primaluna gear, avalon eidolon speakers, cardas

I just purchase some primaluna diologue 7 mono amps and their best preamp. I have some Avalon Eidolon Vision speakers to go with all this. I also have all Cardas Golden Reference interconnects and speaker cable. I don't have it all hooked up yet. Any one have an opinion on this set up.
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Showing 24 responses by bo1972

I sold Avalon for over 6 years of time. Many people say that MIT is the best combination. This is the biggest bullshit ever. We did compare different MIT cables with Audioquest cables. These were superior. Audio needs to become more open and honnest to customers. Stop telling customers bullshit stories. In the last year I did a lot of comparing with Audioquest against MIT ( I sold it for over 6 years of time)'In every single part the Audioquest cables beats the MIT cables. MIT needs to improve there cables fast or they will be far behind.
I rencently sold a Audioquest Redwood to a client with a Spectral poweramp? Who says; the MIT is a better match? You only will find out in a A-B battle. It is that simple, after comparing you know. You go for the best endresults. Why Is Audioquest better compared to MIT? Is it clear? Yesss it is. There is a lot more air around voices and instruments. Blacks are a lot better, so instruments and voices are better focussed. In the low freq. speed is better, and you hear more different layers. This has nothing to do with taste. THIS IS ALL ABOUT FACTS. What do we need; We need open and honnest tests in magazines between Audioquest and MIT in one test for example. People who work in audio should more focus on the beste quality. And not focus on what is told. At the end it is all about the results what it really does.
Cardas has a totally different caractere in sound and also in image. Cardas has much more a sharp focus of instruments and voices compared to MIT. The sound is also much more involving. The question is what is the truth? I listend in 16 years of time many times to sets with Spectral and Avalon. For me this has nothing to do with the sound and image in real. A violin for example sounds so much more clinical on Spectral with Avalon than in real. A very good friend of mine had a small concert room with a Steinway wing for 65 people. Here I learned how small instruments and voices are in proportion. This is what I call; intimate sound. I was pulled into the music cause of the small intimate sound. MIT makes it bigger in proportion. And what it does is that the connection to the music is less involving and less intimate.
When instruments and voices become big it is one of the most stuppid and ittitating things at shows. These people should listen to music in real. Audioquest is also superior in timing and even in resolution compared to MIT. In one year of time I won all battles against MIT. You would be a fool to choose for less resolution, a less sharp individual focus, less air around voices and instruments, less layers in the low freq and less control. I invite all people with MIT cables for a A-B comparison against Audioquest.......
My opinion is that Audioquest works very well with Avalon. Superior to MIT. I dislike the political stories told to customers that Avalon works the best with MIT. It had been told at many shows in the past. It is based on nothing. For me it is essential that audio needs to be more open and honnest. I want people to get the best quality for the money they spend. I have proven that MIT is by far not the best. Even with Avalon speakers ( I have sold them for over 6 years) Magazines need to stop political talks about audio. Customers deserve to get more quality for the money they have spend.
I prefer Cardas over MIT. I did not say that Cardas would not work with Avalon. Audioquest is focussed on all the different parts were you Judge a cabel for more complete compared to Cardas.

Silver is in my opinion very important for the absolute sound. I do not say you should only need silver. Silver can give you more air around voices and instruments. This is an essential part of the 3D image were I often talk about. Same about the extra decay.

Avalon is a speaker what can give a deep and wide stage. But within the stage it is not a brand who can give a very sharp individual focus. So you need cables, sources and amps to solve this. When you use MIT, you use the same properties. So at the end you still have not a sharp individual focus of instruments and voices. It is that simple. It was very easy to get Avalon to a much higher level with Audioquest cables. For the owners it was clear why it is more complete.
It is only copper. For example Monitor Audio Platinum is wired inside with pure silver. They use the best WBT connectors worth of 450 dollar.

It is not that special what they use.
In my experience Cardas works better with Avalon compared to MIT. Because they have those properties which an Avalon is not that good at. Avalon ( I sold it for over 6 years) has a wide an deep stage. But within this stage the individual focus of instruments and voices it not thar sharp. Cardas is very good at individual focus in instruments and voices. You get a better endresult.
Since I do Professional roomacoustic ajustments, the old rules are not there anymore. I can even get a stunning sound in the worst room in acoustics you can imagine.

In the time I sold Avalon. We mostly sold it with MIT. With the knowdledge today I have proven that it is the biggest bullshit on earth that it is the best match.

I have proven with new Audioquest cables that it outperforms MIT with ease!

Why? Becaue you need to understand the properties of Avalon and also from MIT. Then you understand why they are not the best match.

They both give a wide and deep stage. But they have the same weak point in sharpness and realistic proportion of instruments and voices. They both make the stage too big in proportion togheter.

What does Audioquest better with Avalon compared to MIT?

The dynamics in the low frew go deeper, better timing and you hear more layers of the lowest freq. The mid freq. are a lot more open. Voices and instruments get a far more realistic proportion. For the first time you get an intimate stage with the Avalon speakers. Instruments and voices are so much better touchable. There is more resolution in the high freq. as well and more decay ( also in the right and left corner behind the speakers). Even blacks are a lot better as well.

When people don't open there eyes or even better there ears. You still would think MIT is the best combi. It is based on f... nothing. How stuppid you can be to believe that words are the truth!

Hearing is believing, and that is why the best and most convincing sound Always will win. That is the thing I love most in audio. :)
Avalons need no or almost no toe in.

People have to open up there perspective. You Always need to get for the best sound possible. This is only possible when you try more different options.

In the past I never heard a set with Avalon and MIT what was realistic in my point of view. I have said many times to people that a violin sounds so much different in sound.

The most irritating thing is how it is projected. A voice and also instruments are so much smaller and more direct in real. I am often surprised that people don't hear the weak individual focus with Avalon and MIT. They should listen to a violin in real. Believe me it is much smaller.

When you change the MIT by Audioquest cables you enter a different world. But one which is so much more precise. Since I do the comparison between the cables I never heard a person who said the MIT is better. Or you must be f....deaf!
I measure at different hights and places compared to Audyssey uses it. I also use Audyssey EQ and Volume my way. The endresult is superior to what you can achieve with the Aydyssey way. I also modyfied the tripod so you can use the microphone a lot more precise.

When you compare Pioneer with Onkyo there is a huge difference in stage wide and depth. Pioneer is fully useless because it is a 2 dimensional brand.

It is unusual and a big luck that Onkyo can give a deep and wide stage. I Always test every single brand in how deep and wide a stage is. I was very surprised that Onkyo could give a deep and wide stage. I was not expecting this to be honnest.

When a brand is not able to give a deep and wide stage it Always will be useless for highend.

I said it many many times; Roomcorrection is only 1/3 th of the whole Audyssey Pro package. Many highend people went nuts wenn I could let them hear many new things of there well know favorite music.

Audyssey EQ and volume give me the freedom to create a much better articulation of voices. Without it, I cannot achieve it. It is not possible with other even extreme highend pre amps. My old Pass XP-20 could not give me this level.

Most of my clients who bought Audyssey Pro only listen to stereo. I also listen for over 80% in stereo.

I have heard many MIT/Avalon/Spectral systems in 16 years of time. I didn'nt like any of them. Different collegues at the time had the same feeling I had.

You have to hear it to believe it. Hearing is believing. And that is the only thing that counts. And this makes it a lot more easy.

I create a lot more information on the other hand, but also a much more involving sound. Because emotion in sound is the key to listen for hours and hours.

This will Always be the main goal! That is why I say: I don't sell boxes. I sell emotion. My focus is Always on the endresult. This need to be perfect.

When a part of a system of a client is not able to get he full package of what I call Total sound. I breng in parts which make them complete. So they know what they need to get the full potential.
Hey Wolfy,

you forget that I do audio for many different clients. I have clients with sets of less than 2000 dollar till 100.000 dollar.

It is Always about creating the best sound possible for every single person.

I work with the same passion for all. There is no difference in what a person pays.

I try to create the best sound possible. And what I said many times; I send my clients to other shops all the time. I do it this way for over 7 years of time now. Because I love competition.

When another shop can create a higher endresult they should go for it. I want audio as honest and open as possible.

Audio Shows need to be more open and honest for people. Distributers should work togheter instead of only using stuff which is based on political choices.

English is maybe not my first language. But people understand what I try to explain. You don't have to agree. It is just a personal opinion.

The focus is on getting a better sound for all people. This should be the focus of every single person in this business. Instead of only focusing on making as much money as possible.

If Audyssey pro would compress the sound, I would never be interested in it. If you had read more precise you would have read that I create more information with it.

It is 'new'information what is with most other pre amps not there. I have many highend people visiting me all the time. Because it is a lot of fun to share information about music and audio with other people in this business.

In the last 3 weeks I sold 3 sytems which were sold by hearing other sets of clients from me. People love the 3 dimensional sound were instruments and voices are playing fully loose and stand touchable in front of them. You understand very quick why it is convincing and good.

This sound is what music makes addictive. Because you want to hear it for hours a day. And that is primarily based on emotion.

This is based on all parts of a realistic sound and realistic proportion of instruments and voices.
I understand your point of view. Because I was very sceptical about roomcorrection and subwoofer use for stereo as well.

Giving demos is the key for hearing is believing. The endresults speak for them selves. That is what people make change there way of thinking.

Because when instruments and voices become extreme touchable and in full 3D and the sound is very involving you see it on the reactions of people.

My favorite hobby is music. I love live music as I love music played in full 3D at home. I buy a lot of music every week. This is the essentail part for audio.
That is why you need to understand which kind of properties each brand of cable owns.

With your amp, source, conditioner and speakers the same story.

In the past different brands in amps and sources came with spakercables. It is better for them to stick were they are good at.
Integration has to do with the response of the low freq. unit of a subwoofer. Material needs to be very light and stiff. Velodyne weakest point is there speed in response. For surround it is good, for stereo it is too slow for me. I have proven this in a few tests.

I could not achieve the stealth integration I want and did achieve with the PLW-15 from Monitor Audio. There response and timing is better cause of the combination of carbon and alluminium. This is something I can easily demonstrate to many highend people as I did.

With Audyssey Pro I could achieve also the dynamics and energy coming from the place were the low freq. are on the recording. With Velodyne it is more coming from the sub it self instead of the location were it needs to be.
Tara Labs has also a sharp individual focus of instruments and voices. This means you get a more realistic proportion of instruments and voices.

I sold Avalon for over 6 years of time. I never understood why people buy it with MIT. Because the individual focus within the wide and deep stage never will give an intimate image. I also sold MIT for over 6 years of time.

People should listen to acoustic instruments in real. After this listen to Avalon and MIT and you will understand what is missing.
Hearing is believing, that is why the most convincing sound Always will win.

You need to keep it simple and clear!
The reason why I use the words in a sarcasm way is because in 16 years of time I have seen to often how poor people are advised in audio. When I can let other people hear a more convincing and higher quality in sound it is up to them who also work in this profession to show they can do a better job.

It is pathetic how many people don't get the quality they could have gotten. Only if they would have been better advised. If 'those' with 'more'experience and knowledge can give people a higher level in audio......just show it.

I like a fair game in audio. All people who do it as a profession can show there clienst what they can give to them.

One last thing I can tell you; I am taking audio very serious, and no I never will give up. I love competing and creating the best sound. All other people have the same chances that I have. So use them!

What I say in words I can do exactly the same in sound. Then people know that it is the truth. And this is how I work. Hearing is believing, and that it the truth!

When I would not be 100% sure about my words I would never written them. Because then it would be pathetic, and I would be just as stuppid as those who work in audio and sell average or even poor quality.
It never will be about me, that is only what others make from it. I want music as intimate and pure as possible.

What I do is creating a 3 dimensional sound and that all parts of a recoding become loose from eachother. This connects people closer to the music they love.

Audio should be more focused on music and emotion. That makes audio more desirable.

The way I sell audio make people want to listen for hours a day. Many systems are not concincing enough to be liked for a long period. There is a reason why people don't like it enough after some time?

When an audio system plays in full 3D you see a much bigger smile on the faces of people. To create a higher level of blacks makes instruments and voices come alive. Creating a better articulation of voices let people hear new information of the music they thought they knew well. Creating more flavors in the overwhole sound give instruments the sound they own in real.

I am happy for Woolfy that he loves his 'fast' Rel subwoofer. He has his own opinion about audio, I think differently. We life in a free world.
Andrew Geoffrey Kaufman, I don't know him. Our humor is a lot different compared to humor in the US. It is a lot harder and a lot more on the sarcasm side. When a joke is made in the US, you would laugh, but we would look at eachother and say; we don't think it is funny. I love the Tonight Show. But there is still a big difference compared to here in the Netherlands.

I have a different approach compared to many other people overhere. I still test a lot and Always look for new stuff. I am only interested in the best stuff. That works very effective. Same about 3d sound. You give a demo and ask people to compare it in the same price tag at other shops. Often they come back laughing. They understand the difference is huge. Going back to 2d sound is going back to a much lower level. Sound sells. I only tell what 3D sound makes different. The demo does the work. And that is why the best and most convincing sound sells.

I love comparing, like I love 'battles'in audio. This way is what audio makes so much fun. By selecting the best tools it is so much easier to compete.

A surround specialist in our country said about my system: You have gold in your hands. This is the first time I heard a fully integration of a subwoofer. He closed his eyes and said; your are right the energy is comming from were it is recorded. He is a distributer for: Wadia, Audioresearch, Wilson, Sonus Faber, Transparent, Ayre and even more. He has visited many shows also in the US.

It is a pitty I live on the other side of the world. Then you could hear were I am talking about all the time.

Audio is not about words, but about sound. I sell 3D sound. My focus is on the endresult of every single system. I Always want to create the best sound for the money. I am a very focused person. Focusing on one thing makes it a lot stronger and convincing than when you spread your energy.
Macrojack you speak for me and you don't even know me. If you could only achieve 50% of the level in sound quality I create you would be happy.

I compete even to many highend shops. I would not have been so succesful when it would not be that concincing. In my country there are a few jaleous people as well. I really don't And you 'know why? Because they don't achieve the level I did achieve at the same show. They were not the absolute sound.

I don't have to proof myself anymore in this business. I have done that many times. Sound sells, and that is how I work. Most of my competitors did not do as many tests as I did. Or are not testing new systems as I do. When you are a perfectionist you never stop testing. I Always want to win, and yessss for some people it is f....irritating. They have the same chanches as I have. It is there responsibility to achieve the same level. I know that it is not possible anymore. Because I put so much more afford in testing for a long long time. They cannot catch up with the knowledge and insight I have. I Always can see 3-4 steps further than they can. This is what I use to the maximum. That is how I beat them. But I still hope they will improve there skills as well. Because I think many people deserve a better endresult in sound. Things can be easy, and that't is why I keep it simple!
Because you make it personal, so there is no focus on the thread anymore. People are right that we fail because it has nothing to do with the thread.

Woodworker is new overhere I think. He did not respond once on his own thread. We didn't help him good enough.

I would ask to him how he discribes his overwhole sound. What does he like and what he would like to change?

Woodwoker uses tube amps for his Eidolon vision. The Eidolon is not an easy speaker to control. I sold Avalon for over 6 years of time. I and many of my collegues as well preferred Avalon with tubes. Because the sound was more involving. The low freq were better with solid state amps like Classe ( what was the brand which we sold the most with Avalon) The mid freq. were less musical compared to tubes. I did not like classical music with Classe at all.

The Cardas Golden reference is on the warm side and with the Primaluna sound I think a little too much. I would choose for different cable.

I also think Pass labs is a better combination. You get a superior timing and a lot more control and grip. And with the class A you still get a very musical mid freq. The extra timing wil let you hear things of a recoding which you didn't hear with tubes.

The new Audioquest loudspeakercabels would be an option to work more precise compared to the Cardas Golden reference. Better timing, and more control in the low freq. The Audioquest loudspeakercables and also there interconnects are stunning in giving the best blacks. This make instruments and also voices a lot more palpable. It gives a much sharper individual focus of instruments and voices. You also hear more space around instruments and voices. This gives you in combination with the stunning blacks a more 3 dimensional image.

I also think Pass labs is a better combination compared to the Priumaluna. You get a superior timing and a lot more control and grip. And with the class A you still get a very musical mid freq. The extra timing wil let you hear things of a recoding which you didn't hear with tubes.
hahahahaha...In the past I did cycle a lot. Don't forget I come from The Netherlands. There is no country in the world with so many bicycles. I have two.

Even changing the place of your speakers with a few cm makes a big difference on the acoustics. In the past I did it a lot at clients there house. First I did listen for about 25 min with there music. After this I used my own music and changed the speakers ( to get a better balance with the low freq in the room. And I measured the speakers at mm percision. And giving the instruments the right proportion). I cost me about 20 min. After this I Always asked the client to play the same music he just played. That they often had a big smile. And I said; and this is just for free. And then I started with cables. Convicing makes it so much easier to win thrust. Audio can be very simple!
In the past I sold Rel subwoofer like Stadium with Avalon loudspeakers. These days there are different standards. Rel make still fine subwoofers, but they are not the fastest in response.

I would choose blind for a sealed subwoofer. I also prefer units in front of the subwoofer.