstrate to many highend people as I did.

With Audyssey Pro I could achieve also the dynamics and energy coming from the place were the low freq. are on the recording. With Velodyne it is more coming from the sub it self instead of the location were it needs to be.

Have you had an opportunity to listen to your system yet and if so perhaps share your thoughts?
Before making a cable vs sub decision be certain that your Ascendents are well out in the room, in proper reflective placement, and spiked. At this point I'd suggest auditioning a more powerful amplifier.

If your looking for low frequency there is no substitute for a well integrated subwoofer/s especially if you like what your current amplifier is offering you in the mids and highs.

I would preface that every room has different reactions to extra low frequency an individuals goals and taste are very subjective.

That said, I auditioned a Studio III and found it to be very limited by its preferred high level (speaker} connectivity. The supplied cable is so short it limits room placement which is usually critical with a sub without onboard EQ. Compared to Velodyne DD+ system integration was marginal at best.

I'd suggest partnering the 528 with DSpeaker EQ or similar.

Ahhhhh....I see where there wasn't enough ego in my question to prompt a response from the usuals ......
Hey what do you guys think of adding a REL 528 to a pair of Avalon Ascendents driven by all Esoteric gear ( amp Esoteric A-03 50 watts class A power ) with all top or near top of the line Purist Audio Cables sub and go to all Cardas ???? Just asking ....
That is why you need to understand which kind of properties each brand of cable owns.

With your amp, source, conditioner and speakers the same story.

In the past different brands in amps and sources came with spakercables. It is better for them to stick were they are good at.
In MY experience, cables sound different attached to different components. MIT just might be better with a certain amp, and maybe not...the only way to tell is to try it in the system and listen. I have an all Ayre system and bought Ayre cables. After a bit less than a year after a friend came over with Purist did I realize that Ayre is NOT the least in MY system. After auditioning 20 or so cables I came away with Audioquest Sky/Everest, and Anti-Cables (top of the line silvers) sounding the best. No one I had listen could tell the difference. I also tried Audioquest super top of the line signature cables....they were awful...almost as bad a the worst sounding cables...Cardas.
I understand your point of view. Because I was very sceptical about roomcorrection and subwoofer use for stereo as well.

Giving demos is the key for hearing is believing. The endresults speak for them selves. That is what people make change there way of thinking.

Because when instruments and voices become extreme touchable and in full 3D and the sound is very involving you see it on the reactions of people.

My favorite hobby is music. I love live music as I love music played in full 3D at home. I buy a lot of music every week. This is the essentail part for audio.
Spoken with the zest of the classically insecure. "The best sound possible" is not an absolute, it is simply an opinion. Subs driven to upper mids and squashed by digital EQ is rarely optimal, realistic, or recommended, and since this is the approach you've described as producing "realistic" results, I can only assume you need to get out more. Open up that closed little brain...feel the warm breeze of real music...there ya go...all better...
Hey Wolfy,

you forget that I do audio for many different clients. I have clients with sets of less than 2000 dollar till 100.000 dollar.

It is Always about creating the best sound possible for every single person.

I work with the same passion for all. There is no difference in what a person pays.

I try to create the best sound possible. And what I said many times; I send my clients to other shops all the time. I do it this way for over 7 years of time now. Because I love competition.

When another shop can create a higher endresult they should go for it. I want audio as honest and open as possible.

Audio Shows need to be more open and honest for people. Distributers should work togheter instead of only using stuff which is based on political choices.

English is maybe not my first language. But people understand what I try to explain. You don't have to agree. It is just a personal opinion.

The focus is on getting a better sound for all people. This should be the focus of every single person in this business. Instead of only focusing on making as much money as possible.

If Audyssey pro would compress the sound, I would never be interested in it. If you had read more precise you would have read that I create more information with it.

It is 'new'information what is with most other pre amps not there. I have many highend people visiting me all the time. Because it is a lot of fun to share information about music and audio with other people in this business.

In the last 3 weeks I sold 3 sytems which were sold by hearing other sets of clients from me. People love the 3 dimensional sound were instruments and voices are playing fully loose and stand touchable in front of them. You understand very quick why it is convincing and good.

This sound is what music makes addictive. Because you want to hear it for hours a day. And that is primarily based on emotion.

This is based on all parts of a realistic sound and realistic proportion of instruments and voices.
When exposed to audio opinion bullying from a psuedo technical gasbag like Bo, who bases his seemingly inexorable conclusions on "16 years of selling things," it's important to not lose sight of the actual realities of great hifi sound...i.e. well designed gear set up with care. Digital room correction works as advertised to alter (compress) room bass modes, and will apply the sonic opinions of the designers on you with aplomb. You may really like the sound of this stuff! However, as a professional musician, live sound engineer, and distractingly handsome classic motorcycle aficianado, I've been doing an informal survey of serious musicians and audio freaks I work with (who don't sell gear) regarding their opinions on Room Correction Gizmos...guess what? Among those who seem to care about home audio enough to have an opinion, there is near universal agreement that "less is more." I often get the "why stick another box of wires in the signal path if your rig already sounds great?" response from nearly all these guys. The answer from "too lazy to spellcheck anything" Bo and others of the "black background, driver speed, tempo pace...etc., etc." faux technical gibberish school is that, simply, your rig BLOWS CHUNKS and can't sound great unless you embrace a specific and absolute path of zero wiggle room silliness. I say you can "Go with Bo" or just set up the gear, sit back, and enjoy some music...oh, and see more live stuff as I need the money for my motorcycle problem.
I measure at different hights and places compared to Audyssey uses it. I also use Audyssey EQ and Volume my way. The endresult is superior to what you can achieve with the Aydyssey way. I also modyfied the tripod so you can use the microphone a lot more precise.

When you compare Pioneer with Onkyo there is a huge difference in stage wide and depth. Pioneer is fully useless because it is a 2 dimensional brand.

It is unusual and a big luck that Onkyo can give a deep and wide stage. I Always test every single brand in how deep and wide a stage is. I was very surprised that Onkyo could give a deep and wide stage. I was not expecting this to be honnest.

When a brand is not able to give a deep and wide stage it Always will be useless for highend.

I said it many many times; Roomcorrection is only 1/3 th of the whole Audyssey Pro package. Many highend people went nuts wenn I could let them hear many new things of there well know favorite music.

Audyssey EQ and volume give me the freedom to create a much better articulation of voices. Without it, I cannot achieve it. It is not possible with other even extreme highend pre amps. My old Pass XP-20 could not give me this level.

Most of my clients who bought Audyssey Pro only listen to stereo. I also listen for over 80% in stereo.

I have heard many MIT/Avalon/Spectral systems in 16 years of time. I didn'nt like any of them. Different collegues at the time had the same feeling I had.

You have to hear it to believe it. Hearing is believing. And that is the only thing that counts. And this makes it a lot more easy.

I create a lot more information on the other hand, but also a much more involving sound. Because emotion in sound is the key to listen for hours and hours.

This will Always be the main goal! That is why I say: I don't sell boxes. I sell emotion. My focus is Always on the endresult. This need to be perfect.

When a part of a system of a client is not able to get he full package of what I call Total sound. I breng in parts which make them complete. So they know what they need to get the full potential.
I don't see how the physics of a speakers signal arrive time at the listening position due to improper speaker placement and poorly timed room reflections (old stereo rules) can be overcome without using digital room correction.

I experimented with my Eidolons out of position and a technician using the professional version of Audyssey room correction. The room correction clearly improved the out of position performance. It was equally clear that proper speaker positioning out preformed room correction, at least in my room. Lucky me.

The Professional Audyssey calibration did have an advantage over the Pioneer Elite MCA room correction in my Home Theater room. Fortunately, a simple adjustment of the MCA calibration program brought my HT system indistinguishably close to the Audyssey calibration. This was well worth the cost of the Professional Audyssey technical assistance as was the experiment in the two channel room.

I apologize for the Eidolon toe in question. It was a childish attempt at questioning your knowledge of the basic Avalon design principle. I'm satisfied to agree to disagree with your use of room correction in the two channel application.

Other than a brief audition in an unfamiliar environment of the then impressive Spectral/MIT/Avalon 2C3D demonstration years ago I have no practical knowledge with the MIT/Avalon relationship. I'm not one to second guess Avalons use of Cardas internal wire not to use Cardas Golden Reference speaker cable and interconnect throughout my system.