Responses from reynolds853
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard? Top three for me: - Jeff Beck who opened for Carlos Santana. - Grand Funk Railroad, but I don't recall for whom they opened. - Dave Mason who opened for Leon Russell. | |
what is more popular silver or black face plates I've had systems that were both although I've had black more often. My current main system, which I believe will be my forever system, is black with the exception of the isolation transformer which was a carryover from previous system configurati... | |
System assessment... @larseand I get all of my equipment from Quintessence Audio in Morton Grove (Chicago). I like them a lot and give them my highest recommendation. If you give them a call I’m sure they would be happy to help and if on the phone you decide what eq... | |
Isolation transformer question @clustrocasual I’ve used Bryston/Torus isolation transformers for over a decade. The ones I use are listed in my virtual systems. My experience with them: lower noise floor; I prefer the soundstage structure; the system dynamics are excellent. In ... | |
I listened to a pair of Audio Research Reference 330Ms @yesiam_a_pirate Congratulations on getting a pair on order. As @koestner mentioned, I also heard them in an in-store demo about six weeks ago and was very impressed. | |
Fo Audio Research Ref 10 owners, Best Amp? @roxy1927 I run my Ref 160 S with the cage removed and the fan on the low setting. The only time I ever notice the fan is at the end of a listening session when I am standing in front of the amp about to turn it off, and even then I only notice i... | |
Fo Audio Research Ref 10 owners, Best Amp? I use the Ref 10 with the Ref 160 S amplifier and like the pairing a lot. However, I recently heard the Ref 10 with the new Ref 330 monoblocks and it was sublime. | |
Problem: DAC or streamer San Francisco east bay help @bander I have an Innuos streamer that is connected to an integrated amp with a built-in DAC. The connection is via a USB cable. If you haven’t already tried this, after power cycling the Innous, unplug the USB cable from the DAC and after a few... | |
if you had this system, what would you do to make it sound the best you can @markley Years ago, in one of my previous systems, I used a Panamax power conditioner but eventually switched to an isolation transformer. The isolation transformer dropped the noise floor of the system precipitously and its benefit was immediatel... | |
Suggestions on Ethernet cables for Accuphase digital separates.. @garebear My systems are not the same as yours but I hope you will find this reply useful nonetheless. I have an Innuos streamer into which I use a Transparent Cable ethernet cable. The Innuos is in turn connected to an Accuphase E-800 integrated ... | |
The best speaker cables you’ve had Kubala-Sosna Realization, which I own, and they are perhaps the most natural sounding I have heard. | |
Kimber Cable Select @farne230 Sounds like you are assembling a nice system that I trust you will enjoy for a long time. I don’t have any experience with AudioQuest wire but can attest from my experience that the KS6063 and KS1116 wire you are considering are quite go... | |
What process do you use to purchase cables? For me the process in which I have the most confidence is to work with my dealer and audition various cables. If I did not have access to a dealer with good cables from which to choose I would take advantage of The Cable Company loaner program. ... | |
Kubala-Sosna Cables..... I don't get it ????? @jafant I guess I am pretty late to the Kubala-Sosna party, but this past July I switched the speaker cables and interconnects in my system to that brand and am quite pleased. I auditioned the Emotion, Sensation, Elation! and Realization lines, e... | |
What do audiophiles want from a cable? I agree jmcgrogan2 in that I go for what sounds good to me. It's all part of what I call voicing my system, an exercise that has included not only the cabling but also the speaker crossover components, the tubes used in the preamp & amp, the p... |